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Just watching Song Ren throw ten jars of wine without any scruples, Guo Shenjiang was stunned, and the others who had been secretly paying attention to this side were also stunned.

The identities of the two newcomers in front of me are fully exposed.

Didn’t expect Some newcomers dared to come in, really newborn calves do not fear tigers.

For a while, everyone looked towards this unique and independent booth with great interest.

Guo Shenjiang, who owns nine Divine Spark fragments, suddenly laughed. He picked up a jug of wine and gently opened the wine seal. Suddenly, a long-lost but strong wine smell suddenly spilled out, making Guo God took a long, obsessive and contented breath.

It can be seen how obsessed he is.

“It’s so fragrant~~” After a long time, God Guo sighed with satisfaction.

Song Ren smiled: “Just like it.”

“But it seems that I am taking advantage,” Guo Shenjiang forcibly resisted the desire to drink, and covered the wine seal and looked towards Song Ren.

Song Ren waved his hand, and directly in front of him, no fewer than hundreds of medicine pill bottles appeared.

Such a show of wealth made the eyes of the other emperors around him bright, and they were all greedy.

Damn, this newcomer is really rich.

I want to fuck him here!

Guo Shenjiang, who also watched this scene, once again looked at his healing wood, and suddenly smiled.

“I see, this is indeed a little insignificant, what do you want to change?”

“Divine Spark fragments, I know you have extra Divine Spark fragments in your hand,” Song Ren said one word.

He is invincible here, in other words, because of the restrictions of the rules, no one dares to do anything to him, and it is impossible to do it, unless it is outlaw.

Then what does it matter whether he is exposed or not, who doesn’t know that a newcomer is coming in this land.

Instead of shrinking so much, it’s better to go straight ahead and seize every opportunity.

Song Ren has thought about it. As an ‘old man’, he said that he caught the newcomers and searched them out. It is estimated that a large number of people believe it.

However, this Guo Shen will not agree with this exchange.

Because your realm is low, the fragments are given, but you are about the same as me, one or two more. Wouldn’t it be catching up with me? How to consolidate the dominance?

How can I make an enemy for myself.

Simply dignified is right. Anyway, it will be over in one or two hours. After crossing that door, none of us knows anyone, and no one knows who.

When the people around heard that, Song Ren actually wanted Divine Spark. After being shocked, he suddenly laughed.

What is your Divine Spark? How many jars of wine do you want to redeem?

We are actually very curious about how Guo Shen will get angry next, because this is an insult to him.

And Guo Shenjiang just looked at Song Ren and suddenly smiled: “You are very funny.”

“No way, we have to survive too,” Song Ren spread his hands, looking innocent.

“How did you know that I have idle Divine Spark fragments?”

“Guess it,” Song Ren said.

“That thing is very precious. This time the evil spirit [Mud Bodhisattva] appeared. In order to compete for the two pieces, you should have inquired about the intensity,” Guo Shen Jiang said leisurely.

Song Ren nodded: “I heard it, so I can’t grab it. I can only try to take a shortcut.”

“The rarity of Divine Spark fragments, presumably you have also known poorly this year…”

“I know that this thing is important to me and to anyone else around, but it does not include you.”

Since Gu Changsheng said that God-Jian Guo had extra fragments in his hand, but did not merge, there must be some other reason.

So, for him, the fragment can only be regarded as a trade item.

Listening to Song Ren’s words, Guo Shenjiang smiled again: “Your reasoning is really…”

Song Ren waved his hand, and all the wine jars in front of him disappeared: “I don’t drink. This time the elders in the clan threw some wine at will. There are a hundred jars in total, all with different tastes. Save a bit of drinking. , Can drink about a year, we don’t know when the black market will be reopened next time, when the time comes, whether the wine was soaked in a bath or accidentally spilled, healed and disinfected, or lured other creatures to save their lives. There may be none at all.

Of course, you can also put your hope on several other newcomers. Maybe they also bring alcohol. Not everyone is a drunkard. “

Song Ren said here, a Najie appeared, and all the wine was placed in it.

But instead of a hundred altars, I also buy one get one altar free.

As for Su Tang, there are probably more than 300 altars left.

If you talk about everything, you still have to keep a thread.

As soon as the people around heard it, they took a hundred jars of wine in exchange for two Divine Spark shards, and laughed when they covered their stomachs.

This is not newborn calves do not fear tigers, but lion’s big mouth.

“How about, exchange?” Song Ren said.

Guo Shenjiang looked at Song Ren, then looked at Su Tang: “You plan to have one piece for one person, and I have one piece, but if you have two pieces…”


A jar of wine fell directly from the air, just like that.


Suddenly the wine is full of fragrance.

The people around were stunned.

Guo Shen will be stunned.

They seem to underestimate the newcomer, courage, courage, and the threat of holding others’ weaknesses now.

What a tiger!

We all met Guo Shenjiang in hiding. Everyone just gave up where he appeared. After all, we still want to live longer.

Good for you, the real threat is on.

Guo Shenjiang looked at Song Ren, then at the broken wine jar on the ground, smelling the smell, and smiled bitterly.

“Boy, do you know what you are doing?”


Another wine jar of different styles fell down and broke into several pieces, and the wine overflowed the shoes.

“I know, now we can’t even protect our lives, and we are still worried by so many people. The space for taking the ring is so big. We don’t drink, so we just make room. By the way, seniors will be asked to appraise it. The elders in the family will help us. Is the wine prepared top-notch?” Song Ren said.

Su Tang on the side called a nervousness.

It’s crazy.

Guo Shenjiang hasn’t spoken yet, Song Ren has another altar in his hand.

“Wait—” Guo Shen will immediately stand up and say.

How can he not know if these wines are top-notch, they are simply the best.

“Take you, kid, I hope we don’t meet outside, otherwise, I will definitely avenge the two jars of wine on the ground, here!” Guo Shenjiang finished, two pieces shining colorful rays of light The Divine Spark fragment appeared in the palm of his hand, and then threw it directly over.

Song Ren immediately caught it, full of joy.

It was actually redeemed, incredible.

To be honest, she has been betting from start to finish. After all, this is just wine, not other precious things.

Su Tang was also excited, looking towards Song Ren’s profile face, and his heart for this man was raised again.

The people around are even more shocked.

It was actually redeemed.

What’s even more incredible is that God Guo really has two more pieces.

What did he think, if you have another piece of fusion, you just go out and go home, when the time comes, do what you want, and let a newcomer threaten you when the time comes?

Hey, I knew I was practicing winemaking, and I would wait for the black market to open next time for exchange.

“Many thanks Senior!” Song Ren threw Na Jie directly.

Guo Shenjiang took it, just glanced inside and looked at the seal of each and everyone of the red mud altar, and felt refreshed in his heart.

It looks like it’s time to get drunk.

“Boy, what is your name?” Guo Shenjiang took the ring and looked towards Song Ren.

“Song Ren,” Song Ren said.

“Okay, very good, I remember, I hope you live longer, that’s fun!” Guo Shen laughed heartily.

It can be seen that he really doesn’t feel distressed at all about the loss of two Divine Spark fragments.

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