Plane Universe

Chapter 1109: Horrible Highness

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"Hum, know that I am awesome!" On the other side, Babe also stopped, looking disgusted at the **** Thunder Dragon in his body, shouting angrily: "Call you to me, kill you . "

Babe's teeth attack is very strong, and Thunder Dragon is not well-known for its defense. In the **** places on his body, the half-meter square scale armor is broken, and a part is missing.

The missing part was naturally bitten off by Babe.

Thunder Dragon was despondent, and he couldn't be reconciled. He could only say nothing. This mouse is too perverted, and its small size is simply unpredictable. Its huge body is facing up, and it has no advantage at all. It has always been in the position of being beaten.

Moreover, why is the other party's teeth so sharp?

Isn't the Shadow Mouse fast?

When the teeth became so powerful, Lei Long couldn't figure it out.

"Brother, why do you admit defeat?" Tyrannosaurus rebelled, roaring again and again, smoke in the nostrils, a pair of deep eyes with flames stared straight at Xiong Er, and it was obvious that he had not been beaten by Xiong Er just now. Be convinced.

"If you lose, you have to admit it. What's the point of playing it again? It's better to simply do it." Golden Dragon said helplessly. He actually didn't want to lose his life. Once the other party is not holding hands, it is likely that he gave his three brothers' lives. .

The other party also has two strong human sanctuaries, a Lei Ming vulture of the sanctuary level. Among them, the human saint of light, he is actually more dreaded.

The prestige of the leaf is very high on the Magnolia continent. Although the strength is not known at that step, there is no illustrious person under the prestigious name. The light is the huge bright power contained in the body, which is worth his consideration.

"Big Brother ..." Tyrannosaurus still wanted to say something, but it was stopped by the Golden Dragon with his eyes. "Don't talk anymore, we lose if we lose, we are not those who cannot afford to lose, don't we just give some blood, always Better than losing life. "

Lei Mingdiao has landed, and the entire land within a few miles has been turned into ruins, and there is no perfect place on the ground.

"Don't be wordy, let go of blood!" Xiong Er threw down three small buckets and said with a smile: "Fill this poke full, at least 20% is pure blood. By the way ... wait, I will ask first Ask one of them who likes your blood again. "

Huang Jinlong stunned slightly, looked down at the small steel barrel on the ground, and then shut his mouth without objection.

"Pure blood?" Tyrannosaurus roared: "Don't even think about it."

Pure blood, which is the blood of the origin of the powerful in the sanctuary, represents strength. It takes a long time to recover after losing it. How can he be willing?

"Huh? What did you say?" Ye Ye turned to frown and looked at Tyrannosaurus. His face was cold, and his eyes were viciously murderous, revealing invisible pressure. On the spot, Tyrannosaurus was so shocked that he couldn't even speak. Only Tyrannosaurus Rex and Thunder Dragon knew that the most terrifying thing among the pedestrians was this human woman.

Golden Dragon is not much surprised. He is much smarter than his second and third brothers. He has long known that the leaves are not good, otherwise how can he be a big brother!

"Don't know what's wrong. Originally, my uncle came here today. I just saw that you have the strength to be today. That's why it was not easy for you to take over this errand, lest you don't understand politeness, make your uncle angry, and kill you. "Leaves looked around the three-headed Sacred Dragon, and said lightly:" I didn't expect you to be so unkind, so that you can put a little blood and push three and four. Do you want me to use a knife? Are you willing? "Huh!"

At the last snorting, the Tyrannosaurus could not bear it on the spot, and almost fell to the ground with a wailing cry. The eyes of the two dragons contracted, and the eyes were full of fear. The two dragon faces changed color and pale.

The law of light 'deterrence' Xuan Ao find out!

The tyrannosaurus resolute, no longer dared to resist, no matter what the other party said is true or false, at least the strength of this Holy Light Saint is terrible, once the murderous heart of their brothers, I am afraid that even a resistance can't do it .

Seeing that the other party just hummed, the Tyrannosaurus Rex could not withstand it, how can this be confronted!

"Thank you Holy Light Lady." Golden Dragon is grateful for thanks.

The leaves waved gently, turned their heads and smiled and said: "The three dragon members are very strong, much stronger than the black dragon just now. Choose the one you like. If you don't like it, we will find another one."

"Sister Leaf, you're so good." Sasha's admiring hand holding the leaf showed a yearning look on her face.

"Yeah, yeah." Taylor slammed his head and smiled happily: "Sister Yep just hummed, and the Tyrannosaurus did not dare to speak. What kind of tricks can you teach me?"

"You, I will teach you when I want to learn." Ye Ye smiled slightly, and said reluctantly.

Taylor, Salsa, and Sini have very poor magic talents. If they follow the normal method of testing talents, I am afraid that except for the water system that barely reaches the lower level, no other system can be tested.

The dragon blood warrior family, without the baptism of the dragon pool, the talent is really poor. As for the talents of most ordinary human races, lei is an exception, not a normal member of the Baruch family, everyone knows the reason-fate is not Where is the talent, who is sure!

Moreover, the members of the Baruch family are also very general. The fact that they are so famous in the Magnolia mainland is all about bullying people by their bodies.

In the end, Salsa chose the Golden Dragon, Sini chose the Thunder Dragon, and Taylor chose the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Don't look at the Tyrannosaurus Rex as if it was pressed by Xiong Er, but Taylor knew that it was caused by Uncle Big Bear too strong.

At that time, Uncle Big Bear and his father were fighting against the four powerful sacred domains of the Holy See. How strong is their strength? Who has no points in their hearts?

"Okay, I'm disturbing you today." Ye looked at the three heads of the dragons standing respectfully next to him, raised his hand and gracefully waved lightly: "You can leave."

"This ..." The three members of the Sanctuary Peak Dragon Clan glanced at each other, and they were stunned on the spot. They looked very funny and did not dare to say something.

"Why don't you want to let you go?" Ye Zi looked at the three dragons, but didn't know what they were thinking, and asked with a smile: "What else do you have?"

Hoag naturally noticed what was happening here, and quickly turned his head to look at the three Sanctuary Dragons, with a look of doubt.

Golden Dragon once again looked at the two brothers beside him and got a definite answer. He quickly lowered his huge head and respectfully said, "His Royal Highness, we have something to say."

"What's the matter, let me see if I can help you." The leaf shook his head slightly faintly. She still knew a little bit about how the other party thought.

Sure enough, the Golden Dragon's next words confirmed her guess. She only listened to the huge body of the Golden Dragon crawling down slightly, and fell down on her knees. She looked extremely respectful and asked: "Our three brothers are still a little powerful. It can also drive us to do it, so we want to join the lord of the Holy Light God, join the sage of the sage, and listen to the dispatch of the sage. I do n’t know if we have this honor? "

The same is true for Tyrannosaurus Rex and Thunder Dragon, with their bodies prone and bow down to the leaves to show their surrender.

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