
You can search “From Wenchao Gong to the mainland superstar Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Su Tang feels so tired, an unprecedented, soul-bound tiredness.

She used to grow flowers in a greenhouse. Since showing her innate talent in writing, the clan has spent a lot of money to hire many different types of Teachers.

From the previous Sage’s Composition to the last Emperor’s Composition author, she was sincerely called Teacher, no fewer than a hundred people.

Perhaps after a hundred schools of thought, let her merge into her own Sect, writing smoothly all the way, until Emperor’s Composition and astronomy were born.

At a young age, she did not experience any winds and waves. She stood on the finish line and was admired by countless people. She could go to the Twelve Realms at will, so that she was finally boring.

She began to expect more mysterious places, and longed that Song Ren could take her away, even if she went deep into the battlefield of the emperor of Foreign Domain, she was excited.

But when I actually got here, it took just five months, but it was as long as a lifetime.

She is almost on the verge of collapse of the temperament.

Quiet loneliness, escape from life and death, alert anytime, anywhere, seriously injured and dying.

Continuously in the dark night a while ago, she had three humanoid Deity permanently dissipated, and she was able to live as muddleheaded now.

Stumbled into the desert, and it became her nightmare.

The undead stone man flees almost frantically. This is what she has been doing repeatedly for a month.

Fatigue, muddleheaded, almost despair.

She has no strength to resist.

Let’s do it, but my heart is full of unwillingness.

Until before she died, she seemed to see Song Ren, whom she had been thinking about all along, appeared, and took her away from the danger.

this can be considered Perfection.

Su Tang moved, only feeling that his whole body was falling apart, his tired eyelashes trembled, and then he opened blurred.

The scene in front of me slowly changed from blur to clear.

This seems to be a cave.

Am I dead?

“Wake up? When you wake up, get up and eat something, just cooked,” Song Ren’s voice came from the side.

She turned her head and looked at a fire that was crackle burning next to her, and Song Ren next to her was roasting a roast chicken.

“Didn’t expect this Fifth Continent is quite well prepared. I discovered that there are many frozen fishes, chickens and ducks in Na Ring. If I can go back, I must thank him. , Have a taste, your own taste.”

Song Ren smiled and passed the grilled golden-yellow chicken.

Su Tang just looked at Song Ren like this, then turned his head slightly, looking towards the drooling Black Emperor who was on duty at the entrance of the cave, forcibly holding back the tears.

Then slowly stood up, took the barbecue, smelled it, and took a bite, but it was no longer impossible to bear, tears came down.

“It’s so fragrant, I…I haven’t noticed it yet. How did you bring it in? The ordinary dog ​​has long been scared to death in such a place. How can it be able to perform the task of guarding the door,” Su Tang didn’t want In front of outsiders, showing his weak side, he turned off the topic and looked towards the Black Emperor.

Song Ren smiled suddenly: “You forgot, it is a mutated Deity, not an ordinary dog ​​monster, and thanks to it, I have a security guarantee in such a place. It is also a good luck. I It is estimated that no one else can condense Deity like the Black King.

Even if there is, there are times of use. It is like it, unlimited. How about you, how are the past few months? I want to find you, but I haven’t found it. “

Su Tang looked at the black emperor, suddenly envy, she indeed forgot.

“Come on, here you–” Su Tang just took two bites, then handed the roast chicken to the black emperor.

The black emperor came over immediately eagerly drooling.

Looking at the black emperor, Su Tang extends the hand and touches his head.

“How about you, how have you been during this period of time, I feel that you have become very strong now,” Su Tang looked towards Song Ren again.

Song Ren shrugged: “Just so-so, it seems that you have also discovered the secrets of those two-headed people, are you…breakthrough to the Great Perfection of the Ancestral Realm?”

Song Ren can feel the qualitative improvement of Su Tang. The innate talent is really good. You know, in the later stage, the cultivation base will be extremely difficult to move forward.

Su Tang nodded: “Fortunately, I met the cannibalism of the two-headed group, and kept hiding from the side to pick up a leak. Other time…”

Su Tang smiled bitterly. The rest of the time, he was either on the run or on his way.

A variety of strange traps have made her nervous to the present.

Song Ren passed the kettle over again, Su Tang said thank you, and drank.

“We seem to have underestimated this Foreign Domain battlefield. The risk factor is extremely high. Have you found anything?” Song Ren looked at Su Tang’s lonely look, suddenly wondering what topic to talk about.

It can be seen that Su Tang has been very hard in the past five months.

After all, unlike herself, she often wanders the line of life and death.

Not to mention anything else, those two months of darkness must have seemed to her almost a nightmare.

Even I was lucky enough to find a sanctuary left by my ancestors. After listening to the horrible voices outside for two months, I almost broke down, let alone a girl like her.

Song Ren doesn’t plan to ask her about this, let her go when it’s over.

Su Tang looked at Song Ren with a smile on his mouth. The next moment suddenly dropped the water bottle, threw himself directly, and hugged Song Ren tightly.

She thought she was strong enough.

She thought she could hold it back.

She thought that as the emperor, she would not let anyone see her weak side.


The five-month escape career made her completely ruined.

It’s not that she can’t deal with all kinds of dangers, but the nerves that have been tense in the past few months.

Because she doesn’t know, the accident and tomorrow will come first.

The day when the sun never sets.

No, it should be said that she has never seen the sun and the moon, the eternal earth-yellow sky.

But when night came, it was two months of horror.

Now she can’t even close her eyes to rest, because once she closes her eyes, the lingering nightmare is in her ears.

The longest, she hasn’t closed her eyes for 19 days.

Above the head, there is a human-eyed crow staring at it.

Want to rest, the dead wood under the buttocks turned into a huge man-eating locust.

Passing through the Gobi Desert, the rocks all over the ground become a white human-insect hiding the sky and covering the earth.

A huge Demonic beast was drilled in the plain flowing water.

The two-headed man chasing her is like the three-eyed toad of a giant mountain, the skeleton Legion…

All in all, she didn’t dare to let down her guard at all. At this moment, she was holding Song Ren tightly, and she cried, letting go and crying loudly.

Seems to be an unreserved catharsis to those close to him.

Song Ren sighed, patted her back gently, and said with relief: “It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s all over.”

Being in such a place is actually a kind of endless torture and test for him.

Fortunately, he and Su Tang are from the same place, and they know each other a little bit, and can take care of them.

After a long time, Su Tang let go of Song Ren with a flushed face, and wiped his tears: “I’m sorry to make you laugh.”

“It’s okay. It’s better to eat something first. I think your body is very weak. Besides, I got some information and I will tell you.” Roasted.

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