Plane Universe

Chapter 1095: Revenge

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Star Sword Saint Tillon has a reason to say this. With Rudy's ability, it is indeed impossible to make friends like Xiong Er.

In the final analysis, Sanctuary Magi Rudi is only an intermediate sanctuary strongman. The level is too low. How can he reach the level of Xiong'er and other strongmen?

It's not that he underestimates himself, he is about the same strength as Rudy, and the opponent can't be much stronger than him.

"Haha, naturally it won't." Xiong Er smiled. When he showed a friendly smile, Xingkong Jiansheng heart was happy, thinking that this time was a good opportunity to allow him to climb a friendship, Xiong Er looked suddenly gloomy. Come down and shout: "The shadow mouse you battled with Sanctuary Rudy, did you fight for her mother?"

"Broken." Xingkong Jiansheng immediately knew that the other party came to him today for a reason, especially when he saw Beibei's hateful gaze, his heart fluttered and his face changed.

"Did you think of something?" Seeing Tyron's face change greatly, Xiong Er gritted his teeth, waiting for the other party to answer, and then shouted violently: "You are a bastard, fighting for no win, you killed my brother. Her mother, or a devastating kill, and she did n’t even have a corpse in the end. Who gave you the courage? Lord God of War? "

The starry sky swordmaster was frightened on the spot, there was only one miss in my heart, run!

Babe, Xiong Er, and Celsia, he is not an opponent, and he wants to save his life, only to escape to Wushen Mountain.

Only when he fled, did he make it difficult for the opponent to start, and he didn't believe it. These three guys dared to rush into Wushen Mountain to kill him.

As long as Cheng Buyun speaks, it is impossible for Lord Wushen to take his corner out. Anyway, he is also a man of the O'Brien Empire, a strong man in the sanctuary level.


In a blink of an eye, the starry sky swordsman fled, and fled towards the inner region of the O'Brien Empire.

"Haha, just run now, aren't you too late?" Xiong Er laughed, "If only all of you run away, do I still have two faces?"

"call out!"

Beibei couldn't bear it anymore, and his small body flickered directly in front of the starry sword saint, and the starry sword saint Dilu didn't think about it, summoned a grudge, quickly pulled out the long sword behind him, didn't want to think The first attack on Babe.

He also knows that this matter cannot be done today.

The feud of mother murder is greater than the sky, and no one can save himself today unless he can escape to Wushen Mountain by virtue of his ability.

After all, behind these three Warcraft stands a god-level strongman, and no one will offend a god-level strongman in order to save him.

If you don't know how to do it, you will help him, and give him the revenge.

"A handful of tatters, do you still want to hurt me based on this?" Babe dismissed his eyes and said with hatred: "Do you think I was my mother back then, and you can kill you casually?"

Bebe didn't shirk, he was directly attacked by this attack, but under the gleam of light, under the impact of grudge, Bebe's body did not shake even a moment, and he instantly scared Tyron, almost holding the long sword in his hand Can't live.

Although he knew that he was not any opponent of the other party, he did not know that the gap was so great that the other party could not hurt him if he attacked.

Immediately, he wanted to bypass the blocked Bebe and escape towards Wushen Mountain.

"Haha, I see how long you can run." Babe roared in the sky, chasing behind him and shouting: "Tilon, today next year, that will be your day of abstinence!"

The starry sword saint's head didn't return, even a little faster.

"Give me a death!" Babe flew behind Tyrone, struck Tian Tian's foot, and kicked him off with a click, and his body fell forward with a whistling sound, like a dead fish. Similar.

Before he had responded, Babe had surrounded him and attacked frantically. In the blood rain, Tyron immediately screamed again and again, and his whole body was covered with flesh.

Babe is like an executioner, and every attack carries a trace of flesh on Tiron's body, as if to cramp him.

This is not a level battle. Of course, it cannot be called a battle. It is a slaughter.

No matter what direction Tyron flees in, he cannot leave Bebe's attack area.

He even foresees his own death.

It's just that he didn't want to die like this, still holding a glimmer of hope, hoping to escape to Wushen Mountain and escape this great difficulty.

"Haha, you didn't expect Tyrone to be today." Xiong Er stared, watching Tyrone bravely under the attack of Babe and was abused. He didn't even feel it at all. Some were just happy.

Earlier, I heard that this guy squeezed Babe's mother, and his bones were gone. That kind of anger was almost beyond words!

"Hum, death is not enough to kill his mistakes." Celsia glared. If it were not for her cure that did not have much effect on the Sanctuary Powerhouse, she would definitely cast a light-healing magic at the moment to save it. Tyrone helped him heal his physical trauma and caused him more pain.

"Oh oh oh."

Babe turned into a few afterimages, kicking Tiron up and down in the air, leaving Tyron ’s entire body without a piece of bone intact, and his whole bones were almost broken, and the pain was so low that he even screamed. Down.

Due to the strong vitality and soul power of the Sanctuary, it is difficult to faint and suffer more than ordinary people.

"Kill me!" Tyron knew today that he couldn't save his life. He could only ask for quick death without being tortured more.

"Kill you?" Babe's voice rang in the sky and roared, "Want to be quick to die? How is it possible that when you killed my father and mother, did you consider letting them die? Haha, you thought you were strong enough, so Being able to do whatever you want, you have made me lose all this since I was a child.

Beibei started another round of abuse. Thousands of kicks, and finally Tyron ’s screams became low, so low that it was hard to detect. He could only hear hollow Babe flying around in conflict winds. Tearing sound.

Tyron was in a state of frequent death.

"Babe, come to me, and give me a look." Xiong Er shouted.

"Next, don't kill it." Babe hooked Tyron's body with his right paw and threw it directly at where Xiong Er was.


Xiong Er laughed, and immediately rubbed his hands, and the thick bear paw patted against the thrown Tyron, and he shot him over the top of Celsia ’s head, and Celsia ’s body of several meters turned and the tiger tail attacked. It swept across Tyron's chest and slammed him towards where Babe was.

She used softness this time and didn't hurt Tyrone at all.

Soon, the three guys launched a grand volleyball match in the air.

I saw Tyrone involuntarily flying in the air, like a ball, played by three Warcraft.

The battle above the sky, the distance is not too high, only a hundred meters high, and it is clear from the ground, everyone opened their mouths exaggeratedly, feeling their teeth hurt.

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