Plane Universe

Chapter 1122: The three hundred and sixty-one god

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The old mage was not calm on the spot, his face trembling slightly and stood up, an old face glowed with excitement, and said repeatedly: "I? Miss Yanyi, didn't read the wrong name!"

Miss the wrong name?

This, of course, does not exist.

Since the list was handed in the morning, she has read and read the meditation many times. How could it be wrong?

The thing that the adult confessed is naturally very important and the first priority. She can forget anything, but she never makes mistakes when it comes to what the adult confesses to her.

"Anthony ... I still know these three words, certainly not wrong." Yiyi looked at him with a smile: "Mr. Master, please don't disturb me."


Anthony hurriedly bowed gently, and even guilty of sin. After Cheng Buyun waved his hand, he sat down calmly.

But he was very excited, and even looked away.

It is estimated that this time he will begin to imagine the future beauty in his mind, and forget who he is.

"Coleman, Tanier, Tower Shield, Rostron, Cao, and the last one ..." Read it here and listened to it, looking up and smiling at everyone, making everyone's hearts extremely nervous.

They thought that except for the six relatively strong presences of Anthony, they had no chance of waiting for others, but the fact was like this. Cheng Buyun also gave them a chance, and this opportunity gave them these are not the strongest peaks By.

This opportunity is very precious, and no one does not want to get it.

The powerful saints in the entire hall were tempted by the clothes, and the atmosphere was very tense. This is the last one.

The six ordinary-level Sanctuary pinnacle strongmen who have already read their names have a good look. Looking at everyone's nervous faces, their hearts are dark.

"The last one ... Marcy." Yan Yi finally pronounced the last person's name.

After she pronounced the name, there was an instant burst of lamentation throughout the hall, all of which were issued by those high-level sacred domain strongmen with similar strength to Yunshan.

"Is it?" A middle-aged beautiful woman stood up and pointed at herself with a dare.

"Yes, the last one is Marcy." Yan Yi confirmed again.

The middle-aged and beautiful woman immediately smiled with joy, her plump and mellow body shivered, and the flesh on her chest shook with her, which was very attractive.

Do n’t look at the fact that the middle-aged and beautiful woman ‘Marcy’ still exists. In fact, she is already very old. This year, she is more than 1,800 years old, and she is also a veteran among the powerful saints.

"Congratulations, Marcy." Some senior sanctuary leaders of the same level congratulated the beautiful woman again and again.

They were very envious of Marcy's ability to see this mysteriously and see through mysterious places.

But there is no way, anyone can go is designated by the Lord God of Light, no one can refute.

They can only work harder in the future and prepare for the next opportunity.

"Thank you, Lord God of Light, for giving me this opportunity." Marcy immediately lifted her skirt and knelt down on one knee in the hall, respectfully thanking him.

Being able to have such a chance is of course Cheng Buyun rewarding her, and the gratitude in her heart is beyond words.

Anthony and others also stood up and kneeled down on one knee.

"You are loyal to me and do things for me, so there are many benefits." Cheng Buyun smiled and waved his hands. After the seven of them stood up, they glanced at the others and said with dignity and majesty: "Originally, Marcy's strength was It ’s a little bit worse, but the faith division she ’s in charge of has done a very good job with great credit, so I gave her a chance. ”

Another beautiful woman looked at Marcy admiringly and sighed secretly in her heart. She was in charge of the same belief division as Marcy, and the other party did better than her, so she was not jealous.

Since you have n’t done well enough, it ’s impossible to lose your chance. I hope you can do your best next time, and you can be appreciated.

"Other people who haven't got the opportunity, work hard and practice well. One day, you will have this opportunity," Cheng Buyun warned.

This group of people ... to be honest, the strength is really a bit poor, and they can't get on the table. Marcy can be on the list, and he also wants to set an example and show it to others.

"Yes, Lord Holy Light God, I'll get it later." The strong men of the Holy Land replied respectfully.

"The mysterious land is very dangerous, and I don't want to force people who don't want to go." Cheng Buyun stared at the seven people in the center of the hall, and said solemnly: "While there is still time, you can go back to your family to explain things. Now, I ’ll give you a day to consider and decide what to go. Come here tomorrow morning to gather and follow me. Do you understand? "

To get something, of course you need to take risks.

No one will give up such an opportunity.

The meeting was over, and everyone left Xinyue Yazhu in twos or threes.

In the hall, only Cheng Buyun and a few others left soon.

Lin Lei stood up with a smile, and asked with a smile: "Brother Yun, do you have a personality now?"

"Why, after a long time, I finally couldn't help asking." Cheng Buyun smiled and ridiculed and asked, "What do you think?"

Xiong Er's eyes widened and asked in surprise: "Master, do you have a personality?"

"There must be." Sercia nodded decisively.

Cheng Buyun is a very powerful person in her heart, she is only divine, and no one else, does the master still have?

If you do n’t have one, can you just say it at random and let it be exchanged?

The leaves smiled faintly. She also believed that her uncle had a personality. Although the uncle had never said anything about the personality, nor had it been taken out for viewing, she believed that her uncle was not a big talker.

"I believe so." Lin Lei nodded his head with a smile, and extended his hand: "Take it for me to see, and open my eyes, what exactly is this divine form."

"Yeah, big man, take it out, I don't see any of these treasures, what shape is it." Babe also twirled the beards in his mouth and said happily.

"Yeah, oh master, take it out and let us have a look." Xiong Erhou said anxiously.

Cheng Buyun smiled and said with a smile: "You guys, it's just divine, what's so good about it? It's just a small black hole, like the little black stone on the side of the road. It looks good, it's all gone. "

Last time, he became a **** for his brother's unsleeping earth system law. Because he was a **** directly, and it was a second god. Without a divine personality, lei naturally has not seen what the divine personality looks like. No wonder he is curious.


Black stones by the road?

Everyone was shocked.

Is your home **** like that?

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