Plane Universe

Chapter 1341: The farce ends

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In such a **** scene, a group of geniuses who were watching on the spot were ashamed and bloodless, and their faces were a little pale!


There was a cry of exclamation, and an unstoppable voice rang out among the crowd.

However, soon, the godhead suspended in mid-air drew an arc, which seemed to be greatly frightened, away from Cheng Buyun, then stopped aside and began to condense his own body.

Slowly, the mind appeared, forming the appearance of a handsome young man, then the neck, then to the chest cavity, hands and feet, and finally formed the entire handsome young man.

It's just that at this time, the breath of handsome young people is not stable.

Seeing that the handsome youth did not die, everyone was relieved.

As long as no one is killed, everything else is easy to say.

Joke, Cheng Buyun was not so stupid, killing the handsome young man.

He will not violate the rules of the main **** messenger reserve team, he just destroys the opponent's body, never thought of attacking the opponent's divinity.

Cheng Buyun looked at the condensed body of the handsome young man indifferently, so that the other party did not dare to look directly at him, then turned his head and said indifferently, "It's your turn!"

Being watched by Cheng Buyun, everyone's expressions were white, and their hearts were shaking.

What a joke, the strength of the handsome young men who are comparable to the upper gods is not Cheng Buyun's opponent. They dare to be beaten up!

The **** body of the handsome young man lying on the ground is the best portrayal.

The blood-colored sunlight shining from the sky was so dazzling, the blood stains on the ground began to volatilize and merged into the soil, and the body slowly became crystal clear, looking like a piece of art.

"Kill!" Cheng Buyun didn't care about them. He rushed up with his weapon and cut it when he saw him.

Seeing Cheng Buyun, the horror figure, killing himself with swords and thrifts, the young man was almost scared and screamed, Mom, he had to hurriedly take out his weapons to resist.

But with his weak chicken-like strength, how can he resist Cheng Buyun, the demon king, the bright goddess in his hand is just a trick, and the young man's head flew away with an invisible sword intention. Stirred in his body, then his body exploded as if loaded with a lot of explosives.

Another stepped in the footsteps of a handsome young man and was seriously injured!

Cheng Buyun seemed to be a tiger entering the flock. The goddess of light in the hands flew in the crowd. No matter who was cut, whoever exploded in the next moment, the whole body except the head was turned into a blood rain, which nourished the soil under the feet.


"No matter what I do, I just watch the excitement."

"Don't cut me!"

After a while of flying chickens and dogs, thousands of geniuses on the grass seemed to encounter the big devil, and the mess was like a headless fly, bumping everywhere!

Among this group of geniuses, some geniuses whose strength is comparable to those of the upper gods, seeing Cheng Buyun being so mad, could not have any heart of confrontation at all.

He didn't intend to compete with Cheng Buyun.

This has nothing to do with them.

Even if it is related to them, they will not admit it!

This guy is too fierce, and the handsome young man is also comparable to the strength of the upper god. Two strokes will be over. If you change, do you dare to go up?

The main reason is that Cheng Buyun's speed is abnormal, and the sword realm is not so strong. Who dares to fight!

At the top of the hall, a group of mentors looked at the group of geniuses in the mess below the grass.

What Cheng Buyun showed was only the strength of the lower gods, and a large group of people were chased and ran.

It's humiliating!

Won't you fight?

There is no danger of death, what are you afraid of!

If a group of people push Cheng Buyun's sword-like realm, or mutational power, they will not be so angry.

What is this now?

"Sure enough, Cheng Buyun has a good saying, do big things and take care of herself, seeing small profits and die!" O'Neill sighed, looking at the following scene has nothing to say.

The thin old man was also trembling with anger.

No ... almost all the tutors who stood here watched their faces.


A young man with freckles with a fat figure felt the madman's breath that was getting closer and closer. He was scared to death on the spot. His body flying in the air was twisted and his forehead sweated, but he did not dare to look back. Head straight.

As long as you fly back to where you live, it will be safe!

so horrible!

"Boy, don't run!"

A loud drink came from behind, immediately shocking the little fat man and falling directly to the ground.

After rolling a few times on the ground, the little fat man looked nervous, looked up at the surroundings including the sky, and had already made the worst plan, but he turned around and didn't see the figure of the big demon king before he relieved his breath, and then secretly Hidden in a corner of the wall, watching the geniuses flying all over the sky!

I saw that the big devil was holding his weapon, and the figure quickly chased those geniuses in the sky, splitting each one in half, or exploding the body, bloody!

There was cold sweat behind him.

This Chengbuyun is too powerful!

Not at all like the realm of the next god!

"Master is mighty!"

The little girl jumped her feet on the ground, constantly patting her palms, and made a huge cheer for the master, "beat them hard, make them laugh at the master, and bully the cute Qiulan.

Sophia looked at this scene, although it has been estimated for a long time, but it is undoubtedly shocked at this time.

The geniuses with a lot of weak breath around him gave Qiulan an angry look. , Cold snort!

"Hum what hum!"

The little girl turned her head, ignoring the genius eyes, holding her head circle and threateningly said, "Frighten me again and tell the master to beat you again in a while!"

Hearing his threats, the geniuses were powerless. On the spot, they couldn't even say a threatening word. Instead, they turned around and walked away!

They are also afraid!

The guy in the sky is simply not human.

The lower **** realm is so strong!

I don't know how to practice!

After a while, there was no one in the whole sky. Those who remained on the ground were all geniuses with weak breath and pale complexion, who had been cut by Cheng Buyun again.

Everything else ran back.

Either returned to the place of residence, or sent to the hall, never dare to come out!

"Let's run fast!" In the sky, Cheng Buyun stood domineeringly, glancing at the ground below, a cold hum filled with warnings echoed in the sky before he landed toward the ground.

In just a few moments, dozens of geniuses were severely injured, and at the same time let countless geniuses know that Cheng Buyun was a very powerful person, and the genius comparable to the upper **** could not take two moves in his hands.

When Cheng Buyun landed at the trial of the little girl, the latter immediately threw himself up happily, and shouted happily: "Master, you are so powerful, you have punished all the evil people who bullied Qiulan. I am so happy."

"They bully you, that is, they don't give their masters face, and of course they have to punish them." Cheng Buyun said with a slight smile: "You can't be upset when you lip your lips. Okay, let's go to the main hall to buy some necessary cultivation items , Especially the items such as the deities you need to practice. "

"Hmm, the master is the best." The little girl nodded violently.

A farce is now over!

Of course, in this farce, Cheng Buyun's reputation has also spread, let people know that he is still a bit powerful.

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