Plane Universe

Chapter 1345: I will watch your performance quietly

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After many accusations, Cheng Buyun didn't even change his face, but just looked at everyone faintly.

The other party's behavior was seen through at a glance. Isn't it just to excite yourself to find a chance to kill yourself?

Although he is not afraid, it is not necessary.

It's too worth wasting time on this group of brain stumps.


"We ask you to apologize to us because you insulted us."

A roar echoed in the hall. A group of people pointed at Cheng Buyun with red ears and a very angry expression, as if Cheng Buyun didn't apologize, they would swarm up and prepare to take Cheng Buyun for a meal .

"Do you want me to apologize?" Cheng Buyun's eyes widened, he laughed a little, he was a little wavy, and his fingers flicked back and forth, saying, "I'm already giving you face when you say you are mentally disabled."

"Shut up, **** guy." The group of people was annoyed again, and shouted loudly.

The little girl encountered such a big battle, her expression was very frightened, and she resembled an ostrich, hiding behind Sophia, looking nervously at her master.

Sophia has nothing to worry about. This is Xuanguang City. Who dares to kill people casually?

And inside the hall, there are strict orders not to allow hands.

Ai Wen coldly stood aside, watching Cheng Buyun fall into a siege, his expression looked silent, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In fact, he also saw that other people had intervened in this matter, so he immediately withdrew, and at the same time, he stopped the people on his side.

"Noisy, what's going on?"

At this time, a young man with a very sunny image and a beautiful appearance came in and started to stop everyone's riots.

"Yiyun first?"

Ai Wen's eyes shrank slightly, and his face was cold. This Yi Yun was a fierce devil first. Don't look at his intimacy. His inner dark and cunning cold blood. In order to achieve his necessary purpose, most of the time, he can sell it without any means Guy, typical villain!

He had suffered a great deal of loss in the other hand before. Fortunately, he had good luck and recovered his life.

With the arrival of this Yi Yunxian, it seems that the appointment has been made, and the digital atmosphere is very powerful, and the strength is all seven-star demon-level genius.

After everyone greeted each other, these talents found that the atmosphere was not right.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm not going to pick up any more. Are you going to have a banquet here?"

"I'm just one step earlier than you. I don't know what happened." Yi Yun smiled first, and then he pointed to someone. "Can you tell me what happened just now?"

The young man named by Yi Yun immediately got a little nervous in expression, and finally stabilized his mind and said what happened just now.

"It turns out so." These seven-star demons have set their eyes on Cheng Buyun, Yi Yun first smiled and extended his hand and said: "Recognize, my name is Yi Yunxian, No. 721 in the ranking."

"Cheng Buyun, there is no ranking." Reaching out the person who does not smile, no matter what the other party's heart is, at this time the other party politely greets, Cheng Buyun also has to wait.

Of course, the appearance of this does not mean that he will have deep friendships with these people.

Here, everyone is in a competitive relationship and they do n’t know if they are accidentally sold.

However, other seven-star demon geniuses have no ups and downs of thoughts. It is estimated that they are self-holding identities, or they do not want to stir into the spiral nest of Cheng Buyun.

Five-star genius treatment may not be a good thing!

Whether it can grow smoothly is a problem.

The cultivation path of the strong does not mean that you will succeed if you have talent. It needs to pass countless tests.

"I still have something to do, go back first." Cheng Buyun and Yi Yun first greeted a few words and offered their farewell.

"It's fair to say that we will have a chance to talk again in the future. Next time I invite you to drink, but don't give up your face." Yi Yun laughed first, as if he had known Chen Buyun for a long time, warm and close.

But in the eyes of Cheng Buyun, it is undoubtedly like a clown.

This Yi Yun was too hypocritical.

Although he couldn't detect the other party's thoughts, it was like acting, but he couldn't hide them.

There is too much difference in the mental state between the two, plus Yi Yunxian's realm of strength is not as high as Bu Yun, only two ranks, how can they hide.

The purity of the power of the lower and upper gods!

"You can't go." A voice yelled.


Cheng Buyun hadn't spoken yet, but Yi Yunxian's complexion had cooled down, so that the seven-star demon geniuses who were watching the drama on the side looked a little weird.

It seems a little disgusting!

A pair was very disgusted with Yi Yunxian.

"Why, what else do you want to do?" Yi Yunxian's expression was cold.

The young man who blocked Cheng Buyun from leaving was drunk by Yi Yun first, and cold sweat permeated from his forehead.

"Huh, how could Cheng Buyun be that kind of person? How long did he come here? It's only a year's time. You said that your contribution was too early. You need to give him some time to prove yourself, right." Yi Yun's expression was serious. , Reprimanded: "Okay, okay, give me a face, this matter is forgotten, after all, everyone is a person in a boat, it is not good to make a big noise."

His rebuke made everyone feel ashamed.

Yes, Cheng Buyun has only been here for a year, so he has to prove himself so quickly, is it a bit demanding.

If you want someone to prove it, you have to give some time!

Cheng Buyun nodded and looked like he was grateful to Yi Yunxian, but he shook his head secretly and sneered.

Some people are really ashamed, these people are coaxing with others, and the other part is deliberately pretending to be ashamed.

All kinds of life!


Back in his temporary home, Cheng Buyun has already put down the previous things.

Give the little girl a part of the purchased precious ore, divine form, artifact and other resources to get a very sincere gratitude.

In the cultivation of little girls, Cheng Buyun is still very generous.

Cultivation, loyalty has a very big guarantee, in short, will not lose money.

It takes a long time.

"Sophia, this one is for you." Cheng Buyun also took out another resource for cultivation and gave it to Sophia, who was with him.

"I do too?" Sophia's expression froze when she saw the space ring handed in front of her. She raised her head slowly, looked at Cheng Buyun seriously, and calmly said, "You should be very clear , I just follow you for the time being. "

"Of course I am clear, but you should also be clear. With my own ability, this will be eliminated for the time being. It is estimated that it will not take a thousand years." Cheng Buyun smiled slightly.

The next **** metal life, the purchase qualification requires six-star demon strength.

If the contribution is high, such as in the main **** army, the five-star demon strength is also allowed.

In fact, with the strength exposed by Cheng Buyun, he already has the qualifications, but he is not qualified enough for his contribution.

"It's good to have faith, but what you don't know is that I'm almost reaching the median god." Sophia smiled lightly and proudly said: "The metallic life of the median **** requires at least the Shura level, and the seven-star demon strength is all It is not qualified. The Fire Devil you know before, he only occupied the title of the city master, so he only has the qualification to use a neutral god, understand? "

"Oh, that's the case, I understand." Cheng Buyun nodded and smiled: "If you are capable and able to break through, you don't need to worry, no matter whether you are the lower **** or the middle god, no one can take you from me. Take away. "

At this point, Sophia was taken aback, seriously looking at Cheng Buyun, wanting to see why he was so arrogant!

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