Plane Universe

Chapter 1094: arrival

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The amount of information was too great, and lei, including the leaves, were stunned.

They really can't think of it, the result will be like this.

If it wasn't for Cheng Buyun to say it, I'm afraid that when thinking of death, no one can figure it out!

"When you played the move before, did you recall that the space was still?" Cheng Buyun didn't answer, but said, "Think carefully."

"Not bad." Ye Ye first nodded and answered instead of lei: "I did feel that when uncle lin lei made a move, the space reacted. Although it was very slight, it did affect it."

Lei also recalled, nodded, the moves he had indeed released had affected the space, very slight impact, but no matter how slight the impact, it was also affected.

"But why didn't I feel it?" Delia said with a puzzled expression. "Is it because my world is not in a relationship?"

The couple also nodded and questioned.

"The influence is too slight. When you feel over here, it's actually too late." Ye Zi explained: "Sister Yi, although you have no entry into the world, but you are fighting against other nine-level strongmen, once you release the world's momentum, the impact In the same space, the enemy ’s thinking has been imprisoned. For the same reason, Uncle Lin Lei ’s moves are more clever. Within that range, even the human body can be affected. Even if your thinking is clearly affected, the brain will react. But the body cannot make dodge movements, and one can imagine the end. "


Yan Yi was shocked, trembling at the thought of the consequences.

The four basic rules, only the speed of the wind system is related to time. One can imagine how powerful its power is.

"Leaves are clever." Cheng Buyun first praised, and then said to Lin Lei: "I want to say, the leaves have already said."

"I get it. It turns out that it's very simple to say, but it's difficult to know." Lei shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Just now he didn't think about it in the opposite way. After all, the time is too short and it is inevitable to think carefully.

"Only the pinnacle of the speed of the heaven and earth can get out of the last step of the speed mystery, and the combination of the display is the real speed mystery." Cheng Buyun explained: "The higher the realm of the world, the greater the power of the mystery. Many mysteries require the support of the realm of heaven and earth, such as the space of the wind, the flame space of the fire system, the gravity space, etc., or the wind, fire, earth, avatar, etc., all need the realm of heaven and earth. The support of the world. Without the support of the momentum of the heavens and the earth, if you have the talent to pass the sky, becoming a **** is just a wish. "

"Unless you practice the laws that do not require the support of the power of heaven and earth." Cheng Buyun continued to laugh: "But if you want to be strong, you need to cultivate the power of heaven and earth in the end, which requires the support of perception. The talent is only temporary, only The superb perception is the guarantee for the practitioner to go on. "

There are no laws of time and space to practice in this world, so the momentum of the world has become particularly important, and it is also a most basic level.

It's really a matter of listening to the group and reading a decade.

Today's discussion is not only rewarding, but also eye-opening. It turns out that cultivation is really not a simple matter. It involves all aspects. If you don't pay attention, you may be off the road and you may not know it.

"No wonder Brother Buyun always told us not to put down the cultivation of the world's momentum, but the reason is so simple." Lei sighed in a low voice. "The ridiculous I thought the world's momentum is not important. It has been rarely practiced. "

Cheng Buyun smiled and was able to cultivate the law. Who wants to spend time to cultivate the world?

Once the strength is increased to the high level of the Sanctuary, the strongmen will drop down one after another, and directly turn to attack the mysterious mystery of the law, hoping to further their strength, but I don't know that the momentum of the heaven and earth can enhance the power of the mysterious mystery of the law.

Just like the basic elements of the laws of each department, it is the foundation of everything.

As long as the basic elements are cultivated to great success, all kinds of laws can be touched, easy to control, and operate smoothly.


In the sky, two big, one small and three shadows fly at speed.

"Big Bear and Xiaobai, thank you." Babe turned to look at the left and right sides, and said gratefully.

Xiong Er looked at Beibei and said solemnly, "Sorry, we are friends, and friends should help each other."

Celsia didn't speak, but just nodded the huge tiger head.

Beibei's hated face was gentle and he gave them a deep look and remembered it in his heart.

Soon, three Warcraft flew to the O'Brien empire, then rushed to the southeast.

"Haha, here, let's go, we'll kill the **** named Xingkong Jiansheng." Xiong Er laughed and stood above the sky, looking down at a bustling city below.

This city, known as Alteran, is one of the iconic cities in the southeast provinces, and it is also a feudal city of the Alteran family. The Star Sword Saint Tillon lives in this city, and it is very easy to find.

"Let's go down." Babe's eyes flashed with hatred, and the enemies were below. This made him able to bear it, and immediately took the lead to land.


"Help, there is Warcraft."

"War God is on, flying Warcraft, this is the Holy Warcraft."

Once their three World of Warcraft landed, Beibei was quickly discovered, causing panic among the entire city.

"Don't mess up, don't mess up, we are a city sheltered by Lord Star Sword Saint, don't be afraid."

It seems that the title of Star Sword Saint has magical power, so it calms the more flustered people.

Xiong Er looked disdainful and ignored the state of panic in the city below, suspended in the sky 100 meters above the city and shouted loudly: "Starry Sky Sword Saint, you rush out and die in a bastard."

"Come out, roar!"

Sercia also screamed crisply, and on the spot surprised the people below the city. Are these three Warcrafts coming to trouble Star Lord Sword Saint?

After Xiong Er and Celsia finished roaring, a figure flew up from below the city and stood ten meters away from Xiong Er. This is a middle-aged man in a gray robe carrying a long sword. He saw his very polite archer and said with a smile: "I do n’t know His Excellency Xiong Er, His Excellency Celsia and this Purple Rat. Why did Wang come with me? "

Obviously, this gray-robed middle-aged man knew Xiong Er and the three of them, and knew that he was Cheng Buyun's Warcraft, otherwise the tone would not be so polite.

"What's the reason for you?" Xiong Er laughed loudly, his eyes full of sarcasm, and his mouth was also split, sneering: "Did you forget the battle with Rudy in thirty-two years?"

"What?" Star Sword Saint was shocked, recalling with a look of amazement, and smiled for a long time: "But what is the misunderstanding? That was just the battle between me and Rudi, the magician of the sanctuary. Wouldn't it be for him? I think he has no such face. "

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