Plane Universe

Chapter 1180: Back to town

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And this time, the release of these ordinary **** domain powers is considered a precious treasure. In fact, he has the purpose of testing Cheng Buyun. Of course ... given a drop of power of the bright main god, the deep meaning is still to give him a life-saving card.

At the same time, he also wanted to see Cheng Buyun's hidden strength and how much he concealed. Only when the interests were moving would he desperately.

At least this time he saw it very clearly, no wonder he always valued it that way.

Cheng Buyun's talent perception is very amazing, at least he can't do what this master **** can't do. The former trick of blocking the space released by the former surprised him on the spot. Yun's move blocked the space, but he just couldn't figure it out. How did he realize this through cultivation?

There is a mystery about the laws of space, and there are also wind systems. The wind space is very similar to the empty space of the soil system! But ... he just couldn't figure out how to use it in order to use such blockade tricks.

He was confused!

A person with strong knowledge can know that Cheng Buyun is terrible.

Looking at all the genius strong in the plane of God, Beirut can say at this moment, there is one who can be compared to the talented understanding of Cheng Buyun, there is no one!

It is a pity, why is the deity a god?

Whenever he thinks of this, Beirut has a feeling of boredom and unhappiness.


In the labyrinth hall of the 89th floor of the cemetery of the gods.

Cheng Buyun squared the white jade porcelain bottle on his chest and looked down. There was a drop of milky white color in the white jade porcelain bottle, emitting halo of solidified water droplets.

The water droplets are not large, and are as small as the little finger, but the oppressive power revealed therein is extremely alarming.

"The power of the Lord God!" Cheng Buyun said secretly, and his face became extremely happy. After a long time, he cherished the most precious one in the space ring and placed it alone in a corner. There was also a high-level attack artifact and a high-level material defense armor that had been put away before.

He still can't use this high-level artifact.

Reluctant to use it, can not exert the original power of the artifact.

At this stage, the increase in the median artifact is already high enough.

And he ca n’t play all the middle artifacts, the upper artifact ...

Typical excess energy!

"Thank you." After Cheng Buyun collected the treasure, he turned to look at the human figure puppet and nodded, "I hope the devil will have a goodbye day."

"No need, I also got valuable things, we evened each other." The human figure puppet's eyes softened, and his face also appeared as if he saw a friend.

"Do you have a name?" Cheng Buyun asked with a smile.

"Not yet." The human figure puppet shook his head and answered.

Cheng Buyun said: "Then you should consider taking one, after all, you have become different now."

The human figure puppet hesitated for a moment before saying seriously: "I will consider it, friend!"

He has a master, and even if he takes a name, he has to get permission from the master. He is not free now.

After a few words, Cheng Buyun said good-bye, "I'm gone, goodbye to you later!"

"Goodbye, my friend!" The human figure puppet raised his hand and waved, and said goodbye seriously, his expression seemed a bit unhappy.

Before, humanoid puppets could only be regarded as top-level intelligence, not as intelligent life. There is a difference.

The biggest difference is that before, he did not have the essence of soul and could not practice.


After leaving the 89th floor, Cheng Buyun followed the map in his mind, from top to bottom, left the maze and returned to the town.

This time he had enough benefits, and some things could not be done too much, lest people (Beirut) feel his greed!

After all, with his strength, except for the 89th floor, this maze is too easy for him.

In fact, there is a passage to the thirteenth floor in the hall, but Cheng Buyun did not ask, and the human figure puppet did not say.

The thirteenth floor is too dangerous. For the current strength of Cheng Buyun, the human figure puppet does not think that he can roam inside.

Without blocking, no further exploration is needed, and Cheng Buyun leaves the maze very quickly.

In a few days, he has returned to the tenth floor.

Floating in the passage and flying towards the front, Cheng Buyun looked a little strange, "It's really rare, I actually saw a living person."

This passage is his road after all, and he is not only afraid of the other party, but he is still flying at the original speed.

‘Oh! ’

"Someone, get ready!"

The wind sound brought by Cheng Buyun's flight passed to the front, and the three men in the passage immediately reacted, with three pairs of eyes staring closely at the corners of the passage.


Cheng Buyun's speed didn't decrease, and he flew out of the corner immediately, then stopped in front of the three-person team, and looked at the other party without saying anything.

Judging by the breath, these three lower gods should all be peak-level strengths. After all, the strong men who can come here and run, they dare not come in with little strength.

"only one person?"

The bald man with a full face turned to look a little weird when he saw Cheng Buyun alone.

"Not exactly?" The middle-aged man on the left laughed, "I haven't got anything for more than a year. This dish is delivered to you, don't eat it in vain."

Cheng Buyun was too lazy to talk to them more, his eyes became deeper, and he glanced away directly. The three of them shuddered, their faces became ugly, and their movements became careful.

"Go to the side!" Cheng Buyun sneered, "Don't let me say the second time!" ’

"Yes, sir, please!" The three of them hurried to the side, their heads were lowered, and they did not dare to resist.

In the look just now, they already knew that Cheng Buyun had the power to crush them.


When passing by the other party, Cheng Buyun snorted coldly, making the three people tremble slightly.

Except for this episode, there were no more incidents or people on the route to leave the maze. He easily got out of the maze and flew towards the town.

The range of the twelfth floor is not too big, only a few kilometers in length. For the God of Power, a few breaths can be completed.

But the place is small and the danger is high.

There are quite a few lower gods coming here. According to what Cheng Buyun knows from the Xiao family squad, every 10,000 Baghdad planes are honored to be here every thousand years.

At the gate of the town, where did the two **** puppets stand as they always did, but when they saw Cheng Buyun coming back, the bald man said happily, "Yes, this time the harvest is great."

"Everyone is talking about face." Cheng Buyun said modestly.

"Hypocritical!" The middle-aged puppet glared at him.

Cheng Buyun didn't speak, just smiled and went into the town.

"Go back, your friends may worry about you." The bald man smiled friendly.

"Thank you." Cheng Buyun nodded, and O'Brien must have discovered that they were no longer in the town very early. As to whether they would go out to find themselves, he would not know.

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