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Song Ren feels a little sad.

I swayed cautiously for two months in this unpopulated place. Although the breakthrough of the cultivation base has reached the ancestral realm, it is lonely.

I haven’t heard anything yet, but I encountered a dark night again, and stayed motionless in the coffin for two months.

Four months before and after, I finally met someone else, but they didn’t say hello, but they were targeted.

What can I do, I can only pray for him to escape this disaster.

If you are caught up, even if summon produces ten Deity, it is estimated that you will be sucked to death by those mosquitoes.

Song Ren waited until the swarm of mosquitoes disappeared like locusts, then crawled out of the coffin again, and conveniently put the coffin in, letting the bones of the emperor Chen Huan be placed inside.

Mainly he was worried that the black emperor chewed other people’s bones, so beautiful, like a crystal.

After all, it’s a powerhouse in the Divine Spark environment.

After releasing the Black Emperor and asking him to help him find the way, Song Ren continued to move forward.

Until 1 month later, after being bored, Song Ren suffered a serious injury, three minor injuries, and dispatched Deity Li Chungang, Deity Su Ming, and Deity Tigers before and after. Peak’s two-headed man took the yellow crystal and absorbed it.

He finally reached the Middle-Stage of the ancestral realm through the breakthrough, which was the same as the realm of Sutang.

But I want to come, if Su Tang is alive, it is estimated that the cultivation base will be in the late stage or Great Perfection.

Standing on the dark ground, Song Ren’s face is still a little pale. A two-headed person from the ancestral realm Peak that I have encountered for more than ten days, if not for his quick reaction and many means, it is estimated that they would have already turned into them. Feces.

Coughing lightly again, Song Ren clutched his hot chest, looking towards the front with blurred eyes.

In front of him, there is a red desert, boundless, like blood pouring.

The Black Emperor ran happily on the soft and warm desert, Song Ren took out the kettle, took a sip, and then looked down at the desert under his feet.

Can’t help but smile wryly.

Because the mark left by the dog’s paw where the Black Emperor ran past, disappeared at a speed visible to naked eye.

This guy, if he gets lost in it, it’s probably impossible to figure it out.

Moreover, the more toxic snakes, scorpions and other things are easy to hide in this sand.

“Black Emperor, come out, let’s go around!” Song Ren decided not to set foot on this desert.

If the water resources are not adequately prepared, they may die of thirst inside, or encounter a mirage, etc., but no one can save them.

The Black Emperor reluctantly withdrew from the red desert, then shook his body and stuck his tongue out.

And Song Ren is going to walk along the edge of the desert to see if he can pass.

He extends the hand, and in the palm of his hand, a light cluster condensed by spirit strength slowly appears.

Different from the past, now his spirit strength is no longer snow-white, but white with yellow, and exudes a cold breath.

This was also discovered by Song Ren three days ago. When his incarnation Deity dealt with a two-headed man, his moves and spirit strength had that Yin Fiend Qi.

This made him startled, and he wouldn’t be assimilated.

He knows that the reason for this is that the crystals are absorbed to make this change.

This made him very scared, afraid that he would one day become the same kind of these two-headed people.

However, from the Early-Stage of the Half Ancestral Realm to the Middle-Stage of the Ancestral Realm, if it is placed on the side of the universe, it may take several thousand years, over 10,000 years, to reach it.

Now, he has only used it for a few months.

The moment of absorbing the crystal is very beautiful and enjoyable, just like an addiction.

Song Ren asked himself, if there are two two-headed crystals placed in front of him now, can he really resist absorption?

Who doesn’t want to be a powerhouse?

Who doesn’t want to have an extra life guarantee in a place where there are so many crises.

Song Ren frowned. Just after walking two steps, the Black Emperor suddenly cried out.

Song Ren accepted the spirit strength and left it alone for now, then looked towards the Black Emperor.

“What’s wrong?”

But the Black Emperor just barked at the desert, then suddenly rushed in.

“What are you doing?”

Song Ren yelled, but the black emperor had disappeared.

Song Ren clenched the teeth and got in too.

“Only on the edge, never going deep, it is impossible to take the Black Emperor into Secret Realm,” Song Ren secretly made up his mind, and then followed the Black Emperor.

Only a distance of less than 2000 metres, the Black Emperor suddenly squatted down, and Song Ren also followed a sand dune, looking forward, his face suddenly changed.

In front of it, there are no less than a hundred huge stone monsters.

They are in human form, and their power is inexhaustible, constantly attacking the people in the center.

In the center, there are three humanoid Deity resisters desperately.

But it can be seen that the three Deities are controlled by one person, but they have reached a critical point, and I don’t know how long they have been fighting.

One of Deity was shaken and weakened.

Song Ren felt excited. After so long, I finally met the emperors of other universes.

I don’t know if it is the old brand or the newcomer like him this time.


Three huge Deity constantly strikes stone monsters. The cultivation base of these stone people is half-ancestral and ancestral, but the strange thing is that every time Deity of the ancestral peak smashes a stone monster, they use this The red desert has recovered again.

Song Ren observed for a long time and concluded that their power actually comes from these deserts.

Like the Lord of the Earth, as long as you leave the desert and kill it on the black land, it is estimated that it is impossible to recover.

In other words, the recovery process will slow down.

Just as Song Ren was thinking about how to remind the emperor, a magnificent voice suddenly came from Deity’s mouth.

“Hello, I am Su Tang from Universe 8. I don’t know where your Excellency is from. Can you help me? I’ve been fighting with these stone men for more than a month. I really… , I…I have a gift from myself,” Su Tang’s weak voice came.

Song Ren was taken aback by this, and soon became overjoyed.

I couldn’t find it after searching for so long, but I ran into it.

Could it be that the Black King had smelled it before, so he jumped in.

“Black Emperor, do you remember the road?” Song Ren asked.

The black emperor’s nose shrugged, and then nodded.

Here is not too far from the edge, after all, he has only gone deep into 2000 metres.

After getting the confirmation, Song Ren flew up and loudly shouted: “Su Tang, it’s Song Ren, come with me!”

After speaking, the Black Emperor ran on the ground, and Song Ren pointed the way in the sky.

Su Tong is overjoyed. He didn’t expect to meet Song Ren unexpectedly. The three Deitys immediately became one, and they chased after him in strides.

Thank God!

Looking at Song Ren’s back, Su Tang wanted to cry at this moment.

Until soon she reached the edge of the desert. She fled all the way from the desert for a month, thinking it was boundless and wanted to trap her in it.

Didn’t expect, after she had lost hope, she realized that she had actually reached the edge.

Sure enough, the stone monsters did not rush out, and quietly retreated like fish looking at the land.

The tired Su Tang turned into a white light and fell down, watching Song Ren who was smiling at her and talking happily without knowing what to say. He collapsed in his arms and fainted…

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