Plane Universe

Chapter 1108: Give in

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"Oh! Oy! Oy!"

When Babe stepped on the center of Thunder Dragon's forehead, he was also electrified and his hair was upright, like a angry hedgehog, and a small face was crumpled up, which was uncomfortable to watch. The most important thing is that his body also has bursts of numbness, and his limbs can't use strength.


Thunder Dragon's forehead hurts, and he yelled directly, don't look at Babe's small size, the two sides are disproportionately hungry, but they can't be underestimated.

In this attack, neither side took advantage of each other, and each caused damage to the other.

After fighting for a long time, both sides of the three battlefields can't help anyone. After all, there is no overwhelming power. Warcraft has a strong natural defense and long physical endurance. It is estimated that playing three days and three nights will not lead to victory.

This is also a result of the difficulty of hunting for advanced Warcraft.

The enemy was paralyzed by himself on the spot. At such a good opportunity, the Thunder Dragon will naturally not let go. A pair of wings slightly flicked. The body of more than 40 meters immediately retreated a little, and then quickly floated up, a huge dragon. The mouth was open, full of breath, the cold flashing teeth were as thick as the adult thighs, and he bit the babe in the past.

Incomparably on both sides, it is not enough for Babe to stop Thunder Dragon's teeth!

"Ah, Uncle Babe."

Seeing such a dangerous scene, the three little guys standing on the Lei Ming carving, the golden horn sounded on the spot. Even Hog ​​and Wharton next to him squeezed the sweat for Babe. Once the immobile Babe was crushed by Thunder ’s gleaming thick teeth, no matter how strong the defense was, it would have to become meaty, no scum Left.

The leaf expression is extremely concerned about the battle between Bebe and Thunder Dragon, and her spirit is highly concentrated. Once Bebe's body cannot be recovered, she will be ready to rescue.

She is still very confident in her strength.

Indeed, the leaves are bright physiques. After years of cultivation, they naturally have the ability to "light the field". Once released, with her strength, she can suppress Thunder Dragon on the spot, and you can't do it if you want to move.

The strength of the two sides is not equal, she is much more terrible than the extreme strongmen of the sanctuary such as Farn and Deris.

If you really fight, lei does not dare to say victory!


When Thunder Dragon's big mouth was about to bite, Babe's body paralysis dared to recede, the font power recovered, and he quickly dodge and retreated, then raised his claws and yelled again and again: "You dare to call me?"

Thunder Dragon was very disappointed when he did n’t bite Beibei. After hearing the words, he sneered and said: “Electrical you just electrify you, do you need to pick a day? This time, you escaped once, it ’s your luck, next time. Not so lucky. "

"Damn, let's die you." Babe was furious on the spot, screaming and rushing up, making Thunder Dragon unable to react, and sticking to the other party at once, then opened his mouth, showing his sharp teeth and biting at one place. He went up, and his claws waved again and again.

In an instant, continuous screams sounded, and Lei Long rolled over in pain, trying to throw away the little one on his body.

On the other side, the battle between Celsia and the Golden Dragon of the Sanctuary is more elegant. The two sides are fighting for magic. You come and go, and a beam of light collides with each other in the forest, or explodes, or cancels.

"Second brother!" Thunder Dragon screamed again and again, and the Golden Dragon looked faintly anxious. The Bright Tiger family is known for its light magic, and it is helpless to fight magic with the other party. His strength is not as good, and his skills are much worse than the other. He did n’t dare to rush up. Before that, his physical strength was crushed, and he was attacked countless times, so he turned into a magic match, but the magic match again. Suppressed, "Damn, how could this bright tiger be so perverted?"

"How do you admit defeat?" Celsia once again released a bright magic, a 30-meter-high, half-meter-diameter beam of light flashing dazzling light, rumbling moving towards the golden dragon, the blazing energy spread Opened, so that the face of the Golden Dragon changed.

At first glance, this energy beam of light is not trivial. He dared not block it. Of course, he would not release the magic of the Holy Land to fight against it. Obviously, he was not pleased.

At this moment, the golden dragon body quickly ascends, ready to dodge Celsia's beam of energy that is extremely powerful at first glance. But he was obviously thinking too much, Serbia's tiger face showed a weird smile, so that the Golden Dragon's heart was awkward, the dark path was not good, could this light beam of energy still not be tracked?

Sure enough, the energy beam jumped instantly, and it floated very quickly, almost in line with the movement of the golden dragon. The golden dragon rushed left and right, trying to dodge this beam of energy beam.

It's a pity that one step is wrong, one step at a time, the magic tigers born to the Bright Tiger family, remote control magic is a very simple thing.

In the end, the Golden Dragon unavoided, and was finally bombarded by the beam of energy. In the explosion, a shock wave spread out, and the Golden Dragon was also slammed backwards. The gold-colored armor also had a burning trace, gray head and gray face .

"How? Do you want to fight?" Celsia did not take advantage of the pursuit, but instead gave the opponent a breathing opportunity, but she did not care. The strength of the Golden Dragon is much worse than her, whether it is physical strength or Magic power, she pressed the other side.

The other party can't turn the sky!


The Golden Dragon was not convinced. He gently fluttered his wings, stabilized his body, and flew towards the front. Hundreds of meters away from Celsia, his mouth began to read the spell in silence.

"Ha ha."

Sercia's very lady moved her right foot slightly and teased with a smile: "Are you ready to use dragon language magic? Just like you meditating the spell, it is estimated that it has been bombarded a few times. Give you a chance to use the golden dragon's natural skills to make you lose your mouth!

Golden Dragon sneered again and again. He knew that the proud and bright tiger would definitely not do it, so he was confident to use his talents.

Three seconds later, the space began to oscillate in vain, and an invisible ripple suddenly rushed out of the body of the golden dragon, directly blasting towards Celsia standing gracefully hundreds of meters away.

This is the talent of the golden dragon-the soul cry!

In fact, it is the mysterious mystery of the law of light-deter mysterious mystery!

Specially attacking the soul of the enemy, the lethality is very strong, and the strongest peak in the Holy Land rarely has the ability to take the Golden Dragon of the Holy Land.

It is a pity that Celsia is not an ordinary peak powerhouse in the Sanctuary. What she has been practicing is the "deterrence" mystery in the rules of the light system. The golden dragon released the trick. For her, the next step is very easy. Can't do it with shock.

I saw Sercia shaking her head gently, with a mocking smile on her face, said: "You lost!"

"You ... took such a trick as easily as possible, and nothing at all?" The Golden Dragon was so shocked that the other party couldn't even say anything about it, as if the breeze was blowing.

This is a bit too strong.

He already sighed in his heart, it is worthy of that pet's pet Warcraft, the owner is perverted, and his pet is also perverted.

He is very, the other party has actually kept his hands everywhere. It is so easy to resist his own perfection. It must be a deterrent to cultivation. At the same time, the degree of the law is very profound, and his strength is much stronger than himself.

"Do you admit defeat?" Sercia smiled and asked again; "If you don't agree, we can continue to fight until you take it."

"Okay, I admit defeat." The golden dragon is also very simple, very barely admitting defeat, his three brothers are suppressed by the other party, and it does not have much effect to fight again. It is better to save some energy, it is better to confess the defeat. In order to avoid the pain of his second brother and third.

"Second brother and third brother, stop, we admit defeat!" Now that he has conceded, Golden Dragon turned his head and shouted at his two brothers.

"It's cheaper for you." Xiong Er riding the Tyrannosaurus Rex, hurriedly stopped, pushed away, and then shrank his body to stand up, stood happily on the side, looked up at the sky and smiled proudly and happily.

He is asking the leaves for credit!

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