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Song Ren chose to take the Black King to leave this black forest, because he doesn’t believe anyone, anywhere, including the stone tablet in front of him.

What if it is a trap.

On the contrary, the Black Emperor looked at the jungle with nostalgia, and then followed Song Ren away.

Three days later, the original earth-yellow sky suddenly became a little darker, the clouds were very suppressed, and there was endless roar inside, as if something was brewing in it.

God, it seems that night is really coming after it has been lit for so long.

Until another day passed, two figures rushed over from a distance, who else could be Song Ren and the Black Emperor.

At this time, the sky was already very dark.

The Black Emperor shook his paws and came to the stone tablet, then looked towards Song Ren, as if to say.

Damn, it smells so good!

Song Ren’s face was a little uncontrollable, and he gave a dry cough: “Um, didn’t I find another hiding place? Since you said it’s safe here, I’m here based on your trust. You understand. Lead the way ahead.”

The Black Emperor rolled his eyes, then twisted his butt and walked into the black forest.

Song Ren looked all around. In the dark night, there was a faintly discernible chewing sound. Song Ren swallowed and hurriedly followed along.

Entering the jungle, the faint blue mist still flows slowly, and the blackened dead wood is like a chaotic grave, until the black emperor comes to a coffin beside a coffin.

The coffin was dug out from the black wood here. It’s very simple, but it’s the same thing.

A gap was opened in the coffin cover, and it seemed that the Black Emperor had crawled out of it.

Song Ren approached and found that there was a dead bone in the coffin, the size of a normal person.

But strangely, his bones are like a glass body.

“Is it really the bones of this man named Chen Huan? What happened after half-step Divine Spark?”

Song Ren began to believe a little. After all, the silent night he said was coming, and he could feel that there was something terrifying in the night.

Unconsciously, the night became darker and darker, Song Ren’s back suddenly cooled, and the Black Emperor swiped into the coffin.

Song Ren went in quickly, extend the hand and pulled the lid.

Through the gap, Song Ren looked towards the outside, in the dark, rustling, crawling like a snake.

Song Ren’s eyebrow pupils moved, only vaguely seen, in the pitch black night, there are countless silhouettes wrapped in shrouds walking blankly.

They are large and small, complete and incomplete.

Feeling the breath of these zombie-like things, Song Ren swallowed.

It’s horrible.

Until I saw them, they suddenly bite and killed each other and swallowed each other, and Song Ren’s scalp numb.


next moment, a pair of eyes suddenly stuck to the crack of the coffin, and Bingblue’s eyes stared at Song Ren like this, making Song Ren retreat suddenly in shock, but in a blink of an eye he thought of Chen Huan’s instructions. He covered his mouth for fear of making a noise.

Sure enough, it seemed that it couldn’t see Song Ren. It just moved its nose, and a wisp of deadly breath permeated from the coffin, and it left.

Song Ren let out a long relaxed breath. As for the Black Emperor trembling with fear, Song Ren sent it directly into Secret Realm.

First, let him feel at ease, and second, your figure is too big and takes up space.

Chen Huan said on the stone tablet that this silent night is two months.

one after another The complex rune circulates throughout the coffin. Although it looks vague and lacks energy, it is enough for the next two months.

It seems that Chen Huan did not lie to me.

That means that his other words are also true.

Tanglin Universe.

The 47th emperor.

Has been here for more than two thousand years.

What are the six of them doing?

Where is the so-called Foreign Domain battlefield?

If you and the others are Outsiders, but these weird and weird natives are too powerful.

“many thanks Brother Chen, your life-saving grace, Song Ren will not pay for it. If he can go back, he will definitely bring your bones to the universe where you are,” Song Ren took his bones into Secret Realm. Among.

Only inanimate things can be stored there, and now in such a place, even if you go in, you can only be rejected after a while, let alone anything else.

If there is something tricky, the answer will be revealed soon.

After putting Chen Huan’s dry bones in, and waiting for the little one hour, Song Ren was still relieved.

He really has been dead for a long time.

But soon Divine Consciousness entered Secret Realm and asked the Black King not to eat bones before coming out.

While free, he was in the dark night, listening to the sound of footsteps outside and the sound of bone chewing, and started to slowly sort out everything during this time.

It can be seen from the long journey that this Foreign Domain battlefield is very big, and he has no reason to be divided on a different battlefield with the other eight emperors.

It can only be said that they are on the same land under their feet, but they are too far together and haven’t been touched yet.

In addition, in addition to their nine emperors, there are other emperors, and they have been longer, some are dead, some may still be alive.

After all, in the real world, there are many people who live for four 50,000 years, and as the emperor, which one is not an outstanding person.

Furthermore, it was only 2000 years.

But I want to live here, but it’s a thousand times more difficult than the real world.

The various creatures in this area are beyond your imagination.

If I didn’t meet Chen Huan’s tombstone, if I met darkness, I might as well walk around.

There are many crises that you can’t imagine.

I don’t know why the emperor and the others sent themselves and the others to this place.

Send to death?

Listening to the sound outside the coffin, Song Ren slowly closed his eyes.

This will be a long process, but after this time, according to Cheng Huan, the next time is three years later, he has a long time not to worry.

Time flies so quietly. After experiencing 1 month later, Song Ren’s soul trembled by the cold air around him, and he quickly took out the Nine Sun Evil Bead from the ring and put it on his neck.

This was prepared by Fifth Continent for him and Su Tang. It can ward off evil spirits, prevent evil spirits, drive away cold, and remove filth.

Speaking of Su Tang, I don’t know how she is now.

I said that I would support together, didn’t expect even a silhouette, and the danger he encountered was beyond his imagination.

Until 1 month later, there was light gradually outside, and the night slowly receded. Song Ren cautiously crawled out of the coffin, twisting his sore muscles and looking at the earth-yellow sky.

For the first time, I think this color is so beautiful.

“en?” At this moment, on top of Song Rentou, a rays of light flashed past.

“This is… the other emperor!” When he saw the shadow, Song Ren was immediately happy. He was not alone.

I was about to say hello, but when I saw countless fiery-red mosquitoes behind him hiding the sky and covering the earth, like a calf, I immediately got into the coffin.

“Can’t see me, can’t see me—”

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