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This huge golden Divine Dragon is full of terrifying Tianwei, and even many dragon clansman have not seen it.

Dong dong dong!

Everywhere in the real world of the Tibetan Dragon, everyone can hear the deafening thunder drum sound.

When many people were watching the live broadcast excitedly, lifts the head, looking at the position above his head, there was an illusory thunder drum ringing.

In the rumored Thunder Pool, the Thunder Pool’s Thunder Spirit actually invited it out. This Thunder is extremely good.

At the moment, the other eleven real worlds watching the same way, looking at the golden Divine Dragon that exudes dragon power, but also contains a different terrifying aura, burst into admiration.

Is this the spirit that already has the prototype of Divine Spark?

The Dragon Race three-pronged man behind him has already been disappeared, leaving only Song Ren in the empty area.

Thunder and drums roar, the only protagonist is him.

This is the welcome ceremony of the emperor.

Song Ren didn’t see the Teacher, didn’t see Xuan Chen, just stood there, a lonely feeling of loneliness.

Is this the price to pay for growth?

There are too many people to watch the Dragon Race, and they can’t fly indiscriminately. For unity and image, they have air control. Therefore, like the Celestial Demon, the real world has different projections in different places. The screen allows everyone to see this spectacular scene.

Song Ren watched the people watching in the distance open the visualization panel to record himself. Twelve real people in the vicinity cast envious eyes on him.

Song Ren looked at it a little bit, until his gaze stayed beside Gal, Tia and…Uriel.

Song Ren’s face was so blue that she came.

Uriel greeted Song Ren’s gaze and gave him an apologetic smile.

Song Ren’s feet moved and wanted to ask what happened in the past. Suddenly, Wan Lei drum stopped, and the huge golden Divine Dragon also withdrew his head from the clouds, and the sound of a pleasant reading sounded at this moment.

“Heaven and Earth is inhumane, with everything as a dog,” a team dressed in formal attire, with a tender antler-like dragon horn on their foreheads, boys and girls, and two hands as a teacher’s salute. The immature voice is less than one meter. It can be seen that their average height is that they are a group of Dragon Race children, and this costume should be the Rain Dragon family.

The sound they all heard is from the classic quotations of Song Ren’s first book “Zhu Xian”.

“The gods chant, immortal music, and the gods gather in nine days; Li Guixiao, Resentful Soul howl, and the ghosts around the ninth ghost; millions and millions of creatures bow down to the army, and millions of Fiendgod are willing to be generals!” Another team of nearly a thousand boys and girls walked out, reciting the words in Song Ren’s second book “Tomb of Gods”.

Looking at them red, it looks like a formal dress for rituals. This is a group of boys and girls from the Fire Dragon family.

“Beiliang has millions of households, how many iron clothes are covered with dried bones? The name is paid to the wine and a pot, how many emperors Royal General is holding back the soil?” Song Ren’s third Emperor’s Composition “Snowy Path of the Heroic Blade”.

“I have a jug of wine, enough to comfort the wind and the dust. Pour all the rivers and seas and give a drink to the world.”

“Ten thousands of autumn into the sea, and the yellow hair grows long and sad. A dream is thousands of years, and the Immortal Path is rough.”

“Birth is a master, death is also a ghost, my cultivator, why a battle!”


Teams of teenagers walked out one by one, listening to their naive voices and recite these different charms, but it surprised everyone.

Not bad.

Everyone says that education starts from the dolls. All Dragon Veins in Dragon Race, small dragons who are nearly thousand thousand, come out in different costumes and meet Song Ren. In addition to being fresh, there is also a signal that is the emperor. It’s their’Teacher’.

Be aware that there are very few authors in the Dragon Race family. These authors of Emperor’s Composition are all subordinate planes. This tradition has continued for hundreds of years, but now, for Song Ren, they are willing to break this. One tradition, began to learn writing.

It can be seen that Dragon Race values ​​and respects the emperor.

First, the Golden Dragon in the Thunder Pool, and now the next generation of Dragon Race. With the opening speech alone, it has surpassed the Celestial Demon Phoenix Realm.

More than 800,000 Emperor’s Composition authors are waiting to attend the class.

Song Ren looked at the thousand thousand boys and girls who bowed to him and bowed to him.

After all, children are innocent.

But before waiting for Dragon Race’s next preparations, Eight Talisman Gate at the foot of Song Ren moved towards the angels.

No longer stop, let Xiao Xi show up, all the previous efforts will be in vain, and Xiao Xi will also be in great danger.

Many people are puzzled, and the camera turns around.

What’s wrong with the emperor?

Until I saw Song Ren falling in the angelic clan, many guarding angels stopped.

They even stopped the emperor?

The patriarch of Yulong and Bone Dragon are preparing to direct the subsequent welcoming ceremony.

The news came back from a long time ago that the emperor and the angelic family seemed to be very unhappy. They walked without even sitting on the ship. Now they look like this, really.

What happened between them?

Wait, is that Prison Angel Uriel?

What’s going on, I haven’t heard from her.

Aren’t the angels only Seraphim Tiya and the cold angel Gal?

Feather Dragon patriarch The feather feathers and Bone Dragon patriarch met each other in Kunsang. As the king of the world, they came and came, why should they be sneaky?

People of all planes watched the live broadcast and watched Song Ren give up to meet the ceremony and confront the angels.

Yeah, the angels seem to be the first real world to forcibly take away the emperor, is it to calculate the old accounts?

Many people immediately guessed, and welcome the ceremony. It doesn’t matter if you look at it, gossip is what they want to know.

Song Ren was stopped by several high-level angels, and his cold eyes locked on the three angel kings.

“What the hell do you want to do?” Song Ren lowered his voice and squeezed out of his teeth.

The other two kings of angels stopped talking, and Uriel looked at Song Ren: “I know you are to protect her, but you can’t do it, only she can help you.”

“I don’t want her to help, Uriel, don’t let her come out, please, I can do my own thing,” next Ren, Song Ren served softly.

He has never given softness to anyone in his life. This is the first time he has served softness to a woman.

Uriel looked at Song Ren and shook the head: “This is actually her own idea. She has lost her loved ones and can’t lose the second one. You just want to protect her under the wing, but don’t think After that, she wanted to go out and be a big tree where you can rest.”

“You are selfish,” Song Ren is no longer able to bear, almost roaring.

“I’m selfish, but I’ve stood here, standing behind her, letting her in front of the worlds, dignified is getting back her own things, this is no longer to help you, but It is to help the whole Dragon Race again.

She only has this opportunity, in front of all the people who have been behind the scenes, come back again, Song Ren, if for her good, stand on her side, you know, she hopes to be happy to help you do it Thing, not you stop her. “Uriel is also indignant.

For a while, everyone was puzzled by the dumb mystery of the two.

What are they talking about?

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