Plane Universe

Chapter 1340: Means fierce

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This guy is so powerful, so powerful that he is not like a normal human being!

Generally speaking, the lower gods who took Yinguang Liquid did not have such a terrible increase in physical fitness.

It's abnormal!

The onlookers looked at Cheng Buyun's eyes a bit wrong at the moment, and they looked very strange.

The next **** is so powerful that even two consecutive gods can't even fight back under the same conditions. Such a result is not seen with your own eyes, who dares to believe!

so amazing!

Looking at the two young men who had returned to the team, Cheng Buyun looked contemptuously. The two men, apart from not asking for their lives, he can say that he did not keep his hands.

"Why, don't you dare to come up?" Cheng Buyun looked at the group of rotten people in front, full of points said: "I said, your group is all spicy chicken, usually rely on many people, do big things and Pity your body and see the small profits and die, what do you want you to do! "

After these two words were spoken, a group of people were flushed with anger, and hundreds of eyes staring into Cheng Buyun were all burning anger!

At the top of the hall, Tarut laughed with joy, and he looked very relieved. "It's good to say that this group of things needs someone to treat them well. Don't think that you are an elite when you enter here!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A series of figures appeared next to O'Neill and Tarut, a blonde with a sturdy body and an old man who looked like a little old man. He looked unhappy and said: "This little guy is a bit arrogant."

"Arrogant?" Tarut sneered. "You might as well say why the group of non-things are causing trouble. The contract that O'Neal and I customized was something they could discuss?"

"Strong, you should be arrogant." A man with purple hair and a thunderbolt on his forehead didn't care.

But O'Neill and several other men and women did not say anything, looking at the grass with interest, looking at the excitement.

Cheng Buyun looked indifferently, raised his head, stared at a large group of people in front of him, and said with a mocking expression: "Sure enough, it's all spicy chicken, no one can beat it, and it hasn't been planted yet! Don't you want to excite me? I came out , Why do n’t you come to teach me to see why I got a five-star genius treatment? "


A group of people almost broke their teeth.


Cheng Buyun's words were too unpleasant. A handsome young man in a blue robe came out and looked at the former with a cold expression: "You are too arrogant, a lower god, there is no awe at all, don't think you If you can get a five-star treatment, you are very powerful. There are many people who are better than you here. What you need at this time is to be low-key. "

He really didn't believe that Cheng Buyun was treated as a five-star genius by himself. He judged the wrong direction and thought that Cheng Buyun had a special body.

After all, in the body of the lower god, it is so perverted to such a point that the physical qualities crushed the two geniuses, and no one would want to go to this aspect.

"Did you?" Cheng Buyun sneered.

"Take out your weapon and don't say that I will attack you without saying hello." Junmei Youth turned over and took out a long sword. The momentum spread rapidly, and a heavy pressure like a mountain came.

"It's kind of interesting, great!"

Cheng Buyun has already felt the thick artistic conception around the opponent's body. That is the meaning of the earth as understood by the laws of the earth system. If used in conjunction with the mystery of the earth system laws, the power will be doubled!

At the next moment, he also flipped a silver light flashing from the space ring, white and white, and the sword hand guard extended the bright artifact with six wings.

"Goddess of Light!"

The weapon was taken out and immediately caused a burst of exclamation.

Everyone is not surprised by the preciousness of this weapon, but surprised that Cheng Buyun is only the lower realm of the gods, but wants to use the upper artifact, and it is still the most top artifact among the upper artifacts.

"watch out!"

Cheng Buyun's eyes narrowed and he snorted. The goddess of light waved toward the other side from the bottom up. He no longer had the patience to nibble with this group of people.

The light flashed, and a huge half-moon-shaped sword light formed in front of Cheng Buyun. The interior was white, and the edge of the light was shimmering like a sun-colored half-moon-shaped sword light, with a strong tearing sound, screaming and roaring Rushed to the handsome youth.


The handsome young man sneered, his face unchanged, his epee raised, his eyes fixed on Cheng Buyun, and he didn't care too much about the rushing sword light.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Cheng Buyun stepped on the ground with his left foot and flew forward, but the grass that he stepped on vigorously was not destroyed at all. From this point, he can see that his control is strong!

"Very well, I know that you can't help but rush." ​​The mouth of the handsome young man lifted his lips, his expression rose with sarcasm, and his body's momentum was also rising. This large area.

A group of people around them held their breath and looked solemnly at the battle between the two sides.

The handsome young man's expression was cold, until Jianguang and Cheng Buyun rushed to the front, he lifted the heavy sword above his head and slammed it down. Immediately ... an earthy yellow attack that looked like a door panel from the midair to the ground Landing, the target is the half-moon-shaped Jiang Guang and Cheng Buyun rushed by the roar.

He wanted to defeat Cheng Buyun in one fell swoop!

Seeing this kind of powerful attack, the geniuses watching the battle were all air-conditioned.

If they were attacked like this, they could imagine that Cheng Buyun would never be spared and would be greatly injured!

Cheng Buyun rushed over, sneered in his heart, his body immediately stopped, and stopped the forward posture, and a stronger sword intention was also rising on his body. This powerful sword intention was stronger than the land of the handsome young man. Many times.

Waiting for everyone to make a shock, I saw Cheng Buyun's light artifact pointed diagonally at the ground lifted up, and then waved forward, a huge phantom light sword with a length of ten meters had appeared, this is his trick-light shadow cut !


The handsome young man's mountain-like attack fell and immediately smashed the half-moon-shaped river light, and at this time, Cheng Buyun's light and shadow also arrived, as if cutting tofu, and then cut the yellow mountain of several meters in thickness. Come on.

'laugh! ’

When the virtual shadow lightsaber cut his own attack, the expression of the handsome young man has changed greatly. He did not expect that Cheng Buyun's attack is so perverted, which will allow him to crack his trick, as if there is no defense.

As a last resort, he quickly dodges!

It's just that for some time, Cheng Buyun's figure appeared a few meters beside him, as if he had seen through him, and then a sword was cut from the top of his head. This rapid attack surprised the beautiful young man.

At this moment, he couldn't do anything, and he didn't think about how Cheng Buyun appeared on his side, he couldn't understand it at all!


The blood was flying in the sun, and the handsome young man was split in half by Cheng Buyun with a sword. The visceral blood in his body seemed to be free of money, and it fell on the grass with a clatter, leaving only one divine drop. Spin around in the air!

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