Plane Universe

Chapter 1129: Intend to solicit

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After a while, intermittently, he left eighteen Sanctuary Powerhouses, all of whom are ordinary peak Sanctuary Powerhouses, where strength is the lowest level of existence.

Have self-knowledge.

If no one had taken the lead, and it was not Cheng Buyun who gave up the lead, I am afraid no one would leave.

At least the people of the **** of war and the high priest dare not leave.

Cheng Buyun made an example!

The departure of the dozen or so Sanctuary Powerhouses dampened the atmosphere a bit.

"Master, what shall we do?" Xiong Er was also at a loss.

Cheng Buyun slapped him with a slap and scolded: "Do you know that you are afraid at this time? Who yelled and rummaged yesterday, saying you want to make yourself famous?"

"Master, just leave me alone. I didn't know that the sky was thick and thick, and I underestimated the place of the cemetery of the gods." Xiong Ersan smiled, but there was no fear on his face. He didn't believe it yet, he was afraid of him Who's here?

"Okay, what are you afraid of, since you're going to go in and out, then do a good job, don't make people joke." Cheng Buyun patted his head and smiled.

Anthony they can go, but Xiong Er and Celsia cannot.

The reason for this is simple. Xiong Er and Celsia are both his contracted Warcraft, and they are essentially different from Anthony and others.

Once you give up the retreat, you will lose face.

"Buyun, you didn't even have a face anymore." Returning to the original stone and sitting down, Hesse immediately looked at him and ridiculed: "And he also took a head and made so many people retreat."

"How else can it be?" Cheng Buyun sighed slightly, without taking Hisa's laughter into his heart.

"You are kind."

O'Brien shook his head slightly. The strong man of the Sanctuary was really nothing in his eyes. It was not a big deal to die on the last batch. Even his children, except for the more important Faen, he ... Would be too relieved.

Being able to cultivate to such strength, the mind is a bit cold, except for his own strength, he does not care about the outside world.

In fact, such a character as Wu Shen, Cheng Buyun will not be too close, only ordinary friends. This is still in a place like Magnolia. Looking down, you can say a few words.

If it is in the plane of God, the two of them are estimated to be absolutely impossible even with ordinary friends.

"Buyun can see it clearly, and see through it. He doesn't care about his face, but instead pays attention to the safety of his people." The high priest's eyes flashed with different colors. If you take off the mask, you can definitely see her admire Smile.

Cheng Buyun has always appreciated this person. Before going to Beirut to inform her, it was a desperate situation. In fact, how could she hope that Cheng Buyun was a spy.

Now that time has passed so long, Master Beirut has not started, but instead allows Cheng Buyun to participate in the feast of the gods ’cemetery. She is also sure that Cheng Buyun is actually what she estimated to be. She is a member of the Magnolia mainland, but she is lucky. , What chance did you get.

"This is no way. I have just a few sacred domain strongmen under my command, and their strength is a bit poor. I am also homeopathic. If they must go, I can't help it." Cheng Buyun smiled, if Anthony had greed in their hearts, and he could not deprive them of their qualifications for participation.

In fact, Anthony Anthony gave up the trip of the graves of the gods, and he appreciated it in his heart. Being able to see himself clearly is more important than anything.

Anthony and others have lived so long, and naturally they are not stupid!

"You guys, there are just so many twists and turns in your stomach." Hisa looked at Cheng Buyun with a smile, and there was a chuckle in his eyes.

"Hisse, I have to tell you." O'Brien interjected. "The opportunity must still be given, no matter the strength is strong or low. The most important thing is fairness. To die, you can't help it. . "

Cheng Buyun smiled. In fact, he fixed his attention early in the morning. Anthony and a few of them came here, which was actually a guise. It was just that he did n’t want to stifle their chances. He also showed his fairness and value. In the end, he still had to go back.

He expected this result early in the morning.

Do n’t blame him for buying people ’s hearts. Sometimes you think about it, but you do n’t necessarily appreciate it.

Hisa's teasing just saw his thoughts, so he teased him a few times. Not only Hesse saw it, but was the high priest, the **** of war, etc. a fool?

A few people laughed here, but Emperor Lin seldom talked from beginning to end.

The departure of more than ten powerful saints has cast a great shadow on everyone.

Most people are silent, closing their eyes expressionlessly, the atmosphere is quite dignified and dull!

"Master." Celsia slowly came over timidly, Cheng Buyun beckoned, the three-meter-long bright tiger came to his stone, squatted down, he touched the bright tiger's soft hair And asked, "What's wrong?"

"Master ... I ..." Sercia raised her head and clear eyes, encouraged by Cheng Buyun's gaze, said gently: "Master, I want to ask the master to help me to ask, where have my people gone!" "

The Emperor Lin on the side opened his eyes and glanced at the Bright Tiger, and his eyes were clear. He waited for Cheng Buyun to open his mouth and said quickly: "The Bright Tigers have already migrated back then, and they should have lived on an island in the Northwest Sea. . "

It turns out so!

