Plane Universe

Chapter 1242: Before departure

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Although he was a bit angry, Beirut didn't have much anger. Usually, this guy respected him. At least when he talked, he mentioned that he would be respected by adults.

He thought Cheng Buyun was still very good, and he deserves his attention.

What he did not know was that Cheng Buyun only added the word "adult" after the name Beirut because he knew his energy and the identity of the Lord God.

This guy is still very cunning!

"Master Beirut, please forgive me for my inadvertent loss. I didn't mean to disrespect you." Cheng Buyun said sincerely, coaxing next to him and said, "After all, I was also afraid that lei would not dare to You ask for proof, so that's why. "

"Master Beirut, this is entirely my reason." Lei also quickly took things to himself.

After glancing at the two jerks, Beirut was also helpless and had to wave his hand and said: "Forget it, lest you say I'm stingy, punish you for such a small matter, and I will say later that I'm bullying."

"Thank you, Master Beirut, for your generosity. Thank you very much." Cheng Buyun and lei quickly bowed.

Sitting on a chair, Cheng Buyun immediately went up and poured tea for Beirut.

In fact, Cheng Buyun's heart is full of helplessness. The Magnolia Continent is good. It is because the main **** is present and there are great inconveniences in acting. For example, some things can't be let go.

But because of the existence of the main **** in the Magnolia Continent, he could get a fortune here.

Have a huge hole card!

There are good and bad!

Beirut took a sip of tea, swept the two little guys standing side by side with a smile, put down a cup of tea and said with a smile: "Okay, I was n’t really angry just now, I just played with you and scared You guys, do n’t think I ’m really impersonal. "

"Oh, this is the case, I almost didn't scare me to death." Lin Lei pretended to relax.

In fact, Beirut is really scary sometimes when he is serious. Just now he was a little scared, thinking that what Brother Buyun had committed, which made this angry.

"Lin Lei, your luck is still very good." Beirut smiled: "Although it is only a broken main artifact, even if it is a broken main artifact, it is also a great treasure. Ordinary **** domain strong, it is better than the higher It is also very difficult for a **** domain powerful person who is hundreds of times more powerful to get a master artifact. "

Lei's eyes widened, the main artifact is so precious?

"You really don't believe it, it will be clear when you go to the plane of God, so don't disclose it if you have the main artifact. Once it leaks out, you must be the target of all the gods' domain chases. It is estimated that You will be interested in God Realm, which is millions of times stronger. ”Beirut sighed and commanded:“ It ’s better not to let too many people know, even if it ’s your wife ’s father, even if it ’s Babe, if it ’s not necessary, just Do n’t tell, lest your mouth be leaked out for a while, understand? "

"Yes, Master Beirut." Lei was frightened on the spot, secretly admonishing himself, but he must keep this secret in the future, not to let too many people know.

Cheng Buyun even said: "I will keep my mouth closed on this matter, and I will not reveal it, even if I say a few words."

To him, lei is naturally at ease.

Beiruo nodded his head and said: "As for the water drops, it is indeed the power of the Lord God, and it is also a very rare treasure. The value is only a hundred times lower than that of the Lord artifact. It is also a very expensive treasure in the plane of God, except for the Lord artifact. Every drop of the power of the main **** is a hole card, with energy that can bring people back to life, can increase the basic strength by one hundred times, and it is convenient to use. It only needs to guide and integrate itself with soul power to enhance strength. No matter which one The level of the **** domain strongman is 100 times the amplitude. So the stronger the strength, the stronger the energy increased by using the power of the main god. However, the lower the strength, the faster the energy escapes, as you say now Use a drop of the power of the main god, I am afraid that the light will dissipate within an hour. If you fight, I am afraid it will be faster. So once you use the power of the main god, you have to estimate the good time. It is best to solve the battle or escape within half an hour. "

"Yes, we will remember Master Beirut's reminder." The two of them bowed quickly.

Having said this, Beirut looked at Cheng Buyun and asked, "I heard that you have recently left the Magnolia Continent to go to the plane of God?"

"This plan is already in place, and some things may have been arranged recently and will leave." Cheng Buyun replied slightly respectfully.

Beirut touched his beard and nodded and said, “It ’s okay to leave and go for a trip. The Magnolia continent is too small after all. I have n’t seen the glory of the plane of God. You ’re very talented, do n’t let go, no matter what problems you encounter, be calm and right. "

"Thank you, Master Beirut, for admonishing me, I will listen to you and keep it in my heart." Cheng Buyun seemed grateful.

Regardless of Beirut's intentions, at least he cares about him at this moment.

"Okay, I should go." Beirut stood up and looked at lei and said: "Remember to tell Beibe, let him find a time to come to the dark forest as soon as possible. It is also time for him to work hard, not always Keep playing like this. "

"Yes, Master Beirut, I will tell Babe immediately, let him go to the Dark Forest as soon as possible to find you." Lei quickly said respectfully.

"Okay, I'm leaving." Beirut's words fell, the people had disappeared, and everything in the hall had returned to normal.

The two glanced at the maids around, seeing that they had no doubting expressions, and sighed constantly, Beirut's power.

Sitting down from the beginning, lei played with the tea cup in his hand and asked seriously: "Brother Bu Yun, when are you going to leave the Magnolia mainland and go to hell, one of the four great gods?"

Cheng Buyun took a sip of tea and looked at the scenery outside the manor. He said leisurely: "It should be so for a few days. When I tell me something about the leaves, I will start."

"So fast?" Lei snack was startled, his expression a little bit reluctant.

"The Magnolia Continent has basically stabilized, and the cemeteries of the gods have also been crossed. If you want to go again, you have to wait for a thousand years. You ca n’t stay here for thousands of years." Cheng Buyun laughed: "There is that time. , I have a better chance in **** adventure, and I think the harvest is not small. "

"Hell is one of the supreme **** planes. There are many opportunities, but it is also dangerous." Lei's expression is extremely serious. "Brother Yun, are you waiting, wait for decades or hundreds of years, we all go together, By then, I will have a company and help each other. "

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