
You can search “From Wenchao Gong to the mainland superstar Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The mini Bodhisattva hid here for four full days, until his true body shattered, and continued to cling to it, and only now did he come out after making sure that no one was coming.

A bunch of dumb Xs.

Mud Bodhisattva mumbled a few words of his own ethnicity and was about to leave. The next moment, however, his whole body stiffened.

Turning around, I saw Song Ren and Su Tang, holding weapons, looking at it with a smile.

At this moment, it only has the cultivation base of the ancestral realm. His mother is even better than himself. Do you want to point your face?

After the two sides held a stalemate for three breaths, the golden long spear in Song Ren’s hand slammed into the ground.

Suddenly, Mud Bodhisattva seemed to have made a huge decision, looking at the two people in front of him, slowly stretched out his left and right hands.

They were two Divine Spark fragments with colorful rays of light, then lowered your head slightly, placed it on the ground, and slowly moved back until it disappeared.

Song Ren and Su Tang did not chase him, but because they were stuck in place.

Divine Spark, that many things that the emperor wanted to pursue, just appeared in front of them, or two, just like dreaming.

Song Ren and Su Tang went over, and they picked one up and looked at the crystal in their hands like a mirror. There was a fierce desire within the body.

So this is the Divine Spark fragment.

If you collect ten, you can officially enter the Divine Spark realm, and then leave this purgatory place.

“Bigbro Song, I remembered that what the dark Knight said at the beginning, this [Mud Bodhisattva] has at least three Divine Spark fragments, at least, not three,” Su Tang was suddenly excited Tao.

Song Ren also seems to think back, but for these other people who have been on the battlefield for many years, they may have been ignored based on their past ‘experience’.

Even if I didn’t ignore it, I chased [Mud Bodhisattva] and left. Who would have thought that it would be so cunning and deceive everyone.

And he and Su Tang are purely blind cats and dead mice.

More didn’t expect, it will automatically take out Divine Spark fragments to them in order to save their lives.

Others are rushing desperately, didn’t expect to let them pick up a ready-made item for nothing, you say it is not annoying.

“We leave here, this Mud Bodhisattva is so cunning, no one knows whether it will attract other emperors and let us kill each other, and at this moment, it doesn’t know what hatred it has towards us,” Song Ren closed Divine Spark fragmented road.

Su Tang agreed nodded, but looked at the Divine Spark fragment in his hand, bit his lip lightly, and then handed it over: “Bigbro Song, if you…”

Song Ren just blocked it with one hand: “Make me stronger to protect you? Remember, we are the only one who can protect you. Never put your bet on others.

Because you don’t know, I am smiling at you now, will I face you tomorrow, you have to believe that you can.

Of course, although the audience has a share, if you really don’t want it, you can give it to me. I want to go home more than you. ”

After Song Ren finished speaking, he reached out to get the fragments, and Su Tang suddenly took it back.

“Why, want to grab it, I just… just test your temperament, this is Divine Spark fragments, I want to go home now,” Su Tang pouted and collected the fragments, then pretended to be Check all around.

Song Ren mouth expose a smile, he is not a Holy Mother, but he wants to break the myth that no one believes here, and join hands with Su Tang to live together.

One more person by your side can sometimes be a very good helper for you.

Moreover, he has a certain understanding of Su Tang. Besides, his own discipline, Cheng Ling, is still there.

“Let’s go, find a safe place to absorb the debris. It is estimated that fewer people are looking for us during this period. On the one hand, the [Mud Bodhisattva] storm has calmed down, and everyone is too lazy to leave.

On the other hand, now more than 700 people are looking for six of us. With the temperament and suspicion of many emperors in such an environment, we must feel that we have been found a long time ago, and then go out and wander around for nothing. Sneak attack by enemies.

This time [Qianmei Manor] so many people gathered together strangely, the emperor must have been caught before they could gather so many, otherwise the explanation would be unclear. “

After listening to Song Ren’s analysis, Su Tang again and again looked towards the pensive Song Ren. He really admired him.

What kind of person is he? In order to recognize the daughter, he was willing to enter the black hole to die, and then to the universe where she is. It is a book of five Deity, and now he has saved himself and faced Divine Spark Not so greedy…

“Let’s go,” Song Ren greeted him and released the Black Emperor to explore the way. When he turned around, he saw Su Tang staring at him.

this girl the past few days has been wrong.

Su Tang, who was awakened by surprise, blushed again, and ‘oh’ quickly followed along.

The two found an extremely wide field and dug a hole underneath to serve as a place for Cultivation. The Black Emperor acted as a’local’ Demonic beast and lay outside. Whenever there was any danger, they could immediately enter Secret. Avoid in Realm.

And all around the wilderness, there is no hiding place. The Black Emperor has good eyes, and whenever other emperors approach from the ground or the sky, they can be spotted immediately.

And now underground, Su Tang looked at Song Ren, unavoidably worried, because he was the first to swallow the fused Divine Spark fragments, and then told himself the experience.

As they have no one to help, they can only explore a little bit by themselves.

Holding up the handkerchief, gently wiped the sweat off Song Ren’s forehead, and kept praying.

At this moment, Song Ren’s consciousness has entered a chaotic world, where there are ten black holes slowly rotating, just like ripped holes.

Under his gaze, the energy of his whole body converged into a pair of huge hands, holding a lens of colorful rays of light, slowly moving towards one of the black holes, seeming to want to block it. general.

Song Ren just watched, looking thoughtful, and then sit cross-legged down, Spiritual Power blessed it, and kept pushing.

Sure enough, it’s much faster.

As we continue to approach and inlay, the lens just fits the black hole.

Under Su Tang’s gaze, Song Ren sat down, and suddenly a strange array appeared. There were ten black star swirls, one of which slowly turned into a colorful color, and a silk thread was completely formed. , Got into Song Ren’s body.

An invisible rule was formed in an instant, invisible, but Su Tang felt that it was indeed formed, accompanied by some magical attribute.

next moment, a very strong Spiritual Fluctuation, spreading crazily, spirit strength whistled past, just like a bright rainbow.

However, Song Ren is consciously suppressing, preventing it from being too noticeable and revealing the location of this place.

As he slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of divinity, just like the Deity from the condense in those books.

Su Tang immediately got up, smiling all over his face, and saluted Song Ren.

“Congratulations to Bigbro Song for becoming the first player in Divine Spark.”

Song Ren is also very excited at the moment, he can feel the difference in his body, this is the real ascending to the skies with a single leap.

Based on the current realm, if you are in your own universe, you can simply beat the twelve realms.

“Many thanks to your guardian, it’s up to you next, I will protect you!” Song Ren laughed and got up.

Su Tang is also full of expectations: “Good!”


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