Plane Universe

Chapter 1194: Invincible

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In fact, there are such changes. Cheng Buyun had long predicted that the 10,000 subordinate gods he bought in the god's shop in the cemetery town of the gods were for this matter.

Of course, under the superb understanding of some talents, of course, he will not let them refine their divine personality, but it is not possible to reach the **** in one stroke, it is very difficult to become a god!

Almost ninety percent of the powerful domains of the **** realm are all ‘gods’ of refined divine personality!

Even if they have the merits given by Cheng Buyun, they will be no exception!

The exercises he gave only gave him a good foundation, and refining the divine personality was also about potential.

A formidable sacred domain strongman can't refine his personality without reaching the peak level or above.

This is the entry qualification for refining Godhead!

And the sanctuary that breaks through the realm, they have no such restrictions, and the time of refining the divine personality is much faster than the sanctuary that forcibly breaks through.

About five hundred years is enough.

It takes thousands of years for the sacred domain of the strong to break through, even at the peak level.

Of course, when refining a divine personality, one also needs to look at comprehension. Those with stronger comprehension can understand the rules within the divinity.

Lin Lei, who was sitting next to him for breakfast, did not feel surprised. He knew the core of Xinyue Yazhu. He had been vigorously cultivating internal members for decades. The trainees who came here from all over the mainland of Magnolia every year did not know. Where a few. After careful selection, the number of geniuses is even greater. Many geniuses of trainees arrived at the same level as him at that time. What they lacked was a good cultivation base.

The Holy Light Church has exactly this kind of heritage.

Basically, it can be said that more than half of the school-age students of the year are studying in the Holy Light Empire, and those who have good talents and achievements have been selected and qualified to enter the Holy Land Academy of Holy Light for further study.

From then on, the opportunity to step into the sky came, and you can really join the Holy Light Church's Guardian Corps, or the Purple Tulip Lady Guard.

The two large legions are the departments of the entire Magnolia continent, and their power is beyond everyone's imagination.

What are the departments with supervisory power and trial power?

"No wonder I felt the difference of the manor as soon as I came back yesterday. It turned out to be the case." Lei nodded and smiled. When he came back yesterday, he felt the thousands of unusual breath in the manor, but he was just too happy to ignore it. too much.

"After Lord left to go to the cemetery of the gods, the people in our two major departments began to break through slowly." Yan Yi responded with a smile: "Master Lin Lei, you also know that many of us had already realized the world The realm of momentum is just not deep. Many people are not very sure about breakthroughs, and adults have said that they are not allowed to force breakthroughs, so they endure the impulse and wait for the opportunity to come. Over the years ... the accumulation of many people It ’s already deep enough that the world ’s momentum is officially introduced, and it ’s not difficult to break through. ”

Lei nodded, and once the momentum of the world was officially introduced, what was lacking was the grudge, as the accumulation of grudges of the group of guys was not a thing.

In fact, a long time ago, many members' grievances have been purified to the point that they can no longer be purified, the only difference is the state!

"Very good." Cheng Buyun nodded in approval and smiled: "Over the years, you and Michelle have worked hard."

"Ms. Delia has helped me all these years, so I can wait for time to manage the entire force so easily," said Yiyi modestly.

"I'm just in charge of the manor. It's not a big credit. Even if I'm not there, the manor can work very well." Delia smiled and smiled, not fighting for her credit.

Her identity is different, and lack of this credit is not much, but these people are completely different. They can only rely on themselves. This is not to say that she is useless herself, a vase, but a different status.

"Well, take note of your success with Michelle, and reward later!" Cheng Buyun chuckled.

Lin Lei also cracked his mouth, giving Delia no credit at all. Is she what she needs, and Brother Yun will refuse?

Others didn't intervene, and buried themselves in food and drink. Babe and Xiong Er seemed to be back in the past. They were always slapstick. Hogmeizi was enjoying this harmonious life like a happy family.

He has nothing to ask for. If there are children and grandchildren, what else do he want?

Restoring the glory of the ancestors?

Pull it down!

Lei has done it, even more brilliant than his predecessors, what else should he do? Enough to enjoy life!

The juniors did not dare to interject, even if they talked, they lowered their voices, which seemed very regular.

When Cheng Buyun and Yan Yi finished the conversation, everyone excitedly and lively talked about the topic loudly, and from time to time asked about the trip to the cemetery of the gods.

Babe and Xiong Er are also active, as if they have a place to use. The two are bragging against each other, and they have been demolished from time to time, making the atmosphere extremely lively!

What a real treasure!


Cheng Buyun doesn't need to deal with affairs within the forces. People close to him will take good care of him, letting him spend all his time on cultivation and the elegant elegance of life.

Whether it is Yan Yi or Clayton, both of them take the interests of Cheng Buyun as the first priority. In the things that have vital interests with Cheng Buyun, they can't accommodate any sand in their eyes.

This is true for more than two people. In fact, the members of the guards who first followed Cheng Buyun and every member of the maid's guards were like this. In this life, they all took Cheng Buyun as their living purpose.

Cheng Buyun is the ‘master’ of the throne in their hearts, believing in him, loving him, and maintaining his sacrifice to sacrifice his life!

Through the words of Babe and Xiong Er, Cheng Buyun also learned more about the harvest of lei and leaves in the graveyard of the gods this time.

A life source bead, a valuable item made by the subordinate gods of the life department, only has an effect on the Sanctuary Powerhouse, and has no effect on the Divine World Powerhouse.

In fact, it is a kind of thing that imitates the ball of life. If you just listen to the name, it is likely to confuse the two. In the past, many subordinate gods have been fooled, and perhaps people with unsophisticated visions will also be deceived.

There are fakes everywhere!

More than a dozen lower artifacts, six gods, and some other metal ore debris, this is all harvested this time.

Don't think that looking at less is far from Cheng Buyun's harvest, which is already a huge wealth in the eyes of others.

As for their fighting experience inside, there is not much danger, and it can even be said to be very simple, especially when the leaves have been cultivated on the fifth floor for several years, and the strength has reached the limit of the sanctuary before they start to run. .

Assisted by the field with leaves, lei can be said to be invincible in vertical and horizontal directions, with strong physical defense, strong attack, fast moving speed, and soul defense. When meeting the 'Mother Emperor' Lasabel, Fann and their group had no choice but after the two shot at the same time, the Mother Emperor was directly cut by lei into segments.

Although the Empress Lachabell had the source of life to recover all injuries, lei and leaves were not noticed for the first two times. After the third lei cut the emperor into several sections, he directly took out the black sword and slashed it at the opponent The head is too dead to die.

The battle process can be said to be extremely simple.

After all, lei is stronger than the original one. It is the real sanctuary limit, and these pseudo limits cannot be mentioned in the same way.

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