
You can search “From Wenchao Gong to the mainland superstar Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Three days later, I left the previous hiding place on guard twice, and all of them broke through to the first stage of False Divine Spark, at least with some self-protection ability.

And I don’t worry a lot. If some of the old emperors only have one or two Divine Spark fragments, the two of them can now be mixed.

Shortly after the new emperor arrived on the battlefield, the only [Mud Bodhisattva] who came out with Divine Spark fragments was divided up by everyone. The newcomer had no strength at all and had no chance to get the fragments for their own use.

At the moment, I don’t know where I was hiding, or I was caught by someone else.

So even if you really meet two people at this moment, they can only be treated as to disdain as beneath contempt.

This time is a real guarantee, on the surface you can even travel just and honourable.

And today, when the two people who were marching were looking at a group of two-headed people in the distance, suddenly they had a feeling in the heart and opened the panel.

An envelope-like thing was ejected, and the two opened it in confusion.

【The black market opens after three hours, so that all the emperors can enter and exchange their respective items for a period of one day, at which time all the cultivation bases of everyone will be temporarily banned. If there is a fight, all fragments within the body will be deprived. 】

Seeing such news, the two suddenly looked surprised.

It can be seen that this black market has not appeared once or twice, it is probably the same thing as that dark night.

Furthermore, it was a whole day of non-attack and escape time, and no one dared to make trouble in it. Otherwise, it would deprive all Divine Spark fragments. I guess no one would dare to do so.

Besides, they can already fake the real ‘old man’ long ago. Entering there, they just have a better understanding of this area.

Also, for a whole day, you and the others don’t have to hide around. No place is safer than this ‘black market’.

Looking at a team of two-headed men in the distance, the two immediately paid attention, then quietly stepped back until they found a hiding place.

“Time is coming soon, are we sure we are going?” Su Tang was still a little worried.

Song Ren said: “We have to see the situation. We have been here for almost a year. Apart from fleeing, we don’t know anything, and we don’t even dare to contact other old emperors. Keep going. , We just stand still and can never go further.

is it possible that, after we waited for three years of dark nights, the Dark Knight threw in another [Mud Bodhisattva] thing, and hundreds of emperors competed, do we still have a share? Even if we have such a good opportunity every time, one piece for three years, how many years? “

Sutang was silent.

“Don’t worry, I know what you’re worried about. Didn’t it say that no one is allowed to use any means in it. For them, I must have suffered and dare not. Besides, we are dressing up. , No one recognizes it, if one doesn’t enter the tiger’s cave, how will one catch a tiger cub, are you right?”

Su Tang looked at Song Ren’s appearance, nodded, they are the leaders of various universes, and now they are the first level of Divine Spark, understand.

“Okay, then we’ll take a break!”


Time passed by one minute and one second, until it came, the two pages showed a new interface at the same time.

【Whether you enter the ghost market, all the looks and breaths of the people who enter will be blocked, and the current entry level is 47767. 】

Then there are two boxes on the left and right, namely [Yes] and [No].

Seeing that the progress continues to increase, the two are also a little nervous.

Wait for a while, until the number of people in the progress reached 763767, and then he didn’t move for a long time.

It looks like, besides him and Su Tang, two others have not entered.

Either these two people just didn’t want to go in, or they were newcomers. Two of them were caught and restricted from entering.

After waiting for a while, Su Tang reached out and grabbed Song Ren with a hand, his face flushed.

“Let’s go in together, I’m afraid like last time, we are separated,” Su Tang was a little sorry.

Song Ren felt the coldness and softness of her hands, and his face was a little unnatural.

It seems that I didn’t touch the girl’s hand for a long time.

Why are every girl’s hands so soft.

“cough cough, um, well, you don’t think so seriously, just one day of hanging out,” Song Ren relieved.

After confirming that there was nothing else, they both clicked the [Yes] button at the same time.

Suddenly, a black hole appeared in front of him, and the two of them were directly sucked in.

It seems to have just crossed a small threshold, not at all, and other distant teleportation, as the feet are solidified, Song Ren hasn’t paid attention to the surroundings, and a laugh of “pu chi” is heard in his ears. .

As soon as I turned my head, I found a square-shaped square-shaped person beside me. No, it should be said that it was like a pixel person in the game “My World” played in the previous life, and her hand was still held by herself. With.

“Why did you become like this, so cute,” the pixel man next to him laughed, but soon he covered his mouth in shock, because the thin voice was also processed by changing the voice.

Song Ren touched his head, as expected, it was all the same.

It’s so interesting, it can be like this.

Obviously, the person next to him is Su Tang.

Realizing that he has also changed, Su Tang seemed very happy. This is a big change. All the previous worries disappeared instantly.

“Come on, don’t let other people see that we haven’t seen the world.” Song Ren said.

Su Tang seemed very excited and excited, nodded again and again, it was followed along.

This is an extremely large square, and the surroundings in the distance seem to be covered by a transparent cover. From time to time there are two-headed people and other terrifying creatures passing by, but they can’t see it here.

There are many people, all pixel people.

There are separate, there are twos and threes.

There are many other stalls, which are really the same as a vendor.

“Look, look, it’s a headless kid, I’ll go, I just exchanged information with the baby, it’s here, it’s a loss.”

“haha, I think the place chosen by the black market this time seems to have been visited before, and the surrounding environment is somewhat familiar.”

“Let me see, where, where?”

Originally, more than 700 pixel people were exchanging and bargaining things, and there was a sudden commotion.

Song Ren and Su Tang looked at them, and they noticed that outside the transparent cover, on the dark hillside, a headless child was running wildly, and in front of it, three two-headed Ula Wula Running away, his face was extremely shocked.

Song Ren was taken aback, because the headless child he had seen before, looked terrifying in the sea of ​​bones, and chased him.

Scared him into a frantic escape. The Black Emperor ran faster than him. Finally, he ran into a group of two-headed men, driving away tigers and wolves.

Then I ran into Chen Huan’s Black Forest, and the Black Emperor came out from it…

Why are you talking about it?

Song Ren was puzzled, but he did not dare to ask, otherwise it would reveal his identity as a newcomer.

On the contrary, Su Tang, looking at the headless child without a head, a hideous mouth on his belly button, disheveled hair, and a chill.

Song Ren gave Su Tang a relieved look and moved closer.

Several pixel emperors seem to be full of interest and want to hurry out, but as soon as they enter the ghost market, they cannot quit unless the time is up for self-exclusion.

I want to remember the location, but it is obvious that this place is just passing by in a hurry. It’s really hard to say where to hide it.

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