Plane Universe

Chapter 1181: Show off

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Cheng Buyun walked to the town square where he saw at one glance that the three of them were still sitting on the ground, recovering the power in their bodies.

Feeling Cheng Buyun's return, all three opened their eyes.

O'Brien asked slightly worriedly: "You're finally back, haven't you been hurt?"

Sensing the breath from Cheng Buyun's body was not weak, he asked.

"Fortunately." Cheng Buyun nodded back.

"You guys are really bold enough to dare to go out and take risks alone, which is really shameful." Hisa said with a sigh.

"It's a bit bold indeed." Di Lin also said a rare word, "But fortunately, it's finally safe to return."

"That's it, I might worry about dying us in recent years." O'Brien snorted. He never thought that Cheng Buyun was so courageous that he left the town alone, and he was still out for a few days. Years, and finally returned unharmed.

This strength is beyond his imagination!

He never felt that Cheng Buyun was lucky.

There are so many gods out there that people feel scalp numbness. Can this be good luck?

"Yes, we knew that you were out of town in the past few years, and we were very worried. In order to find you, the three of us went out in a team after consultation, and we have been fighting for several years. I once met the Xiao family. From the beauty of Xiao Menglu, I got your news. She guessed that ... you probably entered the central labyrinth. "Hesse teased and said with a smile:" You dare to be as big as a water tank and dare to go to that place. "

"The central labyrinth is indeed very dangerous, hundreds of times more dangerous than outside." Cheng Buyun laughed: "But the danger is great, but there are many treasures."

"Listening to what you said, it seems that the harvest is okay?" Hickey smiled easily.

"You should be able to guess one or two when you look at his red glowing expression." O'Brien glanced at Cheng Buyun, pursing his lips.

At this time, he only knew why this time he opened the cemetery of the gods in advance, and let himself be the strongest of the gods.

He had a little envy in his heart, envying a good luck guy to be valued by Beirut.

The cemetery of the gods is under the care of Beirut. When he opened it, naturally he had the final say, as long as he could pass the main **** level.


O'Brien sighed in his heart, he was not jealous, who made Cheng Buyun talented.

A genius with a good talent and a decent personality can always be liked by some people. There is no way!

It's as if Xiao Bailian can always get the heart of a woman!

Di Lin did not speak, but his eyes also looked at Cheng Buyun, his expression had a little anticipation!

"Ha!" Cheng Buyun looked at the three people looking at his expression, and chuckled, said: "Why just look at me?"

"Nature is to see what you have to share with us." Hickey teased.

"A person secretly secretly happily shared that everyone is happy to share." O'Brien also nodded and coaxed.

Di Lin, who didn't speak much, also nodded seriously, obviously he also wanted to know what Cheng Buyun got into the dangerous place of the maze this time.

"Well, let you see and see!" Cheng Buyun also smiled and turned his hand, he took out a fire system as a god, and the small black stones exuded intoxicating black light in his palm Brian's breath was slightly quick.

"Median fire deity!" Hisa said in surprise, his face glowing a little.

Even Di Lin's face was a little surprised.

Cheng Buyun's fingers flicked lightly, and the small black stones turned into a black light and shot directly in front of O'Brien. The latter suddenly got into a mess, and quickly extended his right hand to grab the divine personality in his hand, then looked up at the former with a stunned face, and asked with a confused face and shortness of breath: "Brother Buyun, this is ... this is?"

"Why?" Cheng Buyun flipped his hands pretending to be confused, and said confusedly: "What's wrong, I'm gone?"

O'Brien blinked, holding a divine right hand and pouring a drop of blood, quickly refining the small black stones in his palm. I saw that the fire deity burst into a reddish light in his palm, and then turned into a rainbow shadow directly into his mind.

Soon, O'Brien's external body burned a flame, and it went out after a few minutes. He also opened his eyes and looked at Cheng Buyun, his face became very solemn, "Thank you, Bu Yun Brother, this is the best gift I have received in my life. "

"It's just a trifle." Cheng Buyun spread his hands. A median personality is nothing to him. This time he has gained so much in the maze.

The median godship is close to a hundred, the median artifact is hundreds, and other auxiliary treasures, life beads, amethyst, soul gold beads and so on are piled up in a space ring.

When I came to the cemetery of the gods this time, there was a sweeping between them. What did he take? Anyway, the treasure he saw was basically taken away by him.

A median personality is a small meaning to him, but for O'Brien, it is a great kindness.

Hisa and Dilin stared dumbfounded at the scene, their faces dull.

By the time they responded, O'Brien had refined his divine personality.

Hundreds of years later, he was the median god.

"Congratulations, O'Brien." Hessie, who had come back, said with a wry smile.

"Thank you, Bu Yun brother," O'Brien said gratefully.

For O'Brien, Cheng Buyun is still quite eye-catching, and he also has loyalty, so it is not a big deal to send the other party a fire-centered personality. As for exposing a part of the harvest, he is not afraid of others thinking ... In addition to Beirut, his strength should be at the peak in the Magnolia Continent.


The woman didn't have much desire to fight, even if she knew that Cheng Buyun had great wealth, she would not be jealous.

Besides, comparing Cheng Buyun with her, it is unknown who wins and who loses!

"You are happy now, and you didn't know before. Who put a black face all day, as if someone owes him millions of bluestones." Hesai shouted.

O'Brien blushed old. This time he came to the cemetery of the gods. Except for the ball of life, he didn't get life. Can he be happy in his heart?

"But it's just a little too much." When Hess said, he secretly skimmed Cheng Buyun.

"What's wrong?" O'Brien was a little confused, and didn't quite understand what Hesser meant.

"He saw you got the treasure, and he didn't have a share, and he was in a bad mood." Di Lin explained.

O'Brien laughed twice, how did he get him to pick it up? Did he tell Cheng Buyun to point out the treasures?

The treasure is desperately obtained by the other party. It is sentimentality if it is sent, but it is not what it is. If there is nothing to say, it is impossible to say.

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