Plane Universe

Chapter 1149: Fruitful

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In fact, he didn't want to think about it, where was he wealthy?

Aside from a set of median artifacts presented by the three Harry brothers, he did not come to the cemetery of the gods. Where in the Magnolia mainland, he was poorer and not as rich as the elders.

What did he have then?

There is nothing.

Lined up, all he needs is the silver and blue sword of secondary artifact, and a bunch of holy weapons.

But these things are not valuable at all, and in the eyes of god-level strongmen, there is no difference from garbage.

On the plane of God, those things are thrown on the ground, and there is no god-level strongman willing to bend down to pick it up!

Shaking his head, Cheng Buyun took the two bluestones from the space ring of the old bird of prey, and then shouted the elementary artifact and space ring from the lower wind to the old man of the bird of prey. You can go. "

"Yes, yes." The old man of the bird of prey surprises again and again, quickly turns over and climbs up, and once again respectfully said, "Thank you, lord!"

Waving his hand, Cheng Buyun seemed to catch flies, his face lightly smiling, and he returned to the place where he was fighting. He found a broken half beam that was relatively clean and collapsed on the ground. He sat down in a good mood.

No matter the gray layer on the beam, his robe will be stained with dust!

Several eyes gazing secretly here, slowly receding at this moment, the figure gloomy in the darkness.

From the beginning of the battle, Cheng Buyun has noticed the surrounding watching. No matter what the other party's heart is, the fisherman is profitable, and he wants to wait for both sides to lose and rob .... As long as there is no real out to do right with him, he can ignore it.

In this cemetery of gods, the rule is weak meat and strong food. It ’s not you who robs me ... It ’s that I rob you that is not much different from the plane of God.

The strong man was originally a robber robber. How could the strong man rob others?

In that universe, that realm, this is the truth!


Cheng Buyun, who was sitting on the beam, recalled the battle and realized that he had basically made no mistakes. He had calculated 30% of his strength this time. Thirty percent strength is enough for the Red Blood Squad, which won the opponent at the minimum cost.

The speed of light Xuan Ao played for more than a minute, and the consumed divine power was not much. With the increased holding power of the lower-level primary artifacts, this meeting he had sat down had all been restored.

With the increased holding of artifacts, the endurance of divine power is greatly enhanced, which is why the domain powerhouse with artifact weapons and artifact armor is very powerful because the battle is long enough.

Just like Cheng Buyun now, in the past, he did not use the artifact to increase the power of the body. The total power of the power is about nine times. The speed of light exerts at least 3% of the power for more than one minute. , But now after the increase in the divine power of the lower-level primary artifacts of the light system, the total divine power has doubled to 45 times.

The total amount of divine power is also more condensed, and the value of the divine power consumed has not reached three percent, about one thousandth. After the weight gain effect recedes, the consumed power is only nine times one thousandth, so several breaths have been fully recovered.

No wonder I have always heard that the Sanctuary Powerhouse can fight for a few days and nights, and the breath does not shrink. When the God Domain Powerhouse is equipped with higher-level lower-level artifact weapons and higher-level lower-level artifact armor, the amount of added divine power is terrible.

And it will also restore the divine power in the battle, but did not take the initiative to absorb the divine power ocean quickly.

There is an artifact and the **** domain strong without the artifact, the strength is the difference between several levels!


Taking out all the harvest this time, two space rings were placed on the side of the beam, an artifact hammer, an artifact dagger, and a black armor.


Cheng Buyun questioned this gain suspiciously, as if he had forgotten something?

Patting his head, Cheng Buyun quickly picked up two space rings and checked it. He pulled out the middle-aged man ’s body from a space ring, and then rolled the other party ’s space ring aside, and then from The middle-aged man ’s weapon was put out on the beam by the demon youth ’s space ring, and he smiled and said, “That ’s right!”


Cheng Buyun looked at these items with some doubt, and looked a little dumbfounded: "The number is still not right, a space ring is missing!"

After thinking silly for a while, he seemed to be awakened, and quickly stood up and laughed and walked over to the corpse of the gorilla, who was 100 meters long and extremely majestic.

His stupid face is completely different from the previous Cheng Buyun. He loses his sights and looks without any smart looks. It is like a little young man who does not know who he is with a little harvest.

From the gorilla's finger muscles that looked like a large pillar ... Pushing down the other's space ring, Cheng Buyun looked at the gorilla's body and fell into thought.

Such a big beast is a bit wasteful to throw here.

The gorilla may not be a beast-level in the bloodline, but in any case, it has a god-level strength, full of flesh ... The energy inside is extremely powerful. The gorilla's flesh doesn't have much effect on Cheng Buyun, but for people who are not God Realm, it is no less than a big tonic.

Taking a few bites can enhance physical strength, strength, and physical fitness.

"It's always good to take it, take it back and let them eat a little bit." Cheng Buyun doesn't eat without the other person's wisdom, that's the way of bitch.

When he was eating the starry universe, almost many wise and delicious monsters had eaten it.

If you do n’t eat because the other person has wisdom, then you do n’t need to eat anything.

In addition to the same kind of humans do not eat, why not eat?

Have the wisdom to eat more delicious!

Cheng Buyun, the flesh of the god-level strongman, hasn't really tried it. He is eating the universe of the starry sky. Because the soul and body of the god-level strongman are completely fused together, it is difficult to kill the opponent to leave the corpse. Nothing will be left.

Unless the soul is killed, the body will be left behind.

It is completely different from the rules of the Panlong universe, because the god-level strong in the Panlong universe has a personality in the mind. Under the effect of the personality, the soul and the body are not fused together. The divine power of the body is given by the divine personality, and the body will only be left after the killing.

I counted the harvest, a total of nine bluestones, three thousand-meter space rings, three artifact weapons, an artifact armor, two earth gods, and a dark god.

Wealth is about 250 to cyan, which is pretty good in terms of harvest.

A subordinate **** has worked hard for thousands of years, and his luck is probably about a dozen bluestones' wealth. The source of wealth is mostly the sale of artifacts.

An elementary inferior artifact floats between six and seven.

"It's all a divine realm of refined divine achievements. No wonder the strength is so scum, so I am embarrassed to come out and rob, really !!!" Cheng Buyun sighed, it was very difficult to become an independent god. At the peak of the realm, slowly wait for death, hopelessly immortal gods.

Even many pinnacles do crazy things when the deadline comes.

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