Plane Universe

Chapter 1344: This is human nature

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But sometimes, things do not develop as expected.

For example now!

He greeted Sophia and was ready to leave here and go back to practice.

Cheng Buyun is a celebrity. He received the five-star genius treatment. He is the object of envy of many geniuses. When he is on the scene, few people will talk about him face to face, and will only secretly pay attention to peeping.

At the entrance of the hall, a young man with blond hair and blood-red eyes, a cold face, and a young man with a grievance of about 1.8 meters walked in with a cold and proud face surrounded by a group of people.

"Ivan is here."

The geniuses who stopped in front of each other gave way.


When the cold and proud young man came to his side, everyone would nod and say hello to show respect. The latter did not even look at the former at this time, and looked straight ahead with a faint smile.


When he came to Cheng Buyun, he found that the other party hadn't given way, and his face suddenly changed. There was a kind of indescribable imprisonment in his expression, and his eyes were cold. Looks very unhappy!

Cheng Buyun didn't care about the other party's expression, but just ignored the former and ignored it.

The entrance of the hall is so huge, do you need someone to make a passage?

It's just the deliberate use of privileges with the strength of strength.

The person accompanying Ai Wen quickly said: "Brother Ai Wen, this man is the new genius."


Hearing the voice, Ai Wen's expression was startled, and the heart said it was this guy, would he ignore himself.

However, no matter how high the salary is, it is just a new genius. Ignoring him so much, but making him angry at the moment, a pair of blood-red eyes tightly told Cheng Buyun, his eyes are full of scrutiny and criticism, "You are the newcomer 'S genius becomes a step cloud? "

Cheng Buyun smiled faintly, glanced at Ai Wen and said, "What advice?"

"Don't dare to teach me." Ivan's expression was kind and said lightly: "However, as a junior, seeing the senior came, there was no politeness. To be honest, I am worried for O'Neill and Tarut! "

Come, come, there is a good show!

Seeing Cheng Buyun being targeted by Ai Wen, the hall's service desk was quiet here, and everyone's eyes were full of eager eyes blinking and blinking.

"You are so big-hearted that you have to preach even the way the mentor works." Cheng Buyun said a bit salty, directly making Ai Wen's eyes less friendly, but the former continued to say: "As for you I ’m not polite to say that I do n’t agree. First, I ’ve been here too short, and I still practice in my residence most of the time. Second, to be honest, I did n’t know you before, and no one gave me Explain you, so ... "

Speaking of which, Cheng Buyun spread his hands towards Ai Wen and asked funnyly, "Who are you?"

The meaning of this is obviously asking, how old are you?

Ai Wen's complexion changed directly, and became a bit rosy. It was angry, and his eyes became very dangerous in the red eyes.

It's crazy!

The onlooker genius took a breath of air, and actually gave Cheng Buyun a sweat.

Ai Wen ranked within 3,000 in the rankings, ranking 893th, seven-star demon level.

Such a genius is also a big force in the entire reserve of the main angel messenger.

"Cheng Buyun, what are you crazy about, I don't know who my elder brother is here, you even asked who you are, do you think everyone will believe it?" A dogleg who followed Aiwen was anxious to express himself, Immediately raised his finger to Cheng Buyun, arrogantly clamoring, "Do n’t think you are a five-star genius treatment, the tail will go up to the sky, who does n’t know how your contract came, stand with you and talk, it ’s simply It ’s shameful. "

"Since it feels embarrassing, why are you still standing here?" Cheng Buyun said without saying anything.

Under the spot, the dog's legs were dumb.

This guy is so shameless!

"It's really abominable to regard shame as glory." The dog's legs pointed at Cheng Buyun, and he was trembling with anger.

"Okay, why should I go, don't stop me from preaching, I'm busy." Cheng Buyun sneered, his expression calm and greeted: "Let's go."

When Cheng Buyun left outside the hall, he lifted his feet and took two steps. A young man in the crowd stood up and shouted, "Cheng Buyun, are you going to go back and be a tortoise?"

Turning around, Cheng Buyun's cold eyes fell on the speaker, and Shen Sheng shouted: "Sometimes speaking has to go through the brain."

A young man with several tiny fluorescent scales on his face, said with the same expression: "How do I speak without going through the brain? Isn't your behavior now?"

Without waiting for Cheng Buyun to talk, he continued: "To say that you are a tortoise, this is not slandering you. The main messenger reserve team has used so many resources to train you, but now that you have a mission, you need to go out and search for resources. But what about the use of geniuses like you if you do n’t disregard your efforts? "

"That is, being so selfish, even if it is cultivated in the future, it is also a cunning person."

"It only consumes cultivation resources, and never pays. What is the use of such a genius to cultivate, I see ... Sooner or later, it will be a traitor."

"Yes, it's too selfish!"

"It's such a genius, it's almost defiled my identity with him."

A group of people around Aiwen clamored wildly, as if Cheng Buyun, a man of utter reprimand, spoke out and accused him.

And in the crowd, there are countless people responding, shouting loudly, and finally being lively.

This kind of accusation is too stressful, and no one here can afford it.

The other party's words were simply standing at the commanding heights of morality, and it was disgusting to force Cheng Buyun to follow their customized path.

And who this young man is instructed by, this is not very young, and may be Ai Wen, or other geniuses.

In the reserve team of the Lord God Messenger, there is a strong competition mechanism. The cultivation resources must fight for the status, even the Lord God prepares the messengers.

Competition is everywhere, and one more genius comes, which means that they have less training resources.

Such as leaderboards!

Cheng Buyun can get a five-star genius treatment. Natural talent is not easy. He will definitely be a strong competitor in the future. There are many people who want him to die.

To put it bluntly, in fact jealousy is one aspect, and the most important thing is to think about it on your own.

This is human nature!

"A bunch of brain stumps!" Cheng Buyun sighed, his eyes fixed on the young man who said, "The most stupid of them belongs to you."


A group of people who were watching and paying attention almost sprayed.

"How do you scold people?"

"Damn it, who do you call a brain-damage!"

"Apology, I strongly urge you to apologize to us."

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