Plane Universe

Chapter 1243: Go to hell

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"You don't have to worry about my strength if you don't have that?" Cheng Buyun smiled: "Be careful, the general median **** has nothing to do with me. And there is a drop of the power of the main **** beside him, willing to die , I am afraid that the higher **** can kill. "

This lei still holds reservations, but that is the superior god, a two-level stronger than the lower god, it is good to use the power of the main **** to protect himself.

"Brother Buyun, I will give you another drop of the power of the main god, and one more drop of the power of the main god, the protection is also greater." Lei thought about it, his left hand was already pulled out of the panlong ring that he carried with his right hand, ready to take out a drop The cyan water droplets came out and were handed over to Cheng Buyun, so that he could have a huge guarantee if he went to hell.

"No, one drop is enough, and you will need this as a hole card in the future." Cheng Buyun shook his head and refused.

"When I go to the area, there will be more people according to the number of people, one is Babe, the other is Delia, and there are no other people. I don't know. You are much safer than Buyun." Lei was a little worried. Road.

"It's not that I'm talking big, really, I am capable of killing the median **** now, you know why I didn't care about that snake when I set up this Magnolia Alliance?" Cheng Buyun laughed proudly: "Because I'm not afraid of him at all And has the ability to kill him. "


Listening to his words, lei was a little shocked on the spot, but that was a snake, a **** beast, and the realm strength of the median god. Bu Yun brother said that he had the strength to kill the other party, so ... He is really a little hard to believe.

"You should know that I never speak big things." Cheng Buyun looked indifferent and said lightly, "You should be very clear about being with me for so long, genius to a certain degree, leapfrogging is not a thing at all, I hope you can do it in the future. "

At this time, Lin Lei believed, his expression changed a few times, and finally showed a joyful smile. Thinking of Yun Yun ’s talented understanding, he was extremely perverted. He is also the pinnacle of the next god, and he has a unique way to stand beside him. The median **** is just not enough. what.

After all, you can swipe the twelfth floor of the cemetery of the gods, and there is no skill under your hand. The strong gods of the Holy Land, such as Wushen, Sisi, and Dilin, are willing to do things under Brother Buyun, and they also put themselves very well. appearance!

"Since that is the case, then I am relieved." Lin Lei relaxed, nodded happily.

"You have to work hard too. I will not remind you in the future, but don't be careless and don't relax your demands." Cheng Buyun said: "If you really dislike your master's power, you will leave a drop Leaves, let her have a hole card, can protect the magnolia continent! "

"I will definitely not. I have an agreement with Bu Yun brother, and I will stand at the highest point to see the scenery together." Lei nodded fiercely and said with a very serious expression, "As for the power of the main god, I will leave One drop, this Bu Yun brother can rest assured, after all, I am not going to let my father leave the Magnolia continent, after all, is **** very dangerous? I am afraid that there is no safety in the Magnolia continent. Although the Magnolia continent has the threat of an alien strong, there is Beirut Adult guardian, he shouldn't just watch some of our close people die. "

Cheng Buyun patted his shoulder, with a relationship of Babe. People who are very close to lei in blood, basically have no problems, such as Hog, Wharton, Salsa, Sini, Taylor, etc. There will be problems, and the rest will be hard to tell.

This Cheng Buyun is still very sure!


In a pavilion in the manor.

Leaves hurried down the affairs in the Magnolia Alliance, hurried back to Xinyue Yazhu, and came to Cheng Buyun.

"Uncle, you let me come back, but there is something to tell." Ye Ye moved a chair in front of the stone table and placed it next to Cheng Buyun, then sat down gently, holding a small face, his expression looked very Attachment, admiration and worship are revealed in his eyes.

Cheng Buyun reached out her hand and touched her head with a smile: "Leaf, I have said before that I will leave the Magnolia Continent and go to the plane of God. You should know this."

"Are you going to leave the Magnolia Continent in the past two days and go to the plane of God?" The leaf's eyes lit up, and his expression was a little excited and hopeful.

"Good." Cheng Buyun nodded, and when the leaf expression became very happy, he said, "But I'm not going to take you."


The leaf was surprised, and his face became pale, and a small face became pitiful. Uncle Wang whispered softly: "Uncle, is there something wrong with the leaf."

"No." Cheng Buyun explained softly: "The Magnolia Continent will eventually leave a housekeeper here."

When he said this, the leaves immediately understood.

There is a foundation here, and you ca n’t let go of it. The believer is very important to God, no matter what level it is. And there is the mysterious place of the graveyard of the gods, which is equivalent to a strategic level. Letting her stay to see the house is obviously a reliance on him.

In fact, from the arrangement made by her uncle, she already had this kind of thinking in mind, but now it is just certain.

"Uncle, rest assured, I will definitely look at home." Ye Ye nodded with a serious expression, and then seemed to think of something, and then asked: "Uncle, I heard that it is difficult to come back after going to the plane of God, the uncle arrived time……"

"Well, the difficulty is great."

Cheng Buyun did not lie, thought about it, and touched the little head of the leaf and said: "So, if the Magnolia Alliance will have the upper **** to sit and guard, or your strength reaches the supreme **** and merges two of the mysteries. Or, if the central **** merges three mysteries, then you can leave the Magnolia Continent and go to Hell, the four highest and highest gods, to find your uncle. "

"As long as one of the conditions is suitable." Cheng Buyun smiled: "Each of the last two conditions is not difficult for you."

"Uncle, I will work hard." Ye Ye's eyes had a hint of firmness. The upper **** had no difficulty for her, as long as she was given more than a hundred years.

The difficulty is in the fusion of mystery.

And the stronger the strength, the more difficult it is for the fusion of mystery and mystery. The best practice direction is the limit of the median god, and then take the fusion of mystery and mystery together. This is the strongest and most stable way to practice.

"Relax, if there is a chance, uncle will come back." Cheng Buyun comforted.

The two chatted and made various arrangements, some important considerations.

For example, when the seal of the Magnolia Continent leading to the Bagoda Prison broke a hole, Cheng Buyun also asked Ye to ask her to monitor the entire Magnolia Continent at any time. If there is any missing person, there are many powerful people who do not understand , Must investigate clearly.

If you can merge into Magnolia quickly, it ’s best to come in and become a family.

Of course, it is not reluctant not to join, but to live according to the rules, once you make a mistake ... then there is no emotion to kill all.

The Magnolia Continent was originally a land of right and wrong, and all arrangements were made for security reasons.

Making all sorts of arrangements, Cheng Buyun still didn't believe it, and the guys in Bagoda could escape.

In the end, Cheng Buyun went to meet several god-level strongmen, and said goodbye to lei, and then took Qiu Lan as a metal life from Xinyue Yazhu and flew towards the North Pole.

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