Plane Universe

Chapter 1321: Pay only to gain

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Huomo Devil smiled and said: "You can rest assured, give me a bold courage, I do not dare to cheat through the name of the monarch, that is, I don't want to live, rest assured!"

Cheng Buyun certainly knew that the Huomo Devil did not dare to deceive himself with such a thing, but that he was a little resisted in his heart, and he did not want to treat others badly.

Treating others badly, listening to others' calls, always feels that you have lost some cards.

He shook his head secretly, while pondering the language, "I am used to freedom, Lord Lord, you should know that when my strength was low, Charlton also sent me an invitation to invite me to be like the family behind him, me There was no agreement at the time. "

"Can the Karda family also compare with the monarch's crown?" Huomo Devil said disdainfully: "It's awful to say, even if the Karda family pulls their face down to give shoes to the monarch's crown, they are unworthy. In hell, those who can make the monarch's crown look squarely, are all genius strong, such as those great consummate strong. "

"And you have this possibility." Huomo Demon persuaded, "With your talents, as long as you work hard, there should be many opportunities that day, and there are opportunities to sit in front of the crown of the monarch. An honourable thing. "

Cheng Buyun was very embarrassed. If he refused, he couldn't say anything.

In the whole world of God's plane, the Lord God is high, and each of the God Territory Powers is trying to make the Lord God look at him.

"Furthermore, in this plane of God, there is practical freedom. We are in it. Absolute freedom is impossible." Huoming Devil said in a low tone, and said solemnly: "Although the genius is a genius, But there are many strong men in hell, and there is no huge backer behind them. Maybe they offended the person that day. If they have not become strong men and have fallen, that is the most sad thing! "

"Besides, the Angel of the Lord God will not lose his freedom. Generally speaking, it is very difficult for the Emperor of the Lord to have real trouble. When the Angel of the Lord is really troubled, most of the time, he patrols in this continent to maintain the face under the crown of the Lord. , Handle some unfair affairs. "Huo Ming Devil sighed," You, think about it, don't waste the opportunity, you have to know that in the main **** messenger reserve team, the cultivation resources are excellent, and whatever resources are needed. "

Such persuasion, Huomo Devil naturally has the meaning to consider for himself, recommend a genius, if you really become the messenger of the main god, that will be of great benefit to him.

It is only the power of a main god. He does not need to ask grandpa to sue grandma in the future.

Even if it cannot be exchanged from Cheng Buyun at a very low price, at least it can be exchanged at a fair price.

And there is a lord **** messenger sheltering, whoever wants to move him in the future, also have to consider Cheng Buyun's face is not.

Can he give up all these intangible benefits?

Therefore, it is necessary to persuade as much as possible.

As for Cheng Buyun not being the messenger of the main god, what joke are you making, as long as the main **** Xuanguang is not blind, he will be very concerned about such a genius.

Cheng Buyun bowed his head without saying a word, and began to think in his heart. As Huo Ming Devil said, he was not lacking in talent, but he lacked the resources to burn all kinds of cultivation. In particular, he still has a great talent.

If he wants to pull up a force, there are many places he needs to be busy, such as fighting for resources.

But now there is an opportunity before him, as long as he joins the main **** messenger reserve team, then ... the cultivation resources are readily available.

His heart is full of struggles!

In this Panlong universe, he has nothing, everything has to fight on his own.

It takes a lot of time to collect various cultivation resources, but joining a master **** can save a lot of hard work time.

However, there are very few things paid for these, at no cost.

In the war of the planes, the main **** was dispatched only once.

That is something that only happens once in hundreds of millions of years!

For 100 million years, I am afraid that I do n’t even know how far I have progressed, I am afraid that I have equaled the Lord God!

The struggling color on Cheng Buyun's face, the Huoming Demon also saw it, expecting more from him, and he was extremely relieved in his heart.

I changed myself, I'm afraid I promised to come down long ago. As for this man, do you remember both?

However, after his persuasion, Cheng Buyun finally considered the gains and losses himself, and finally agreed to come down and looked up and smiled and said, "That kid has become the sentiment of the master of the city."

"Haha, did you agree?"

Huo Ming Demon looked ecstatic, laughing repeatedly, and patted his shoulder with excitement, shouting: "Great, with your talents, I believe that I will definitely be appreciated under the crown of the monarch, and I look forward to it. And, Do n’t call me Lord of the City, you do n’t need to be so rusty between you and me. I ’m crazy about your age, just give me a face and call me Fire Brother. ”

"Then respect is worse than obeying, Huo Mingxiong!" Cheng Buyun had to laugh.

"Haha, good! Good! Good! Haha!" Huomo Demon's expression is exaggerated, and the smile is so excited, as if he has picked up a main artifact, he turned his head now and said loudly: "Caesar, hurry up, make people quick To prepare for a banquet, I want to have a drink with Brothers Brother Yun! "

Caesar, who has been an invisible man for a long time, quickly and happily bowed to his feet.

As a person who has been with Huoming for tens of millions of years, of course he is very clear about what he thinks, and Cheng Buyun ’s talent is indeed very powerful, and his personality is also excellent. Take this opportunity to enter the eyes of the Lord God.

Soon, a rich banquet was set up, and the two were accompanied by Caesar, and the atmosphere was warm.

During eating and drinking, the Huomo Devil also revealed some things about the main **** messenger reserve team. Although he is a genius, he can advance in the past, but he still needs to be evaluated. It is impossible to appear indiscriminately.

Only with Cheng Buyun's talents, the assessment was just a passing scene, he assured Cheng Buyun, the main **** reserve team ... he was determined.

The two agreed on the time of departure, and Cheng Buyun lived in the city's main palace that day.

When Cheng Buyun was invited to the main palace of the city, His Excellency Elson from the headquarters of the Jonassi family also received a report. He was furious on the spot, and his face became dark, and there was even some fear in his eyes.

"Damn, I knew there would be such a situation." Elson's face appeared worried. "Just unexpected, the turning point came so quickly, I still thought, hidden in the dark, waiting for the boy to relax his guard. Kill him outside. "

A dead man, even if he is a genius, even if someone dies, it ’s a pity that he ca n’t take him, but now ... things are hard.

What should I do if I get vengeful?

With Humo Devil, the city owner, backing up and killing Cheng Buyun himself, I am afraid the consequences will be very serious.

And this is not his most worrying thing. He knows very well ... With Cheng Buyun's talent, Huomo Devil will definitely recommend it to the Master God Attendant Preparation Camp, once ... Once Cheng Buyun remembers the hatred of the Jonassi family , Then, it's over.

That night, Elson was in a hurry and was worried.

It seems that this time, I have to go by myself.

Damn Fire Devil, how come he came back so quickly?

Isn't he risking outside?

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