Plane Universe

Chapter 1270: At a loss

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The spies who saw Cheng Buyun outside felt the advent of the law of heaven and earth, and it was the yard where Cheng Buyun was located. They were immediately surprised.

"The strength of the target has changed and improved."

"Hurry back and report the situation."

"You are watching here, don't relax, I will go back and report to Master Ayunte."

Ayunte sent to monitor Cheng Buyun's men and women, and discussed a few words. One of them quickly walked out of the yard, left the Lianhua Pavilion, and headed towards the Huomingcheng Hotel.

Several other surveillance personnel are also like this, non-quickly sending people back to report the matter here to the master.


Casettia Villa, the home of the Jonassi family in Huomo, a very famous place, resident in a family guard of 1,000 people, and there is also an elder who sits in rotation to take care of the family's business in Huomo.

At this time, at the gate of the lively manor, a middle-aged man hurried into the manor, toward the west of the manor, into a secluded yard, and whispered directly to the guard on duty: "I want to see Master Wingscale immediately , There is a requirement to report. "

The guard on duty did not dare to neglect at the moment, so he went to ask for instructions immediately.

After a while, the frontal bones soared, and the wings of a green robe came to the courtyard hall. They immediately asked: "Is there any change in the goal, he appeared? Is he walking in the direction outside the city?"

"No, Master Wingscale, the yard where the target lived in has suddenly come to the law of the world. Obviously the target's strength has increased, so I will come back and report it to let the young master prepare early." The middle-aged man will tell what happened before. Said it again.

"It turned out to be so." Wing Scale nodded and considered for a moment, Shen Wen said: "According to the information we have inquired during this period, the target person's strength has increased this time, at most it is the median god. No need to worry too much, continue to go well. Surveillance, once the target appears to leave the Lianhuage Hotel, come back and report immediately. "

"Yes, Lord Wingscale." The middle-aged man bowed respectfully and then left the hall.

A guy who has recently come from the material plane, where can he be strong again!

It's just, how did the huge wealth of wealth come from?

Was it the strong man of the God Plane that fell on the opposite material plane, and was obtained by this guy?

Wingscale considered, is ignorance only fearless?


A person with no background, dare to offend unknown enemies in **** trade, saying that he is ignorant, or is he used to being a big brother on the material plane, and can not be ridiculed?

Cheng Buyun's details have been clarified in the past few years, and he can't hide it if he wants to hide it.

After all, he was escorted by the army of the main **** at that time, and then dropped over the mountains of the Winged Beast Tribe.

Anyway, since I got Master Ayunte, then ... this man is dead.


The manor of Lianhuage Hotel is located in Cheng Buyun's residence.

The law of heaven and earth dissipated, and Cheng Buyun, a few meters away from the ground, gently fell, and he laughed and said: "Finally, the mystery of the fire system has become a mystery, which is thirty-two years, long enough!"

I wanted to practice the mysterious mystery of the mysterious mystery of light in three years. Even if the gravitational space of the soil system was only used for ten years, I did not expect that the exploding mystery of the fire system law has been used for more than thirty years. The ten years in the cemetery of the gods are more than fifty years.

too long!

It's no wonder that few people choose to cultivate as a deity. Even if he has such a strong understanding for so many years, he has no talent and no hope at all.

"Forget it, I think it's useless. I still absorb the power of the fire department first, and then try to merge." Cheng Buyun chuckled, and the expectation on his face was very strong.

I don't know what will happen to the fusion of divine power. Once the fusion, it should become the strength of the neutral god?

It is estimated that it should be available, after all, after understanding the two rules, you can reach the median god, and it makes no sense that the fusion of his two divine powers cannot match the strength of the median god!

No one believes that!

Immediately no longer thinking, sinking his mind, began to run the godhead in his head, the small lattice belonging to the divine power of the fire rule of the godhead lit up, and the fiery red divine power began to connect the divine ocean.

The flame divine power passed from the mysterious place is a little full, and then spread to all parts of the body, so that the body can adapt to the fire department divine power.

As the power of the fire department in the body increased, the surrounding fire elements became more and more clear, but ... Cheng Buyun's face was getting more and more ugly.

The surrounding or elemental sensing is very clear, but it cannot sense the fire rules.

Worried things finally appeared.

He has always been worried that one day because there are too many types of laws in the Godhead, and then he cannot continue to understand the laws, this worry finally appeared today.

"Get up!"

Cheng Buyun sighed, and the soul in the divine personality tried to communicate the laws of the fire system around him, and wanted to display the realm of the god, but the consciousness moved, but there was no movement around.

"Damn, even the realm of God can't be used!" Cheng Buyun's face was directly blue.

The expression is extremely ugly!

Just now, the fire power is getting stronger and stronger. At the same level as the earth power, the two powers are not automatically merged, and he will automatically play big.

After a try, sure enough!

Trying to transform the divine power, the light divine power appeared on the surface of Cheng Buyun's body, but the realm of the **** of the light system, like the realm of the fire department, could not be used.

It's the same if you change to soil!

His complexion is already gray!

"How could this be?" Cheng Buyun muttered to himself, what went wrong?

Could it be because the God of Light possesses the law of light power?

It shouldn't be!

If this is the case, then his body is basically abolished.

The law can't be understood, can't be stronger, what's the difference between it and abolition!

"It shouldn't be, it doesn't make sense." Cheng Buyun was dumbfounded on the spot, there was a kind of helplessness, and his mind was in a mess.


The panic that had never happened before, the expression that was as steady as Taishan's expression had disappeared. At this moment, all he had was panic.

Because this time it was too unexpected for him, and it was completely different from what he had previously thought.

Because of the inability to sense the law, what is the use of his body?

It ’s not as good as the lower gods. After all, even the laws ca n’t be exerted.

Of course, by virtue of his background, sword and other artistic conceptions, it is barely a neutral god!


Cheng Buyun groaned secretly in his mind, "Can't panic!"

"Panic will not solve the problem."

"Think about it first. Is there any way to solve this situation now? Old Hongmeng guys should not even leave a little bit left."

Hongmeng said that it was only difficult to break through the boundaries in the attached universe, but he did not say that there was no chance.

Since there is a chance, there is always a solution!

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