Plane Universe

Chapter 1148: Poor ‘God’

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The old man who ran away felt that a shadow appeared in front of him, and the wind blew his long black hair. His body stopped quickly, and he looked at Cheng Buyun with a look of fear and a smile instead of a smile, and he was immediately terrified. Shouted: "Forgive your life, all the things in my body are offered, please forgive me once."


Cheng Buyun's eyes saw the body of the middle-aged man who was unsmiling, and immediately hummed like a frost. This humming made the old man's legs weak and knelt down.

Only the next moment, the wind rang, Cheng Buyun had rushed past him and returned to where he was before.

The soul consciousness was released, and Cheng Buyun's eyes narrowed, looking at a place and saying, "I found you."

The body moved again and again, and was stopped in front of a ruined building at the next moment, looking at the air in front and saying, "Why? Would you like me to come out?"

The demon youth in the stealth state, seeing Cheng Buyunlan in front of him, was so scared that he didn't dare to move, and he murmured in his heart: Is he cheating me? Still really know that I am here?

A few hundred meters away, the old man in the shadows looked at Cheng Buyun and talked to the air in front of him, and immediately struggling to reveal his face. At this time, I wanted to run away, but I was still afraid that my only way of life would be buried by myself.

At the speed of the other party's super high speed, it is very difficult to escape. The only possibility is to hope that the other party will see the part he did not run and leave a life.


Cheng Buyun saw that the other party was not moving, he immediately frowned, his face was already very unsightly, and to perceive the position of the other party, he needed to consume soul power. So he immediately wielded his sword and cut off the demon youth.

The demon youth was shocked and felt bad in his heart. The other party really knew where he was.

At the next moment, a dark breath emerged, and the demon youth also showed his body. The short sword in his hand raised up to resist, and the voice shouted: "Master, spare your life!"

The law of darkness 'sneak' Xuan Ao is very weak in ordinary fighting. The demon youths are too rough to use. When they encounter a strong lower god, they can't beat it, even against a strong man like Cheng Buyun ...

So of course begging for mercy!

"There is no exception to you!" Cheng Buyun looked cold, and his sword ended his life.

Such a lower god, the strength is too scum.

In fact, this is not a monster youth, many lower gods, or the median god, etc., are very rough in the application of the rules and mysteries.

Many of the lower gods, the middle gods, rely more on the characteristics of the rule mystery and do not know how to combine with each other.

No, or ... In the understanding of the law, if you do n’t understand it, you can only use it as a gourd!

This is a common problem of most god-level strong!

Of course, this is also related to savvy. If you don't have savvy, let him think about it and understand the essence of the power of law. Isn't that just playing the piano with cattle!

Seeing the death of the demon youth, the elder bird of prey had no blood on his face, pale, and his eyes were a bit dull, and his knees on the ground and legs were not listening, and the trembling was not strong.

Especially when Cheng Buyun killed the demon youth and looked at him, he was scared to death. His foreheads were all sweating out of his forehead, and the corners of his eyes were shrinking. Then he sat on the ground and didn't dare to breathe hard.

As if afraid of Cheng Buyun hearing it!

One can imagine how frightened the old man of the bird of prey was!

Putting up the short swords and a space ring scattered on the ground, Cheng Buyun slowly walked over, looking at the old bird of prey, with a cold face.

"Big, big, big, big, big, big ... adults, people, rao, rao, rao, ravage!" The old man with a bird of prey sat down on the ground and looked at Cheng Buyun's frost-faced face. I ca n’t say anything about it, I ’m stuttering!

In the choice between life and death, he chose the hope of life, shame is not valuable at this moment.

"Well." Cheng Buyun nodded and extended his left hand.

Seeing that the other party did not escape, he could choose to save the other party's life, which was nothing to him.

Just like the two beautiful and fascinating women before, the other party escaped without getting the space ring and weapon on the corpse, but just ran away directly, then he could open the net and choose to ignore it.

But that strange young man's actions touched his nerves, and you dare to take my things?

Therefore, the beggar ’s begging for mercy, he chose to be cold-faced and right, and he could kill the opponent without touching, which could not make a little waves in his heart!

The god-level strong is not the weak, but the same person as him!

Seeing Cheng Buyun reach out, the shadow elder immediately understood and quickly erased his artifact long sword to remove the imprint of the soul. At the same time, he took off the space ring on his finger and erased the imprint together. He handed Cheng Buyun respectfully and respectfully his hands. .

At the door of the town!

The two puppet gods saw that Cheng Buyun had easily managed this red blood squad and changed his face on the spot.

"This kid is really strong!" The puppet of the middle-aged man on the right sighed: "It was a little unexpected that the speed of light could be used in this way!"

As far as he knows, except for the speed of light and the speed of escape, there are not many features.

But like Cheng Buyun, who uses the speed of light, there is no one in its long experience.

It's simply fascinating, and it's becoming complicated!

It's like the upper realm of God.

No, it is more brilliant than many high-level gods. This law is applied and the state of the law is only available to the high-level gods at the peak level!

"It's really eye-opening today, and I'm so happy to see such a strong man." The bald man on the left nodded again and again, agreeing with the brother's statement, laughing: "The lower **** level has done this step, able to use the speed of light and phantom The combination of avatars, and not the level of combination that transforms several bodies, but is similar to the four basic principles of land travel, which is terrible! "

"Yes, once this guy transfigures six bodies, and then moves at this high speed ... Who is his opponent among the next gods?" The middle-aged man's puppet Ji Lingling shivered and imagined the terrible situation.

Definitely a nightmare!

"Horrible insight!" The bald man finally murmured.


In the ruins!

Cheng Buyun's soul was imprinted in the shadow elder's space ring, and his mental power immediately sank into it, and he saw everything in the space ring clearly.

The space ring inside is thousands of meters long, wide and high, which is not too big. The space rings used by the subordinates are basically of this type.

Of course, no matter how small it is, it is also a space ring. There is not enough space.

Watching the space ring of the old man of the shadow bird, Cheng Buyun was very speechless.

There are hundreds of ordinary herbs in the space ring, some precious metal ores, a pile of weapons and armor, all of which are ordinary goods.

The most precious is undoubtedly two of the bluestones of finger size.

Other than that, it's all debris!

Looking at the scene directly in this space, Cheng Buyun will all shed tears and almost run down, who is this!

Poor to this point!

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