Plane Universe

Chapter 1130: Happy scene

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Although Cheng Buyun's two sentences were not finished just now, the intention was not only O'Brien to hear, but also the powerful people in the Holy Land around him.

They looked at Olivia with envious eyes, looking at the calm and white-faced youth, and their eyes were full of jealousy and could not be replaced.

It is a great honor for a god-level powerhouse like Cheng Buyun to personally solicit it?

Nearly eighty of this group of sacred domain powerhouses, it is such an honor for him!

And looking at Wu Shen's tighter look, it seems that he also values ​​Olivia, which makes everyone more jealous.

Olivia is naturally not stupid. Although Cheng Buyun's sentence was not finished, the meaning has been fully exposed. With the jealous eyes of a person around him, Wu Shen came over again, making him very uncomfortable. a feeling of.

It seems to be grilled on a fire rack.

"You still ask me what's wrong, I won't come again, and everyone has been dug away by you." O'Brien said angrily: "There is no such thing as digging at the foot of the wall!"

"I dug your foot, I just told Olivia that I, like him, are all practicing the light law of mystery, you are more attentive." Cheng Buyun shrugged his shoulders, and even refused to admit, let a group of holy The strong domain heard almost fell to the ground.

Watching his eyes full of weird colors.

This is shameless!

"Isn't it a digging foot?" O'Brien looked at him with his hands on his chest and squinting his eyes. "What's a digging foot and waiting for you to finish talking?"

A group of people around laughed secretly, seeing the completely different God of Warlord, everyone felt very interesting, and could not imagine that Wushen is usually such a person.

After all, the God of War gives everyone a sense of arrogance and indifference!

"Do I have it?" Cheng Buyun asked in amazement, and I didn't know what it looked like, so Wushen was stunned.

It feels like Cheng Buyun is not on the same channel.


Hessie laughed, "It's shameless ... filthy than me, this man, once shameless, you really have no way to take him!"

"Go." Cheng Buyun turned his head to look away, and smiled and scolded at Hess: "Can I compare with you? I have the thickest skin at most, you are indecent and shameless!"

A group of people's expressions were dull, and they felt a little too tight. The image of the god-level strongman had completely collapsed in their hearts.

This is no different from ordinary people!

But in this way, they made them feel very close, and everyone smiled and watched the development of things.

In fact, Cheng Buyun usually gets along very well and treats people generally very gently. After all, Cheng Buyun ’s humanity has not been lost, coupled with his superb state of mind, he has a kind of happy posture in time.

Such a life is the most perfect.

If when his character becomes indifferent, it is the disaster of every universe.

Once a person becomes a ants in his eyes, then life is just a number in his eyes. Such Cheng Buyun is undoubtedly very scary. If someone makes him unhappy, it may be the matter of destroying the planet.

Oh, the high priest of Android on the big blue stone, looking at the eyes here, also full of smiles, a pair of phoenix eyes exposed outside the mask, also slightly bent.

She has forgotten how long it has been to hear such an ordinary conversation.

Olivia's client has a more sullen expression and feels at a loss, and he doesn't know what to do.

Sandwiched between two god-level powerhouses, he is very embarrassed!

"Okay, okay, seriously." Cheng Buyun replied with that gentle look, and everyone looked startled again, smiling under O'Brien's suspicious eyes: "O'Brien, O'Brien Livia ’s talent is very good, and I am also happy to hunt ... "

Before he had finished speaking, O'Brien watched Cheng Buyun with caution, interrupting him and saying, "I know Olivia's talent is good, but this is not the reason for you to dig the wall."

Now he only holds one principle, that is to say nothing, just stick to his principles.

"Okay, okay!" Cheng Buyun couldn't help but shook his head helplessly. O'Brien didn't give him a chance to speak, so he couldn't talk about solicitation.

Seeing Cheng Buyun give up, O'Brien was relieved in his heart, and his face was a little hard. He gritted his teeth, caught up with Cheng Buyun, and said softly, "Brother Bu Yun, don't be angry, I have just two of them Talent, I ca n’t let you. I hope our friendship will not alienate under the influence of this incident. "

"Well," Cheng Buyun shook his head generously, "I just don't want to see such a great talent as Olivia being wasted. He has the aptitude to become a god."


O'Brien froze and calmly said: "You are so optimistic about him?"

"You can cultivate to this point in fifty years, O'Brien, you should be able to judge." Cheng Buyun said softly.

O'Brien sighed in his heart. He didn't know if he didn't want to give up, so he hurriedly interrupted Cheng Buyun's solicitation.

He didn't mean to help Olivia to be a qualified person under his own authority. He couldn't help. On the day when the other person became a god, it was enough to equal him.

He didn't want to give up Olivia's meaning. In fact, he just wanted Olivia to express his affection, which is much better than the god-level powerhouses such as Hise and Cheng Buyun.

After this episode, everyone is also talking about it, not secretly pointing at Olivia, secretly whispering in twos and threes.

After a while, when no one noticed, lei, the kid, sneaked over and approached Olivia, not knowing what he wanted to do.

But the open space around the metal castle was so big, he couldn't help but notice it. The first thing he noticed was O'Brien.

"No, this boy lei is going to talk about the item." O'Brien saw lei walking towards olivia, the secret road was met, opened his mouth, but unfortunately it was speechless.

Cheng Buyun also smiled.

"Good guy, lei is a kid. Do you think he used to do anything in the past?" Sisai chuckled.

"It's cunning." O'Brien gritted his teeth, and when his eyes saw the disciple Fann act immediately, he was very relieved.

The high priest saw the two secretly confronting each other for Olivia, and looked very happy!

"Lei." Farn stopped in front of Lei, greeted with a smile.

"Oh, Farn, it's you." Lin Lei sighed in his heart and said with a smile: "Is there something?"

"Well, I really have something to ask you for advice." Farn nodded and said sincerely: "Some cultivation matters, I want to communicate with you."

Lei could not help but shook his head secretly: "you should know that it can't be stopped."

"I know, but not today." Farn smiled.

The two did not answer the question, but the person next to them was not confused, and understood the meaning. The meaning in Farn ’s words is very clear. That is to say, you and Olivia can say whatever you want to change time and place, but on such occasions today, if you come to the fair and fair, the **** of war will not be able to pass.

Everyone understands this.

The strong are good-looking people, which is why Cheng Buyun can't do too much.

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