Cheng Buyun also understood that it is no wonder that there was no news of the Bright Tigers in the later period of the Magnolia Continent. It turned out that he left the Magnolia Continent early and lived on an island.

"Thank you Mr. Dilin." When she got the news from the clan, Celsia was very happy. What she was most afraid of was the news that her clan had all been killed. Now that the clan is safe to live on a chopped island, then she would not have Too much worry.

When she has time in the future, she can go and look for a look.

Di Lin nodded lightly and closed his eyes again.

It is already a great honor for such a cold person to nod at Celsia.

As time slowly passed, the sun began to drift westward, leaving behind an infinitely beautiful sunset.

Cheng Buyun looked at the sky, patted the robe on his leg, and stood up, while Emperor Lin stood up at the same time and swung back to the heads of Warcraft.

When Cheng Buyun stood up, other sacred domain strongman Sunshine also paid attention and wanted to see what these god-level strongmen wanted to do.

Of course, these people naturally want each other to come over and chat with themselves.

But Wushen also stood up, went to the people under the princes, inquired and said something.

With a gentle manner, Cheng Buyun walked to lei a few people, everyone's eyes are also paying attention to his actions.

Among these five god-level strongmen, the best thing to say is Cheng Buyun. Most people hope to be able to talk to him for more information.

Regardless of any sentence, it is critical intelligence.

"Brother Bu Yun, I should leave soon!" Lei asked softly.

"It's still early, it's not dark this day." Cheng Buyun replied with a smile: "I guess I can't start until late at night."

Lei nodded, but he felt that Bu Yun's eyes were not on him and others, and he quickly looked in the direction he was looking. On a tree stump 100 meters away, there was a young man with an arrogant look-Austria Livia!

His eyes narrowed and his face smiled bitterly. From the previous conversation, Bu Yunge valued Olivia a little, as if he intended to take the other party under his control. This ... he actually agrees. Olivia is a good person. Although his personality is a bit arrogant, he has no talent to say. He can be less than 100 years old. He has been practicing at the age of more than 50 years old. Very powerful!

Especially ... Olivia has no one to give instructions to practice alone, which is even more rare.

Brother Bu Yun took a look at each other's talents, he understood.

When Cheng Buyun came towards himself, Olivia's expression was also stunned. He quickly swept around and saw that there were no important people around him, immediately judged that the other party's goal was himself, and immediately stood up, arrogant A rare smile appeared on his face, "Holy God."

"Olivia, not bad. I haven't seen it in more than ten years. I have cultivated to such strength. I can see that you have worked very hard and done a lot of hard work in these years." Cheng Buyun looked at him and will Olivia looked a little bit uncomfortable before sighing.

"Should not be praised by Holy Light God, my strength is nothing." Olivia said modestly.

In front of Cheng Buyun, he really couldn't display the genius shelf, and he couldn't stand alone.

The guy in front of him was a pervert. The first time they met each other, the strength of the two was not much different, but when they met again, their status was already one in the sky and one in the ground.

Cheng Buyun is in the sky, he is in the ground, he can't compare.

"It's really humble enough." Cheng Buyun smiled, Olivia's talent was very good, and the opportunity was good. His soul mutation and other circumstances were all overtaken by him, and he had the heritage of becoming a super powerhouse. Such a super thug, he will naturally not give up.

In the later period, Olivia was down, and the chance was too bad, and there was no strong man's protection. In the place where the cannibalism of God's plane waited, the sharpness became more and more rounded, and the sharpness was lost and wasted.

Compared with lei, the difference is that he is poor in chance. Lei has refuge from the strongman wherever he goes. The chance is good, and there are many treasures.

He wanted to change Olivia's achievements, such a good talent is not cultivated, how to make sense.

Although Olivia's character is arrogant, it is not a sloppy type. Such a character is undoubtedly very good. Once he helps him sincerely, when he is loyal to you, he is definitely a very loyal one.

Thinking of this, Cheng Buyun said with a smile: "Olivia, you are also a mysterious mystery of the light law of cultivation, and I am also mysterious mystery of the light law enforcer ..."


Olivia's expression was stunned, and he looked at Cheng Buyun steadily, with a guess of points in his heart, and his face looked a little stunned.

"Hey Hey hey!"

In the distance, O'Brien stopped immediately, and quickly walked over, pulling Cheng Buyun's shoulder and interrupted: "Brother Buyun, stop and stop."

Originally, the god-level strongman has received great attention. As soon as O'Brien walked over, everyone immediately focused on the situation and watched the development of things.

"What happened to O'Brien?" Cheng Buyun asked pretendingly.

He was helpless, he didn't finish his words, O'Brien came over and interrupted, and could only deal with the other party first.

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