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Since there is no escape, they simply make a black under the lamp and go to [Qianmei Manor] to wait.

With them, of course impossible to kill [Mud Bodhisattva], they are not qualified to compete for the Divine Spark fragment, but it is better than just hanging around outside.

Now these more than 700 super-powerful emperors are probably all looking for them, flying around the entire battlefield, as long as they find a weak cultivation base, there is nowhere to escape.

Along the way, Song Ren and Su Tang went cautiously, following the route, after five days, they finally arrived at [Qianmei Manor].

The two didn’t expect that there is such a beautiful place in this earth-yellow, pitch black place.

Although it is a manor, there is no trace of artificiality. It is all natural boulders condensed into an area that resembles a mortal manor.

There are plum blossoms everywhere here, white, red, and blue, of all colors. The breeze comes and the petals fall, which is very pleasing to the eye.

The two of them had no time to appreciate, they hurriedly went deep inside and found a place to hide their breath.

Although it may be impossible to escape the detection of interested people, at the moment of Divine Consciousness scanning, Song Ren can enter his Secret Realm, even with Su Tang.

Although it will be rejected, it is still a matter of breath.

Just didn’t expect. The two of them had just hidden away, and immediately swept across this Qianmei Manor with a powerful Divine Consciousness.

They immediately dived into Secret Realm.

Outside Qianmei Manor, a crisp dementing bell rang.

It was a black bell that looked like a giant bell. A middle-aged man put one hand on his shoulder underneath. He was wearing a tattered robe, a bit like a Taoist robe, but it was white on the left and black on the right.

At this moment, he is a little bit crooked, squinting, holding his aquiline nose high, one after another scanning his soul consciousness.

“haha, Gongkui, didn’t expect you to be here first. If there is anything you can explore, what you want you to know, you will see it, if you don’t want to know, no matter how you explore it, no results. Because they are higher than your cultivation base,” a laughed heartily sounded behind him at the same moment.

The man named Gongkui turned around carrying the giant bell.

A long rainbow thread fell down. It was a man with a handsome face. With a huge broad knife on his back, he fell on the boulder with a cynical look.

Gong Kui looked at him without much surprise: “Blood Knife, you seem to be stronger.”

Blood Knife twisted his neck: “Come to live together, how do we say that it came from the same place, although it was a bit unpleasant before, how about working together this time?”

“Cooperation? How to cooperate?” Gong Kui said.

“Obviously, that [Mud Bodhisattva], according to previous years of experience, none of us can eat it. Although every quiet night, the Dark Knight will bring a Divine Spark creature over, but we have three Divines. There are very few Spark fragments.

After the last dark night, the Dark Knight once notified the number of emperors. Counting the six newcomers who came this time, less than 20 emperors died. The competitiveness is still great, I be honest. I can tell you that I have six Divine Spark fragments on my body, and I only need one this time.

Then boil it slowly, wait until you have collected ten dollars, and the condense belongs to your Divine Spark. Maybe you can leave here and go home. When the time comes, I will go to your universe to find you. ”

The man named Gongkui heard this and licked his lips: “Wine is something I haven’t touched for nearly three thousand years. I really miss it. I don’t know if the six newcomers have wine on them. Things, I’m almost forgetting, OK, although I can’t trust anyone, it’s impossible to rely solely on you and myself.

One piece for you, one piece for me, and the rest depends on who is lucky. I forgot to tell you that I actually have six pieces, too close to ten pieces. “

Blood Knife reached an alliance and seemed very happy: “You said if our emperors hunted and captured Divine Spark, how good would they be absorbed? Deprive things from them.”

“Don’t talk about it, the area where the Dark Knight will put [Mud Bodhisattva] this time is still unknown. Maybe we stay here and there is nothing.” Gong Kui said.

Blood knife shrugged: “That is bad luck, everything depends on fate, who will let us get close to this Qianmei Manor, if we are bad luck, we will wait for three years to spend the dark night and watch the next meeting. Where do you fall.”

“On the way you came, didn’t you meet those six newcomers? If you can, maybe we can move to other places in time,” Gong Kui said.

The blood knife sits on the boulder, stretches out his hand, and the blossoming plum blossoms lightly come: “Those rookies are probably scared a long time ago. Where is heaven knows hiding? I haven’t met anyway. Someone is coming. .”

The two turned their heads at the same moment, and they saw another silhouette approaching, exuding a powerful breath.

When he saw the two of them, he didn’t pay attention, but fell to the other side, quietly waiting to try one’s luck.

In eight places, there are more than 760 emperors. On average, there are more than 90 people in one place with little difference in strength. As long as they are not fools, they know how to save their energy.

At this moment, you have to endure even if you meet your enemies in the past. When you run out of energy, let alone fight for Divine Spark in [Mud Bodhisattva], others will be happy to make up for you.

On the one hand, the emperor died more often, and the chance of fighting for Divine Spark fragments was much greater.

As time goes by, more and more people come. As for the release of Divine Consciousness, no one cares about it.

So many living people are sitting in front of you, what else can be explored.

Song Ren and Su Tang breathed out in the depths. The so-called sixth man was called Dark Knight.

But they also got a message that made them very happy.

If you gather ten pieces, you can condense your Divine Spark to come, and you can leave, very good.

But it must be very difficult. These people here are calculated on the basis of a thousand years, only five or six yuan, which shows how much competition is.

Moreover, the Divine Spark between each emperor cannot compete with each other, this can be considered as a safety guarantee.

At the same moment, in other places that the Dark Knight said, different people came.

Three days after the countdown entered, Qianmei Manor had gathered a hundred 47 people, far exceeding the so-called average person.

This is by no means a mere random gathering of luck, some people have bright eyes.

The people here where they are at the moment, someone must have caught those rookies, but they don’t know where they are hidden.

Good, good!

As the last day arrived, suddenly, the entire Qianmei Manor trembled violently, and a loud roar came from underground.

Everyone rose up, shaking with excitement.

From this moment on, they will be enemies.

The boulder is rolling, plum blossoms are floating, and the mark of a Buddha lying on the ground appears.

Immediately afterwards, two hands stretched out from the mark.

One hand is a terrifying bloody hand, and the other is a Buddha handprint, forming a strong contrast.

One after another Light of Wind and Thunder, instantly rushed straight into the sky, making dozens of Buddha’s palm prints, and approaching many emperors…

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