Plane Universe

Chapter 1322: Elson Gate

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Unlike Elson ’s uneasiness, Cheng Buyun did a great job.

After thinking clearly, he had some kind of expectation to enter the reserve team of the main messenger.

The next day, Blood Yang had just revealed its brilliance, and the Huoming Demon came over, shouting at Cheng Buyun for a while, very affectionate.

At the same time, he also told Cheng Buyun, let him go back to deal with the things around him as soon as possible, and go to the place where the main **** reserve team is located as soon as possible with him.

Sending Bu Yun all the way out of the main palace of the city, the eyes of the soldiers almost glared out.

"Take care of the affairs around me as soon as possible. I'm so excited that I don't want to wait any longer." Huo Ming Devil chuckled. What kind of happy expression, the fool knows, how happy the master is now.

"I will, please rest assured." Cheng Buyun nodded.

In fact, he did not care about this hell, and his friend was Charlton alone.

"Huh." Huoming Demon nodded and looked at Caesar, "Bring me Brother Buyun, and help him deal with the messy things as soon as possible."

"It's an adult." Caesar bowed, and he knew exactly what the adult meant by the mess


The few soldiers on duty at the gate took a breath and secretly looked at Cheng Buyun in surprise. This card was a bit too big, even the master of the city was called a brother.

This guy's background is really like the outside world, just a native who just came out of the material plane?

An ordinary task can bring the Lord of the City so close?

The level of the House Soldiers is too low, and it is not clear about such things as the reserve team of the Lord God Messenger.

Looking at Cheng Buyun's back for a long time at the gate of the city's main palace, the Huomo Devil was proud of his look and turned into the inside.

This made the eyes of the soldiers wide.

The matter quickly spread throughout the Huoming City. Everyone talked about it one after another, and was surprised by Cheng Buyun's luck, which was even valued by the master of the city.

Only a small part of the six-star demon knows the details of the matter. Huoming Demon is to recommend Cheng Buyun!

Lord God Reserve!

Envy has it, envy has it!

However, the main messenger reserve team is fiercely competitive, and whether Cheng Buyun can stay in the future is a problem.

Genius ... There is more in hell.

Many geniuses begin to practice quickly, but it is not that they become mediocre later.


Chaoyan Court.

Worried overnight, Charlton saw Cheng Buyun being escorted back by Caesar. The latter's respectful expression almost made his eyes fall out.

Especially when I heard the words of Caesar when he left, "Master Buyun, I will go back first. If something happens, send a letter to the city's main palace, and I will come as soon as possible."

When Caesar left, Charlton immediately pulled him and asked, "Buyun, what happened? Why did this night, even the governor of the city's palace have to call you Master? Wouldn't it be your scary identity? "

"What is this about?" Cheng Buyun couldn't help laughing.

Actually, it ’s just a little change in identity, is it fuss?

Calm, basic operation!

"Then why do you say that?" Charlton said, his eyes widening in surprise. "Are you an illegitimate child of the Lord of the City?"

"Go to you, full of nonsense!" Cheng Buyun couldn't help crying, and explained with a smile: "This is nothing more than Huoming recommending me to go to a good place to practice."


Three screams, Charlton, Bua, and Pudant all looked surprised. What did they hear?

How dare Cheng Buyun call the name of the Lord of the City?

Didn't even have a tribute? Even if this is only in private, it won't work!

In their shock, Cheng Buyun smiled and asked, "Oh, have you ever heard of the Lord God Attendant Reserve?"

"Master God Reserve?"

Charlton frowned and shook his head for a moment. "I heard it, but it is not very clear, but there was a legend early on that this place is a genius concentration camp set up under the crown of a great monarch, specially for selection. The main **** messenger was established, but the legend is a legend. No one knows whether it is true or not! "

Buya and Pudant are also nodding. For this legend, in fact, ordinary gods are also talking, but their level may be too low to detect the true or false.

Suddenly, Charlton's eyes widened, and he said in disbelief: "You mean, the Lord of the City invited you to come over for this matter?"

Frightened, several of them were shocked. It turned out that the main **** reserve was really something.

"Yes, Huoming sees that I am very talented, so I want to be my recommender and recommend me to practice in the past." Cheng Buyun nodded and admitted, "But don't talk outside, I'm afraid of the great Lord God's blame."

"I'll save myself, I'm not stupid!" Charlton looked around nervously, his voice lowered the points, "You will become the master messenger in the future, don't forget my brother, you must cover me Oh!"

"If there is one day, of course it will cover you." Cheng Buyun laughed, and then took out the purple light dew given by the Huoming Devil, a full five pots, and a green jade pot of one pound, "This is Huoming sent me The treasure, the purple light. "

Last night, the Fire Devil gave him ten pots of purple light, and now he generously gave half of it to Charlton, which is very generous.

After all, Charlton helped him a lot, and he had to support him even in danger. This kind of friendship must be remembered in his heart.

Besides, after he joined the main **** reserve team, he was afraid that he wouldn't have any training resources!

"Wow, I'm going, five pots?" Charlton took a cold breath and exclaimed: "This is a treasure that is rich and hard to buy. You got five pots. It's unreasonable!"

"Purple light is only exposed, it is naturally precious outside, but with my friendship with Huoming, this is nothing, you split it!" Cheng Buyun stuffed three jasper pots with Charlton, and then left the rest The two pots were divided between Buya and Pudant.

They each have a pot.

The two were trembling on the spot, unable to speak.

This whole pot, save a little bit of use, and a sip every time is enough for them to use for ten years or eight years.


Two days later, Elson came to the door personally and took his son Ayunte to the door to apologize. The tone was extremely sincere.

"Your Excellency Cheng Buyun, because of my indulgence, Ayun has caused irreparable trouble to you. I am very sorry." Elson turned his face and shouted loudly: "Reverse son, don't hurry down, I request the forgiveness of Lord Cheng Buyun. If you do n’t get the forgiveness of Lord Cheng Buyun today, you wo n’t get up even if you kneel to death here. "

At this time, Ayunte had lost his former spirit, and some just looked down, as if the whole person had been abandoned by the world. After reluctantly drinking under the roar of his father, he had to go down.

"Damn it, is it dumb? Do you want me to teach you how to say it?" Elson kicked angrily, kicking Ayunte on the ground.

It was only an instant that Ayunte couldn't care about wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth, and he quickly became afraid. He knelt in front of Cheng Buyun and asked for his forgiveness with tears, and sincerely admit his mistake.

This look, Charlton looked a little bit sour, thinking Ayunte, in the first place, relying on his father to spoil and domineering, but today came to an end.

Time too!

Luck too!

He couldn't bear it anymore, his mouth twitched, but he couldn't persuade him.

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