Plane Universe

Chapter 1353: Affirmation of the Black Cloud Messenger (Happy Chinese New Year)

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Of course, the same race, the Black Cloud messenger is not too different, in hell, whether it is a white race, or a black race, or a yellow race, this does not have much impact.

The races of the major gods have increased in number.

Cheng Buyun didn't have too many waves in his heart. He had black hair and yellow skin. He had seen it many times in the main messenger reserve team.

There are a lot of people with brown hair, yellow skin, gray hair, yellow skin, or gray hair and white skin like lei.

He secretly looked at it, and the Black Cloud messenger naturally knew that, especially Cheng Buyun paid attention to his black eyes, and he smiled.

The strange eyes like these black holes are slowly changing because of his cultivation.

Cheng Buyun also judged from the opponent's eye deterrence that the black cloud messenger had a great accomplishment in the soul together. For those who practice the four-big rule, it is very common to study the soul.

Why the four laws of destruction, life, death, and destiny are listed as only changing the rules, because they involve soul power, the law attacks almost always carry powerful soul attacks, can ignore your material defense, and let the attack go directly Your mind, attacking the divine personality, makes people unpredictable!

Once the defense is not in place, or you have no artifact to defend the soul, the ending will be very tragic!

"Okay, O'Neill and Tarut, you two go out and wait for a while, let me talk quietly with Cheng Buyun students." The Black Cloud messenger waved silently and drove the two mentors out directly.

When the two left, they nodded to Cheng Buyun secretly, then quickly left the room and closed the door firmly.

The entire predecessor's messenger camp is filled with various magic arrays, especially each house is equipped with a powerful magic shield that shields sound and consciousness. It is as strong as the black cloud messenger and cannot detect the situation inside the house by consciousness.

Very safe means!

"Come, come here." The Black Cloud messenger beckoned, sat down at a table and chair, and pointed to the chair opposite.

Cheng Buyun didn't postpone. After thanking him, he calmly sat down on the chair.

The black cloud messenger nodded immovably, while picking up the green teapot on the table, pouring water into the two white jade teacups on the table, and secretly paying attention to Cheng Buyun's expression.

"This ..." Cheng Buyun was shocked, and in the status of the other party, he actually poured tea for him personally. There are certainly not many people who can accomplish this step in hell.

Sample, I thought nothing would shake you, fight me!

The Black Cloud messenger secretly smiled, but the surface was unmoved and smiled: "Three years ago, I came back from the outside. Two mentors, O'Neill and Tarut, reported to me and told me that Huoming recommended a super The genius comes. "

Here comes Cheng Buyun's heart, without interruption, listening quietly.

"When I know your information, I am very happy." The Black Cloud Messenger smiled and said slowly: "I am happy for a super genius to appear on my side of hell. Do you know that your talent is the only one in my life, There is no one. Being able to comprehend the means of being strong with me at this age and in this position, I have to say that your future achievements are still above me. "

"I'm not a compliment, it's an awesome!" The Black Cloud messenger looked very happy and talked a lot.

He said a lot of words of admiration, but Cheng Buyun was calm, listening as quietly as he started, and his expression did not have any strange color, nor did he look proud, which made the former very satisfied.

Tian Ziqiang was not proud of himself, his character was steady and he was still in general, and it made him happy and very satisfied.

Therefore, he admired the words and suddenly asked: "Listening to the two mentors, in addition to comprehending the realm of swordsmanship, are you a soul mutant, are you sure?"

"I am an emissary, yes, I am a soul mutator, able to combine several of my divine powers, strengthen the basic power, and play a more powerful attack." Cheng Buyun quickly replied.

"It's so good." The black cloud messenger nodded with satisfaction, and finally said: "Well, it's enough to call me the black cloud messenger in the future."

Cheng Buyun wanted to stand up and thank you. Do n’t underestimate just change the two-word title. This is because the other party recognized you and improved your status.

Not everyone can call the other party with a black cloud messenger. Most people, such as Cheng Buyun, call the master messenger, or the black cloud master, once they pass the name, they do n’t know how to die.

The rules in **** are strict.

"You don't need to be polite here, just be casual. After all, with your strong talents, it's a matter of time before you become a superpower." The black cloud messenger reached out and held his shoulder, smiling gently. Not impossible, as long as you work hard and not slack. "

In the end, a tiger chicken soup was also made, which made Cheng Buyun cry and laugh, but he did not insist anymore. He thanked him by sitting on the chair and owing his body.

Genius is popular everywhere!

In devouring the starry universe, here in hell.

He was treated extremely well by his strong talent.

Of course, this is also a peaceful situation. If it is a war, if the other **** planes are not available, they will definitely be assassinated.

If this is the case, Cheng Buyun will not be so stupid, jumping so happy.

It is only after he sees such a result that he reveals his talent.

"Try it, let me see it." The black cloud messenger smiled into Bu Yun.

What he wanted to see, Cheng Buyun was very clear. After answering the question, he stood up and moved to the side, a pattern like a sword-shaped magic array appeared under his feet without warning.

Moreover, this pattern began to rotate and rise, and a large piece of light and shadow long sword appeared in the space. At the same time, unlike the past, Cheng Buyun also showed a huge light sword pattern at his feet, and he was looking at the light sword pattern. The hilt position.

The huge lightsaber under the foot is constantly zooming in and out, like a beating heart, and the long sword front is facing the front, flashing the cold light that chooses and eats.

Sensing the power in the Jianyi realm, the Black Cloud messenger nodded and praised, "Very good, the power has exceeded the entry level, in the preliminary stage, you are really good."

"At this stage, you can realize this powerful means and ability. Your understanding really surpasses the genius I have seen, including all the strong people now. As far as I know, the few great perfect strongmen, they have none. You are so fortunate that you are so fortunate that you have appeared in our hell, and you have also come to our main messenger reserve team. "

Such a genius, whoever meets will rejoice, especially the opportunity to become a great genius, is even more rare.

A master **** has a great consummation strongman, which allows the **** god to have face, and can help the **** god to deal with some things that the **** god is not convenient to come forward. Even war in the plane can play a greater role.

ps: I wish all book friends a happy Chinese New Year and family reunion, happy family and happy laughter and happy New Year!

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