Plane Universe

Chapter 1195: Analysis and interpretation

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From the sixth floor, lei and leaves did not preemptively move. They generally took risks at the corners to see if they could find some valuable treasures. Those lords who guarded the upper channel entrance warcraft, they all humbly let out, let Farn they deal with it.

For example, the King of Flame, the empress ‘Rasabell’ and so on. Only if they ca n’t deal with it, lei and leaves will shoot.

Give politeness to the extreme.

It can be said that the treasures that Farn and his group obtained from the cemetery of the gods this time are all changed scraps, most of them are some metal ores.

Not enough strength, why?

"Oh, where is the abyss sword demonic race on the last floor, if it is not the boss and the leaf niece who help out, it is estimated that there will be more dead people." Beibei said with a smile: "I used to think of Faen The extreme strongest in the Sanctuary is very powerful, but now I know it, but it's just not good enough. I can't even deal with the weak flame monarch on the sixth floor.

Everyone laughed with their lips open!

"Then did you go up the flame king a few times?" Cheng Buyun asked deliberately.

This is a bit of a demolishing of Beibei's stage.

Immediately, Beibei said a little shyly: "I'm still young, how can I go up and kill him, or let it be the boss."

Although Beibei is the bloodline of the mythical beast, it is still in the growth period. Usually, he does not work hard to cultivate. No matter how strong the talent is, the bloodline is high, what's the use!

After eating breakfast, everyone in the hall of the manor chatted leisurely.

Cheng Buyun coughed a few times and attracted everyone's mind to himself before smiling. "This time I harvested in the graves of the gods very well. Some treasures need to be brought out to share with you. I would like to make a few suggestions here. , Do you want to become a **** independently or to refine a personality into a god? If you want to refine a personality into a god, you need to refine that system's personality? Choose your favorite personality, and the rule of mystery considers that? "

"Brother Bu Yun, do you have a lot of personality? How many places can you choose at will?" Lei stared at his eyes, his expression somewhat strange.

Imagine that he fought desperately in the graves of the gods, and he had only six gods in hand, and the leaves also had half of the credit, but he didn't need it, which made him a little discouraged!

"I said, what are you trying to discourage!" Cheng Buyun looked sullen and scolded: "The number of floors I went to was completely different from the number of floors you went to. The twelfth floor of the cemetery of the gods is full of land God domain strong, as long as you are strong enough to kill the enemy, the divine personality is at your fingertips. Just like you, is it difficult to kill some strong sanctuary strongmen below the eleventh floor? "

Lin Lei was shocked, and after thinking about it, he laughed and said, "It's not difficult!"

Although he did not necessarily kill the opponents of God Realm when he entered God Realm, Brother Bu Yun has been in the God Realm class for a long time. The talented understanding of such a demon, he has been equivalent to others for thousands of years, and he is a deity and a god. Much stronger than other **** domain strong.

Besides, is Brother Buyun an ordinary **** domain?

Those are the two rules of the mystery of the mystery of the gods, which is equivalent to the two gods of the gods. Although the method of Bu Yun ’s becoming a **** is the deity, there is no **** avatar, but in terms of strength, it is stronger than the ordinary god. Those who are half as powerful are there.

This is not to say that the deity became the **** and has the advantage. You have to look at the essence. He is half stronger than the **** realm, but you have to look at the number.

Several **** avatars deal with you one body, then the consequences needless to say, a large number of victories!

At the same level, sometimes a large number of parties can pile up to kill you!

"Okay, the topic is far away, and come back to the matter of the divine personality." Cheng Buyun gently shook his head, he did not know whether it was a good thing now, for lei, the experience was less, and the grinding was not much. I hope he will go to the region to sharpen it as soon as possible!

Although everyone looked very excited, they were calmly considering what Cheng Buyun said.

"It is well known that the powerful domain of Sanctuary does not need the corresponding mystery of refining the divine personality. Of course, the divine domain achieved by refining the divine personality is actually hidden." Cheng Buyun nodded to the leaves and said, "Leaves, please explain to everyone." To let them know the situation. "

"It's uncle." Ye smiled, nodded, and cleared his throat. "Why is there a hidden danger in refining the deity? In fact, this is because the refining deity is not conferred by heaven and earth, which is in line with the soul frequency of the gods and strong people The divine character ... "

With the explanation of the leaves, everyone's complexion gradually changed.

The apex of refining the divine personality is at most the upper **** level.

So when the leaves were explained, everyone felt a bit gloomy and they were thinking about gains and losses.

"It's not for everyone to be alone," Cheng Buyun said solemnly. "You are all people close to me. Uncle Hogg, needless to say, and the talents of Delia's brother and sister. It ’s not good, let you practice independently and become a god. I think it ’s really embarrassing for you, so in my opinion, you ’d better choose to refine the divine form into a god. After all, refining the form is quite fast, and you do n’t need to do it yourself. Go practice. "

Lin Lei nodded secretly, just an introduction to the world. Delia spent seven years in the micro-plane space, which is equivalent to more than thirty years in the outside world. This perception is really not good.

The rule of Xuanao can be understood by time or by time, but in the step of integrating Xuanao, Delia is absolutely powerless. In this way, it is better to decide early to refine the divine personality into a god, and at least have the strength to protect itself.

Not to mention the father, when Brother Bu Yun did n’t show up yet, his father could n’t even break through the seventh-level grudge, and was stuck at the sixth-level. This talent is also extremely bad.

This is not that he dislikes his father, but it will make sense. After all, there is now a chance to become a god.

Relying on the father alone to perceive the mystery of the law, how many years have you let him become a god?

Ten thousand years? One hundred thousand years?

Ten million years, hundreds of millions of years?

Beirut said that some Sanctuary cards cannot be broken through in the trillions of years. The father should be the kind of person with very bad talent in Beirut's mouth!

Father can become a sanctuary, still relying on Bu Yun's improved energetic style and qi secret code!

"Indeed, what Brother Bu Yun said is in my heart. If I choose, I still choose to refine the divine personality." Delia nodded.

Lin Lei didn't say anything about it. After all, he was a husband and wife. Delia could still vaguely guess what he thought.

"Haha, I know my own family, I also choose to refine the divine personality." Hog Haha smiled and said less caringly: "If there are a lot of divine personality, you can give me a cloud, whatever you want. It will do! "

"Uncle Hogg, in fact, you really don't need to refine your divine personality. Besides, anyway, there is no hidden danger of life in the sanctuary. That needs to go to your old man's place to fight." Cheng Buyun said with a smile.

In fact, he did n’t want Hogg to refine his Godhead because the Hell of the Highest Plane had the family of “Four Divine Beasts”, and that Hualong Chi could greatly enhance the talents of the disciples of the family. In general, perception will increase.

There is really no need to refine the divine personality.

After all, the divine status of refining the achievements of the deity is to be honest ... not high!

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