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He only wants to exchange the Ice Spirit Pill, but he doesn’t have one, but a voice in his heart keeps telling him that this ghost fog is of great use to him, and he must exchange it back anyway.

So, how about revealing your identity as a newcomer? Anyway, you can’t see my real face, let alone locate it.

Waiting for the black market, each side of the world, who knows who.

“Okay, I want it all!” Gu Changsheng said directly with bright eyes.

Song Ren pretended to be expert. Although we are newcomers, we have capital that you don’t have.

“Too greedy,” Song Ren said directly.

Although these medicine pills are of no use to me, who will be accurate in the future, bargaining is still needed.

Sure enough, Gu Changsheng heard it, licked his lips, and pushed the ghost fog on the booth forward: “Three, I only need three, it belongs to you.”

Suddenly falling from ten to three, Song Ren actually felt that he was selling out.

“Okay, make a deal, just treat it as a friend of you,” Song Ren took out two more medicine bottles and handed them over. After the inspection, the other party was overjoyed.

Song Ren found a container and collected the ghost fog.

“Brother, what’s your name? This time I took advantage of you. When I went outside, Gu Changsheng owed you a life. If you need help, you can just say, “The matter of life and death is over, Gu Changsheng So happy, boldly said.

You must know that although this black mist has helped me a lot, and several battles have been a big victory, but unconsciously, within the body, all the bones began to burn slowly, like a bone gangrene. Immortal.

That kind of pain, in the past few years, although suppressed with huge spirit strength, it has also reached the brink of collapse. If it goes on, his whole person will be completely burned.

So the black market started, he made the most important thing in him, made him, and ruined his precious things.

Now, my wish has finally come.

“Song Ren!” Song Ren confessed.

“Okay…name, my name is Gu Changsheng. Since you came to this place, it’s been almost a year now. I won’t talk about the dangers in it. I will cherish it. Besides, don’t use this ghost fog. Use your own spirit strength, it will linger in your within the body, and it will not get rid of it.

Of course, you still have seven Tube Root Pills now. It should be fine. You can throw them out directly during the battle. Those two-headed people are extremely afraid of this kind of flame and will die if they touch them. “Gu Changsheng said.

Song Ren nodded: “many thanks to let me know.”

“By the way, Brother Song, don’t believe anyone here, including your own people,” he said and glanced at Su Tang next to Song Ren.

“Of course, you should support each other. Keep your eyes open. Don’t blame me for speaking badly, this brother, because this is the truth,” he said to Su Tang.

Su Tang snorted.

Although I knew it, she was still a little unhappy to be so divided between her and Song Ren.

In case Song Ren really leaves one day, leave her and do it alone…

“As far as I know, two of your newcomers have been caught by others, plus three dead. If you count you, there should be four more people hanging around outside. Pay attention.” Gu Changsheng at this moment Send the message again.

The two sighed for a while, as expected.

Nine of them are from the same universe. Now there are only six of them. Two of them have been arrested. It is estimated that they will never develop anymore.

I only hope that the remaining two can live longer.

“I want to ask, how long have you been here?” Song Ren unable to bear asked curiously.

Gu Changsheng efficiently took the stall, and then looked around. He had to spread the word “Benefactor and Rookie”.

The three mysterious and secretive people came to a place near the light shield, watching the chase outside and the earth-yellow sky, Gu Changsheng said.

“Here is the battlefield of the Imperial Sons of Foreign Domain. As far as I know, there are currently fifty universes participating in it, and each universe contains many sub-universes, some of which have only one or two people. Some even have fifty-sixty.

Like you, it seems to be the last one to come out of all universes. There are only nine people. The longest time here is God General Guo from Shenhe Universe. She seems to have been here for more than four thousand years. The cultivation base is also The highest, reaching the ninth level of False Divine Spark.

If you meet him, don’t run away. He is very strange. Although there are already nine Divine Spark fragments, it is easy to get the last one, but it is not. He has two or three pieces left unused. Fragments. “

As Gu Changsheng finished speaking, Song Ren and Su Tang were taken aback.

Is the person who used divine wood for wine just now so tough?

Didn鈥檛 it mean that you can go out after fusing ten dollars? Is he going to be the boss here or something?

Gu Changsheng shook his head, knowing what the two of them were thinking: “I don’t know exactly. If you really meet him outside, please beg for mercy. Anyway, all of us dare not.”

The two took note.

“Also, are you wondering why there are so few Divine Spark fragments over the years?” Gu Changsheng said.

Song Ren nodded, they are actually thinking about this.

Gu Changsheng looked around, no one noticed, and continued: “What you are doing now is to hurry up and fuse Divine Spark fragments. It is the guarantee for you to survive here and have the right to speak. Every time after the dark night , Dark Knight will send evil spirits.

However, the number of fragments is not certain, either one piece, two or three pieces, or even some directly none.

There are also some that escaped with fragments, such as the recent [Mud Bodhisattva], and some were obtained by others but died and then dissipated. “

Song Ren nodded, he thought of Chen Huan.

“Anyway, there are many reasons. If you want to get the fragments earlier, it should be very difficult. Every time you go to grab the evil spirits brought by the Dark Knight, it is estimated to be difficult. Hundreds of people are staring at them. I鈥檒l give you something, I drew it by myself.”

After Gu Changsheng finished speaking, he took out a manual from his ring and handed it to Song Ren.

Song Ren opened it. Last year, there were 30 grotesquely shaped creatures painted with twists and turns.

“These are all evil spirits that have escaped from the hands of many emperors with Divine Spark fragments. The last time I counted was seven years ago. I don鈥檛 know that they were not caught and the fragments were taken out. If you want Obtained, that鈥檚 the only thing now.”

Song Ren and Su Tang eyes shined, as expected.

He saw the headless child, saw the black Phoenix, saw…

I went, the huge scarlet camel was also on it.

I missed something.

“[Mud Bodhisattva] I won鈥檛 draw anymore. You should have seen them. They hide extremely powerfully. This Foreign Domain battlefield is so big and outrageous, similar to the entire plane where we are. Of course, the plane where we are. The population is more than 100 million absolutely, and now, there are only a few hundred of us, and there are many local creatures. In short, you must be careful.”

Gu Changsheng asked.

It seems to be the true value this time. So many useful clues have been obtained. Of course, this map is the most precious.

After all, they are all 鈥榤obile鈥?Divine Sparks.

The three of them talked about some topics and Q&A quietly, and Gu Changsheng quickly found a place to swallow the medicine pill, seeking relief.

And Song Ren and Su Tang continued to wander and gain insights until in the afternoon, two or three hours before the black market was over, they came to Guo Shenjiang.

“A jar of wine!” Guo Shenjiang said.

Song Ren waved his hand and ten jars of wine appeared in front of him.

“500 years of mulberry wine!”

“300 years of green bamboo leaves!”

“Four hundred years of Xinghuafen!”


“Is it enough?” Song Ren said.

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