
You can search “From Wenchao Gong to the mainland superstar Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The black market ended very quickly, and the two were teleported out again, still where they were. Song Ren immediately released the Black Emperor’s warning all around.

Although in the back, many people wanted to exchange medicine pill with him, but they were rejected, and some people even let out harsh words, everything is his.

Song Ren ignored it at all.

It’s as if I exchanged with you. You will let me go outside. I don’t even know what you look like. It’s nonsense.

Moreover, you are all thankless wretches who are not familiar with you. In these scarce places,

If you want one bottle, you will want a second bottle, and you want more free ones.

“Here, one of us!” Song Ren handed one of the Divine Spark fragments to Su Tang.

Su Tang looked at the fragment, then looked towards Song Ren, and pushed it back.

“This is what you got, it should be yours.”

Song Ren was taken aback: “What are you talking about, we must advance and retreat together.”

“I know, Bigbro Song, I believe you are sincere, but Divine Spark fragments are a symbol of strength here. We can’t keep going like this. There are already many people on the black market. I’m Thought so.

Didn’t we get a picture album from Gu Changsheng? Those are all evil spirits running away with Divine Spark fragments. If you absorb these two pieces, our overall strength will be much stronger, and then we are catching those Evil spirit, I will absorb the fragments, what do you think? “

Looking at Su Tang looking serious, Song Ren didn’t know what to say for a while.

Su Tang smiled and said: “Don’t be moved. I am a long-term investment. Otherwise, the two of us are close in strength, and we will get a breakthrough in one fell swoop. Don’t you still want to go home? Then step up your strength. The place is not bad at the moment, I will guard it for you, and add the Black Emperor, enough for you to rest assured of the breakthrough.”

“Thank you!” Song Ren said.

“Look at what you said, come on!” Su Tang finished speaking and went straight out. Song Ren looked at the two Divine Spark fragments and suddenly felt very stressed.

But also not hypocritical people, this method is actually quite good, anyway, more strength, more protection.

Sit down cross-legged and start refining again…

At the same moment, at a mountain top, a middle age person was drinking wine and yelled ‘cool’.

But looking at the wine jar in Na Jie and the two jars that Song Ren had dropped at the time, he smiled suddenly.



The time of half a month passed quietly, Song Ren refining two Divine Spark fragments early, and he reached the False Divine Spark 3 Heavenly Layer, and his strength was much stronger.

Deity itself increases as the master’s cultivation base increases.

Song Ren is now confident that with the addition of 15 Deity besides the Black Emperor, he can at least resist the 5 Heavenly Layer of False Divine Spark. Don’t forget, Su Tang is also 1 Heavenly Layer, and she also has Deity.

The two of them work together, as long as they don’t have a lot of each other, it’s a complete abuse.

“Where are we going now?” Su Tang followed Song Ren suspiciously.

Song Ren took out the picture album as he walked, but instead appeared on the picture of a scarlet camel.

“I have seen this evil spirit before, and I don’t know if it has moved now, maybe it can bring you a piece of debris.”

Su Tang looked at: “It seems to be huge, I have never seen it.”

“speaking of which, you may not believe it. I have seen this headless child and chased me down, but at present it is estimated that many people are looking for it, and this [Blood Camel] is too big to find Some, it used to be scary, but now we have all raised the cultivation base, which should be about the same.”

Sutang nodded: “Why are you so lucky? I haven’t encountered any of the evil spirits who were on the run last year, except for [Mud Bodhisattva].”

Song Ren thought of the scarlet camel trap, the terrifying chase of the headless child, and a wry smile.

“It was bad luck for me, not luck, let’s go, don’t let others catch the early bird the worm.”


“How long is there?”

“I have to recognize the way first, Black Emperor, hurry up and smell it, you have also seen it.”


One month later, a man, a woman, and a dog just lay quietly under a hill, watching the fight on the other side.

There, the Scarlet Camel is on the roar, but fifteen emperors are besieging it.

It can be seen that they found the evil spirit Scarlet Camel in advance.

“These people are actually cooperating. This is in trouble,” Song Ren muttered to himself, lowering his head.

And Su Tang looked at the evil spirit like a giant mountain, and couldn’t help but swallowed.

“So big!”

The two humps alone are comparable to two giant mountains. It is hard to imagine that such things were brought in by the Dark Knight.

What is outside of this foreign domain battlefield, and why does the Dark Knight bring these things to them after every dark night?

It always feels like raising Gu.

“What do we do now?” Su Tang asked Song Ren quietly.

Song Ren frowned. After driving for so long, he didn’t expect to be caught by the early bird catches the worm.

Of these fifteen emperors, two of them exuded a lot of coercion, at least the realm of False Divine Spark 5 Heavenly Layer, Song Ren just met them, it was very difficult. Not to mention there are a dozen other emperors.

“We can only go, we have no chance of winning, and this Scarlet Camel is already in defeat, and will die soon, we can’t get it,” Song Ren said.

Su Tang also nodded again and again, even without these emperors, she still felt that she could not deal with this mountain-like evil spirit.


Just as the two were crawling and preparing to retreat quietly, the black emperor next to him suddenly moved his nose, then lowered his voice twice, and his whole body trembled.

Song Ren was taken aback, he saw the panic in the eyes of the Black Emperor, and he understood its meaning.

“Who are you, the headless child who used to chase us is also here?”

The black emperor nodded again and again, and Song Ren looked around quickly, didn’t expect there was one hidden.


Just when Song Ren was about to explore again, the emperor of the 5 Heavenly Layer of False Divine Spark that Song Ren had sensed before, laughed heartily to the twin peaks of the Scarlet Camel, one of which had already become a gap. The other is still complete.

“haha, I wonder if you still remember me. Back then, it was a piece I took from you and accidentally let you escape. Now it is time to give me the last piece to help me move closer.” The man laughed heartily Then he took out his weapon, and the huge spirit strength plunged like a storm.


The huge scarlet camel screamed in pain, and then fell straight down. The man was overjoyed, and even though other emperors hurried over, he quickly lowered his head to prepare to search for the last fragment.

Pu chi!

At the next moment, a white dagger pierced into the man’s throat with lightning speed, and a headless child crawled out of it.

The man was holding his throat, staggering back inconceivably, full of disbelief.

Within the body’s rapid flow of vitality, his eyes wandered.

The scarlet camel that had fallen down suddenly stood up strangely, biting a dazed emperor into his mouth and chewing.

Everything is just a scene, a bait!

Weird cooperation between evil spirits and evil spirits has begun!

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