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Beside the angel ship, a huge whale-shaped star beast is 鈥榞entle鈥?rubbing against the ship. Under its neck and abdomen, there are many flower-like patterns, which are extremely recognizable.

It鈥檚 not who the star beast can be.

The reason why it came into close contact with the ship was that it smelled Song Ren.

How can Xiaohua be here, isn’t it staying with Xiaohuang beside Heihuang?

There are also small flowers, until now is Xiaoxi鈥檚 flying mount. When she and Xiaoxi walked before, they were sent to the periphery of a certain plane, either shrink or stay on the periphery, not close contact The plane or the real world.

This road went to the real world of the Tibetan dragon. Nowadays, the big brothers gather there, but the little flowers wander around here…

The ship was opened and Song Ren flew out. As expected, Xiaohua swung her tail over. Because it was too big, it slowly became the original mini type and came over to Song Ren.

Old Drunkard and Xuan Chen of the ship鈥檚 hatch looked at this scene inconceivably.

Song Ren reached out to touch Xiaohua鈥檚 smooth head, a bit like a dolphin.

“Xiaohua, why are you here, it would be terrible if others found you!” When I went from the Jiuyuan Plane to the Eighth Level Plane Plane, I met a dozen of Dayan Immortal Sect halfway. Manipulate the author of Deity’s Emperor’s Composition, round up the small flowers.

Xiaohua, as Xiaoxi鈥檚 former mount, is still quite famous.

It also just woke up from dormancy, and those people were not sure, but just tried it, and then was rescued by Xiao Xi and hid in the cabin.

All influences are now heading to the real world of the Tibetan Dragon. This place is only ten days away from Dragon Race. This is too dangerous. How dare you wander in this area.

Xiaohua was very intimate with Song Ren, and then 鈥榤oo鈥?yelled, using her head to indicate the direction of the ship鈥檚 direction, wagging her tail, waiting.

Song Ren’s face is getting darker and darker, and in the end, it becomes iron blue.

Looking at the direction of the Dragon Realm pointed by Xiaohua, the quacks in both hands clasped.

Little flower, in Dragon Race!

In a flash, everything seemed clear.

Lei Wou-ki’s attitude towards him has changed dramatically.

White Tiger real people come to help.

Bring yourself away, and now you are deliberately delaying your return.

The fourth Dragon Vein they want to support.


All in all, Song Ren finally wanted to understand.

“Xiaohua, don’t stay here, go deeper, hide it, I’ll go if I have anything else!” Song Ren comforted pats Xiaohua, and then suddenly turned around to find the angel chasing.

“I want you to speed up the ship and rush to the real world of the Tibetan Dragon in five days!” Song Ren looked at the ancestral Realm’s high-level guardian angel, his voice was cold, and there was no previous enthusiasm.

The angel shook his head and said: “Impossible, there are many planes in the starry sky. We have to monitor for any sudden dangers along the way, such as meteorites, starbursts, black holes, starry sky storms, etc. , In the face of sudden danger, it will not be dealt with in time…”


Song Ren directly interrupted the angel chase, and then came straight to Teacher and Xuan Chen.

“Teacher, Uncle Chen, you follow them slowly, I will take a step first.”

Old Drunkard looked at Song Ren, facial expression grave: “What the hell happened?”

Song Ren’s eyes are a little red, more angry: “Remember I told you something small?”

“Remember,” Xiao Xi is a Dragon Race thing. Old Drunkard knows, but has kept Song Ren secret.

“The angels cheated on me, Xiaoxi is in Dragon Race at the moment, the fourth force is her, so they have been delaying me to Dragon Race, Uriel has lied to me, she promised not to let me Xiaoxi is involved, and now she is not only involved, but I don鈥檛 want to let me know that she doesn鈥檛 hurt Xiaoxi at all, just using her,鈥?Song Ren almost gnashing teeth said.

Old Drunkard was silent, Xuan Chen stopped talking, and soon slapped Song Ren on the shoulder.

“You want to rush ahead and try your best to stop, how can we continue to stay on this ship, although the speed is a bit slower, but you can still catch up with you, after all, when we were tracking down the seventeen people, It’s more than just hurrying up in the stars, let’s go!” Old Drunkard said.

Song Ren nodded: “many thanks Teacher!”

On the one hand, the group of angels lied to him, and he had to continue to keep Teacher and Xuan on this angel ship that betrayed him. The contradiction is hard to explain.

But Old Drunkard chose to leave with him and had to say that Old Drunkard understood.

“Okay, let’s go together!” Song Ren finished, glancing at the ten angels coldly, and left the ship with Old Drunkard and Xuan Chen, and flew towards the starry sky.

Several angels looked at each other, but said nothing, but speeded up the boat a little bit and followed behind them.

Because of this situation, the Angel King has anticipated it in advance, or that the past few days are not too bad, because the preparations are ready.

Dragon Race welcomed him at the same time as Xiao Xi played.

This preparation is unprecedentedly sufficient, but it is also bound to be a great shock.

Song Ren waited for five days in a row in the starry sky, the first thing that could not persevere was Xuan Chen, and then it was the turn of Old Drunkard.

Song Ren glanced at the angel ship that always followed behind them, clenched the teeth, roared directly, and a huge thunder dragon phantom came out, directly supporting Old Drunkard and Xuan Chen, preparing to go, very Quickly, in the front position, one after another Dragon Roar seemed to respond in general. Then, three dragon ships of different colors came quickly to this side.

Soon, many people jumped out of this boat.

“I have seen the emperor!”

Song Ren, the costumes of these dragons, knew the people of Yulong, Bone Dragon and Huanglong.

Song Ren went straight forward: “Send me back to Dragon Race!”

After speaking, he held Old Drunkard and Xuan Chen, picked a boat at random, and boarded.

When the dragons of the Yulong family saw this, they glanced at the other two clansman, then boarded the boat and sent a message back to their patriarch.

銆怲he emperor has received it and will be able to return within five days! 銆?/p>

The three dragon ships looked at the angel ship in the rear, and they could see that the emperor seemed to be in conflict with them. This was good news, and they were sent back together.

With the passage of time, five days passed by, and the dragon boat slowly approached the entrance to the Dragon Race, and then entered, heading towards the Dragon Race side.

Long clansman, who has gotten the news, has started live broadcasting an hour ago, and many people are waiting for this moment.

The dragon boat stopped, Song Ren and Old Drunkard, Xuan Chen headed towards the Dragon Race at the fastest speed, followed by the dragon of the three veins, but Song Ren’s face was green, and he didn’t seem to notice, followed behind him The old Drunkard and Xuan Chen slowly moved away from him, and then flew to the other side.

Because of the next moment, Song Ren will be the most dazzling protagonist.

bang bang bang!

When I first arrived at Dragon Race, one after another fireworks soared into the sky, the whole sky, thunder drums continued, resounded throughout the real world.

A huge golden Divine Dragon exudes terrifying dragon power, extending the huge dragon head from the clouds…

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