Plane Universe

Chapter 1120: Treasure price list

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In Cheng Buyun's words, everyone did not care.


This is not a problem.

Don't be afraid of difficulty, the most afraid is that there is no channel.

So no matter how difficult it is to get a "spiritual personality", there is always a miss and a direction of effort. The most fearful thing is that there is no hope, as long as there is hope, there is motivation.

Desire is the driving force behind the progress of life.

"Okay, Yiyi, please send the table of statistical credit and the price list of treasures to everyone." Cheng Buyun signaled.

The tunic standing beside him immediately withdrew a stack of paper from the space ring, then walked over and began to distribute.

In a while, everyone except lei and leaves got two pieces of paper, one is to calculate the credit they have contributed over the past few years, and the other is a price list for redeeming treasures.

After getting two pieces of paper, everyone looked nervous and looked at it. This was related to their own interests. No one was not nervous.

"Tui Yi, also give me a look." Lei was a little curious, he also wanted to see what it was.

Hearing this, Yan Yi naturally gave him a politely. Immediately after taking the form, lei looked at Cheng Buyun and swayed the paper gently before looking at it.

There are five large characters written in gold on the top of the paper-treasure price list!

The first line reads "Lower Godhead", worth 10 million contribution points, the median godhead-one billion contribution points, the upper godhead-"100 billion contribution points"!

The value of the three levels of divine personality is a hundredfold increase!

He does n’t know whether this price is precious or cheap. After all, he does n’t know how to contribute this thing, but the value is so large, it should not be easy.

The second line, artifacts, lower artifacts-million contribution points, the median artifact is 100 million contribution points, the upper artifact billion contribution points.

The third line is the sub-artifact, the price is 10,000, which is easy to calculate, lei only knew that the value of the divine personality is expensive, beyond human imagination.

In fact, the price list given by Cheng Buyun is really not expensive. In the case of Anthony, he is responsible for the Rhine Empire Division. There are more than 30 million Cheng Buyun believers in the division, and there are 300 points every year. The above contribution points are more than 3,000 points in three thousand years, and this value is still at this stage. As time goes by, the number of people in the district will become more and more, and the contribution points will be more.

A lower-level artifact requires a lower-level **** to cultivate for at least a thousand years. In terms of time comparison, it really is nothing.

Cheng Buyun's treatment of his people has always been relatively forgiving, and even very good. Only when everyone goes to the plane of God and knows the value of artifacts and divinities will they know that they are really enough adults.

The fourth line reads-Cheng Buyun, the adult, gave his careful instructions once. The time is one day, worth 5,000 contribution points. It is a little expensive, but it is very worthwhile.

Lin Lei is a strong man who knows how powerful Bu Yun Brother is. He carefully guides one day. This treasure cannot be exchanged. At least after his guidance, you will become strong enough. His kind of overly powerful insight, every word makes people feel awkward, and there is a feeling of seeing the clouds.

Just like the previous time, I fell into the bottleneck of cultivation and could not see the way forward, but I only reminded myself a little bit to make my eyes suddenly brighter, and the way ahead became brighter. A beacon of your own advance.

Under these four categories, there are some secret codes or tricks of qi, etc. The spiritual training methods he has practiced before are also among them, but the price is a little expensive, tens of thousands of contributions, and the energy from the improvement of his family Styles, etc., some of the twelve styles of blood warfare that he had studied before, every step of the way, he felt the experience of natural cultivation.

There are also some artistic moves, such as the new cultivation of the potential of heaven and earth, such as the Thunder God's Nine Thunder Blade, Hong's World Extinction Marksmanship, fog sword, light and shadow sword, etc. Some of the stronger artistic level moves are among them.

This is a kind of exercises, very good things, at least the twelve types of **** battles and inch steps are suitable for the use of the powerful sanctuary.

There will be no more below.

The Magnolia mainland is poor in resources, and Cheng Buyun can't help it!

He really wanted to make this price list look better, but there was really nothing to take out, even if it was so good.

Of course, this price is a bit crude, but it will be richer in the future. When he goes to the plane of God, there will be everything.

This ... Cheng Buyun is very sure!

The second man on the left is sitting with Master Anthony. He first looked at the price list of treasures, and then the table of statistical contribution points. The beginning is:

Establishing a belief zone for the Holy Light God, spreading the great deeds of the Holy Light God, and stabilizing the order in the belief zone, with huge contributions and an increase of 10,000 points in contribution.

The following is the contribution points that can be obtained each year, 302 points per year.

The total contribution point is: 11356 points.

Suddenly, Anthony knew how the contribution points were calculated. For every 10 million loyal believers ... Believe in Cheng Buyun, the Holy Light God, he could get one hundred contribution points per year.

Although there is a huge gap between these 10,000 points and tens of millions of points, there is time for the strongman of the Sanctuary, and there are 3 million points of contribution value in 10,000 years. This is still at this stage. In the district he guards, there is still one Most people who do not believe in Cheng Buyun.

A small number of them are shallow believers.

Don't worry, take your time!

As long as there is hope.

He didn't think that it would take too long to change to a divine form in 10,000 years. Looking at the only strongest sacred domains in the Yulan Continent, you can know how difficult it is to become a god.

His talent is not comparable to those geniuses. He has become a Sanctuary strongman from the age of 132. It has been more than two thousand years now, and his strength is only the peak level of the ordinary Sanctuary. Already very contented.

Others ... Tower Shield, Coleman, Tanier and some other Sanctuary strongmen who are close to Anthony's strength. At this time, they are also grinning, smiling and looking happy.

I was only pleased because I met hope.

These powerful saints are as old as thousands of years old, and their talents can only be said to be average. If they want to rely on themselves to become gods, the possibility is really unlikely.

The profound mystery of the law is really not easy. Only at this step will they know how difficult it is to practice!

Now with such opportunities, inner joy is a natural thing.

These sacred domains with relatively strong strength are basically single persons responsible for an area, so all the contribution points in the partition are obtained by themselves.

Unlike others, some are responsible for one area, some are three or four people, and even five are responsible for one area. After all, the number of human beings is so small. With more monks and fewer porridge, it is natural to have more strength and get more.

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