Plane Universe

Chapter 1121: Determine the list

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Everyone held the form in their hands, and their expressions were different.

Faith zone is responsible for areas with a large number of people. Each sacred area is probably two or three thousand contribution points. It is not enough to obtain the qualification of Cheng Buyun pointing once.

But who makes them not strong enough?

Of course, some people look weird. The treasures in the first row of the treasure price list are not only the lower ranks, but also the middle and upper ranks.

But does Cheng Buyun have this kind of thing?

That is why, for the first time, everyone has a relatively intuitive understanding of the **** domain powerhouse. It turns out that the **** domain is so different in level, divided into the lower god, the middle god, and the upper god.

As for the existence above the upper god, with everyone's strength status, it cannot be involved.

"Brother Buyun, this time you can be considered a big bleed." Lin Leiyang raised the price list in his hand and looked at Cheng Buyun with a smile: "The price written above is really not expensive, just use the second artifact. For example, if a holy domain strongman wants to forge such a weapon, it will take at least decades and hundreds of years to find materials. Just now I looked at the statistical table of the contribution points in Mr. Anthony ’s hand. It ’s really easy to listen. After all, it ’s not too hard to spread the faith for you. On the contrary, it is very comfortable, because you do n’t need to go out and find materials. ”

Everyone heard Lin Lei's remarks and nodded secretly. The Magnolia Continent is now poor in resources. After a long time of consumption, the precious materials and metals have long been excavated. These latecomers want to get a handy weapon, which is very difficult. , It is sour.

After such a comparison, everyone knows that adults really have nothing to say about themselves and others.

It's a blessing to be able to join the adults!

"It's not a big bleeding, after all, everyone joins me and is my own. It's a matter of giving some welfare." Cheng Buyun smiled.

"Haha, Brother Buyun is humble." Lin Lei praised and turned to smile at everyone: "Everyone's eyes should not only focus on the dignity or something, you should look at the secret code moves, don't think these are useless to you. In fact, it is very useful for high-level sanctuary strong ... including high-level sanctuary strongman, both the Nine Thunder Knife and the World Extinguishing Marksmanship are all high-level moves. They are very powerful. Realm, not to mention that the leapfrog defeats the enemy, at least it is possible to fight a little bit. "

"The most precious one is undoubtedly the inch step. I have been practicing this kind of body method until now. A very powerful dodge body method is suitable for all stages of cultivation." Lei explained with a smile: "Even if the sanctuary is big Magisters are also suitable. They have practiced these evasion methods. Even if the holy domain magister was attacked by the warriors of the sacred domain, with these powerful physiques, they can also avoid life. "

so smart?

Anthony was suddenly surprised. His eyes looked at the paper in his hand and where he looked at the types of exercises. Only then did he know that the preciousness of this thing, something that can be taken so grandly by adults, was really not simple.

The content of the treasure price list, the leaf did not know, she immediately reached out to take a form to Yanyi, after reading it, nodded and smiled, raised her head to look at everyone who was still looking at the paper in hand, said: "Uncle Lin Lei That ’s right, indeed ... The exercises on this form are top-notch on the Magnolia Continent, and used to be practiced only as a very loyal person within our forces. Uncle took out these exercises secrets this time, I really value you. "

"Show me too." Xiong Er, who was sitting on the floor of the hall a little behind the leaf, also stretched his head forward, looking curiously at the form in her hand.

"It's up to you." Celsia stretched her hind legs and supported Xiong Er's belly, not leaning on him. This is very impolite behavior. After all, the meeting is starting here in the lobby, and then softly said: "Don't make a random voice, it will disturb everyone. Look at Bebedo."

Indeed, Babe lying on lei's shoulder, with a pair of small black eyes, was interested in looking at others from time to time, watching everyone's life.

Xiong Er glared at her, hummed angrily, and calmed down.

"Thank you Lord Holy Light God." Everyone quickly stood up and saluted.

Cheng Buyun smiled and waved his hand, pressing the palm of his hand to make everyone sit down.

The talents of these people are not good, but because they are not talented, they will be loyal enough. He also needs a thug under his command. He ca n’t do everything to teach the enemy. After all, the upper gods are easy to cultivate, only need to have enough The divine personality.

Not difficult!

Looking at the secrets of the exercises, some people moved their hearts, respectfully stood up and bowed to Cheng Buyun, his expression was a little embarrassed.

"Leistel, just say something, don't be too cautious." Cheng Buyun nodded, and the people who stood up were very young, less than a hundred years old, and they were the most powerful in the sanctuary under Cheng Buyun. Poor one.

The middle-aged person, Lester, paid a respectful reverence and asked, "I don't know if I have changed to the practice secret, I can only let myself practice ... Or can I pass it on to the family?"

When he asked the exit, he immediately became quiet in the hall, and the atmosphere was a little frozen.

Some strong sacred domains who had a good relationship with him had nervous expressions and were a little unclear. How could Lester ask this sentence, too young, and sometimes confused.

"Good question." Cheng Buyun didn't feel angry, but instead looked at him with a smile, and then glanced at everyone: "The secret code of practice can only be practiced by yourself, and you can't spread others, even if you are close to you. No. But ... there are always exceptions. For example, if you want to exchange for a certain practice code for a child in your family, and you need to join our forces, he will be qualified and able to practice! Once you do n’t have permission People practiced these practice secrets, we will go back and recover the practice secrets practiced by the other party. "

How to recover?

Naturally it is killing, everyone knows this!

"You ... all understand?" Cheng Buyun looked at everyone faintly.

"I will understand it later." Everyone stood up again, and under the majesty of Cheng Buyun, no one dared to object.

"Okay, let's talk about welfare for now. You will consider each other. Now I will talk about other things." Cheng Buyun said: "Everyone should know that there is a very secret secret in the Magnolia Continent. Know yourself. Get me up and take a look. "

"Adult!" Anthony stood up and asked Cheng Buyun with excitement: "Is the mysterious land opened?"

The tower shields, who are the ordinary strongest peaks in the Sanctuary, stood up again and again and said, "We, like Anthony, know this place."

Others who had heard of it also stood up one after another, saying that they had heard of it, but the secret inside was not very clear.

Cheng Buyun looked at it, and everyone in the hall stood up. Even Lester, the youngest strongman in the Sanctuary, knew this place.

Although some people have heard of it, they do not understand the graveyards of the gods.

He still understands this.

"It's a good place to start this year, the time is tomorrow." Cheng Buyun asked everyone to sit down, and then said: "Some of you have the opportunity to see this time, who has the opportunity ... I will know later. Yan Yi began to roll call. "

The last sentence is what he told Yan Yi.

The atmosphere was tense immediately, and everyone looked at the faint smile with a longing look, hoping to hear her name from her mouth in the next moment.

It is a pity that the list has been set early on. In fact, according to the meaning of Cheng Buyun, he did not want any of them to take risks in the graveyard of the gods, but since it is a quota arranged by Beirut, he is not good at killing the opportunities of others.

Whether to go or not is up to others to decide.


He took out a form in his hand, and the first one read the name of the old mage. He made his face flushed with excitement on the spot. Unlike other people, he did n’t know where the mysterious place was, but he knew, The mysterious place is the cemetery of the gods, which contains gods, gods and other treasures that are difficult to see outside the magnolia continent.

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