Plane Universe

Chapter 1269: Explosion Mystery

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There was a roar in the body, and the hidden medicinal powers, the Huntian Pill, surpassed the hidden more than 90% of the energy, and driven by the magical power of Cheng Buyun, quickly turned.

Muscles, bones, blood, and cells began to greedily absorb this energy and slowly increase their strength.

Sensing that the body's functions are improving, closing his eyes and refining the elixir of the body, he can't help but smile.

This muddy pill is much stronger than the forging fruit he had refined before.

Thirty days later, Cheng Buyun also opened his eyes, feeling that his body was about 50% stronger than before, and he laughed directly.

However, he quickly shook his head again and sighed: "Yi San's medicine is still too much. The hidden 90% of the medicine, when he was refining, turned into 50%."

It seems that the effect of Huntiandan is not very good, and the time for refining is also much.

I don't want to think about it. After all, this is only a panacea worth 500,000 Mo Shi, and the grade can only be regarded as the middle and lower grades, and where can the effect be stronger.

Of course, sometimes the level of the Elixir is not the stronger the better. If the energy is too large, it will hurt the root. Give the lower **** a Elixir worth more than 10 million, and you ca n’t refine it.

Even if it can barely be refined, it is estimated that most of the power will have to be dissipated.

"One more." Cheng Buyun's expression moved, and a pale golden elixir appeared in his right hand. Then he threw it in his mouth and swallowed it with a grunt.


The breath exploded, and countless consciousnesses outside the courtyard glanced over. After observing that the yard was intact, I saw that there were no guests assaulting the guests in the accommodation. These consciousnesses all left again, and there was no single consciousness that directly penetrated the house and visited the situation inside.

The hotel's privacy is absolutely undiscovered.

In a yard 300 meters away from Cheng Buyun ’s yard, several men were hidden in the room. Through the transparent window, they peered into Cheng Buyun ’s small yard, and one of the envious voices sounded, "Damn Guy, it ’s really rich, 500,000 pills, take it casually. "

"We don't envy this. After all, people who can insult Master Ayunte have no details, so how dare he do that." The middle-aged man licked his lips with a strange color in his eyes and said: "I don't know 500,000 one What is the taste of the Chinese medicine, I really want to try it. "

"It's sour, and it's 500,000." A young man, Sun Youyu, said: "We also have a painful half-day pain when we buy thousands of black stones, and half a million pills, just look."

"Haha, also, there are 500,000 ink stones, and I also bought 5,000 Qianqi Dan, after all, although it is difficult to absorb, the refining time is longer, but in terms of energy dissipation, it is far lower than that of Huntian Dan. . "

Strong body pill, the lowest-level elixir for improving the body, counted by the following gods, a refining time of more than several decades, the median **** for more than ten years, the upper **** also got three or five years.

Because there are too many impurities.

Basically, it can be said that the low-level elixir is the dregs of higher elixir.


Every other month, Cheng Buyun's yard burst into a breath of energy, making those who secretly watched him envious.

This burst of energy breath lasted for more than two years before stopping.

"It's really bad, even the medicine will be reduced." Over the past two years or so, Cheng Buyun has made three kinds of medicines, Huntian Pill, Shenli Pill, and Forging Pill, each of which has been refined to nearly ten, and then reached the top.

Moreover, with the increase in the number of refining medicines, the effect is not as strong as at the beginning. When it is ten, the effect is only 20% of the first.

The tenth panacea, Cheng Buyun's body strength increased by 50% after refining, and 20% of the 50% actually had a 10% effect.

But it is already very good. Cheng Buyun is very satisfied with his current physical strength and strength defense.

It has increased fourfold, five times as much as before, and he is not satisfied.

Huntian Dan enhances the density of muscles, blood, cells, muscles and bones. Forging Body Dan enhances the strength of skin, bones, muscles and internal organs. Shenli Dan increases body strength.

Strength is fully improved.

In other words, he is now at least several times stronger than before, although still not as good as lei's body, but not much different from many elite subordinate gods.

As far as speed is concerned, he is now confident to run out of 300 meters per second. If the law of light is used, it will be 100 times faster than the basic speed.

"Now the body can no longer continue to improve, try the soul." Cheng Buyun's expression moved, a soul golden ball lying gently in the palm of his hand rolling.

Then the soul golden beads slowly turned into golden mist, which entered the body from the palm of his hand and flowed towards the mind.

Soul golden beads are forged by the soul of life and extracted from the soul essence of Million Sanctuary. It can be said that each soul golden bead is full of corpses.

As long as the behavior is as long as no one has come forward to blame.

The Sanctuary has no human rights, especially the World of Warcraft that has not reached the Divine Realm. It is trampled and killed by people in hell.


Cheng Buyun's mind sounded for a while, and a soul golden bead worth 100,000 inkstones has been completely refined, and the energy dissipated in it is very small. It is worthy of being the best soul supplement item.

It's just that the soul power provided by a soul golden bead, for him, is a lot of money.

Originally, his soul power was strong, and most of the soul power was still asleep, and it was the body that restricted him from playing.

As long as his strength continues to increase, the soul power will be further strengthened, and no external means are needed to supplement!

"Forget it, it has no effect." Cheng Buyun gave up and began to practice the profound mystery of the law.

The fire law is tyrannical and passionate.

Realizing the characteristics of the fire law, the strength of the law is also increasing step by step. The flame door that blocked him from being impure and mottled with impurities, was exploited by him a little bit.

Explosive mystery, in the mystery of the flame law, the difficulty of cultivation is very high, the difficulty of cultivation is almost the same as the flame space.

I don't know how long it has passed.

Suddenly, there was a throbbing motion in the soul, an extremely strange feeling came, and Cheng Buyun was very pleased with the secret passage: "The exploding mystery finally became!"

‘Om! ’

At the next moment, heaven and earth sounded, a piece of life danced happily in this heaven and earth, the power of ancient and Hongda began to come, and the gaze of the God of God crossed the infinite distance, scanning the law in the mind of Cheng Buyun.

Then the channel of divine power opened, the turbulent flame divine power poured down, and at the same time he floated slightly, the **** in his mind flew out automatically, the flame divine power in the void formed a silk thread, and poured into the divine lattice.

The dim red mark on the small grid of the flame rule within the divine grid suddenly lit up.

Only then flew into Cheng Buyun's mind.

At this step, the mystery of Cheng Buyun's flame rule exploded.

As for the body, he does not need to be reformed, because when he first became a god, he was a deity, and his body has been transformed.

For a moment, the rules of heaven and earth dissipated, and the gaze of the Supreme God has also been withdrawn.

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