Plane Universe

Chapter 1354: More is not necessarily better

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At this time, the black cloud messenger smiled like a child, but he was happy, but there was something that made him more difficult.

How to hide Cheng Buyun from other gods?

However, Cheng Buyun has been around for so long, it is estimated that the information has been leaked!

Thinking of this, Hei Yun frowned secretly, a little worried in his heart.

Hell is a series of seven main gods. The Xuanguang main **** he serves is only the lower main god. Although he is responsible for cultivating geniuses, it is hard to say whether the geniuses he cultivates belong to him.

And now even if Xuanguang Lord God intends to make Cheng Buyun as the messenger of the Lord God, that can't be done, because Cheng Buyun's temporary strength is not enough, and trying to sneak the agreement has no effect.

What may be the last change?

Unless the two main gods, Bauhinia and Blood Peak, do not find Cheng Buyun, otherwise ... the result is hard to say.

Cheng Buyun didn't know the bends and turns, but was demonstrating his own strength, the two divine powers of the median **** level, and the fusion of earth and fire, so that his basic strength increased tenfold and reached the upper god. degree.


When the strength of Cheng Buyun's sword field was strengthened, the Black Cloud Messenger also reacted, carefully sensed it, and then looked at the former a bit strangely, fell into thought, and then frowned and asked: "Student Cheng Buyun Did n’t you have been in the upper **** level when you merged the divine power before? How did the foundation strengthen this time but there was no progress? Do you know why it turns out? "

Cheng Buyun naturally knew the meaning of the black cloud messenger, deliberately thought about it, and then replied: "I do n’t quite understand. According to the truth, I now have two rules that have been raised to the level of median gods, and should be stronger. Yes, but it looks as if there is no improvement at all. "

"Don't reach the cause of qualitative change yet?" The black cloud messenger smiled slightly. He naturally saw a lot of soul mutants, but no one was like Cheng Buyun.

Most soul mutants will not be too strong to integrate divine power, of course, because those people are too weak.

Not everyone can cultivate several **** avatars, which requires talent. After all, it is already valuable to be single-minded. Who still has the power to understand more.

Just like himself, there are not many **** avatars cultivated, including the deity, barely four. Except for the destruction of the **** avatar, the other, the most powerful is the earth **** avatar, the five-star powerhouse.

This five-star demon-level Earth God avatar alone has spent a large part of his mental energy. For a very long time, the deity did not have the rule of Shura destruction, but worked **** the law of the earth.

Hundreds of billions of years, that's all.

The more avatars, the harder it is to practice.

This is not an empty talk!

Even when your **** avatar reaches a certain number, even the surrounding laws seem fuzzy to you.

Of course, this is also because the Black Cloud messenger did not put too much attention on the second **** avatar. After all, his most powerful thing is the destruction of the **** avatar. As the main fighting force, almost all his thoughts are placed on this god. Doppelganger.

After all, the deity and the **** of destruction are cultivating together, verifying each other, and cultivating faster.

"Why, don't you understand?" The black cloud messenger saw Cheng Buyun's somewhat embarrassed expression, and he chuckled and said, "Before you, I have also seen many soul mutants, and they had been confused like you. It's actually very simple. "

What he revealed, Cheng Buyun naturally understood very well, but he could only pretend to be ignorant and quietly watched the black cloud messenger.

"And your current situation is actually the consequence of the imbalance of basic strength." Heiyun said, looking a little strange, Cheng Buyun's luck was too good, and his talent was too strong. He was very envious of him. The **** is avatar, and the soul is mutated.

So many soul mutation **** avatars, but it seems that Cheng Buyun's cultivation is not slow, I really don't know how high the talent is at the beginning of this kid.

If it were n’t for soul variation, but for practicing a single rule of mystery, I ’m afraid that this kid might be a great consummate now.

If you think about it carefully, there is a panic in his heart

So many times, it's not that you have good luck and your soul has mutated, which will make you stronger and may drag your hind legs.

In hell, most cultivators generally practice the laws of the three systems, and at most no more than four systems.

In fact, many of them are single laws, or two-system laws, and very few practice three-system laws.

Think about how Cheng Buyun was in the plane of the magnolia, and he only cultivated the rules of the light system. The speed of the cultivation was just a few years.

Now ... after involving the five-system law, cultivation is not much different from the turtle.

"The soul is mutated, and the fusion of divine power will enhance its basic strength, but once the type of divine power is imbalanced, there will be results like yours. Although the total amount of mutated divine power is large, it can be merged but not stronger. "The black cloud messenger suddenly looked serious," so I give you a piece of advice, on the basis of the present, don't increase the **** avatar in the future, I know that your talent is strong, the ambition is not small, but once the number of **** avatars exceeds At a certain limit, it is likely that you will become mediocre. More is not necessarily good, and in practice, dedication is our persistence to the end. "

"Yes, Black Cloud messenger, I will always keep in mind your remarks." Cheng Buyun nodded sincerely. Although the other party did not know the details, as a senior, it was very difficult to tell him this remark. .

This is a lot of people in exchange for tragic experience.

"So it's a good thing to have a soul mutation, but sometimes it's a disaster." The Black Cloud messenger changed his expression and took a sip of tea before continuing. "It's the most special place to be able to merge the divine power and make yourself stronger. However, once there is an imbalance, it is a disaster, for example ... you are now six avatars of two gods, two of which are upper gods, and four are lower gods, then merged together ... it is likely that the strength not only cannot be strengthened, but also It will not necessarily reduce your strength, because you are in such a rare situation now, and there are too many avatars. "


Cheng Buyun smiled bitterly in his heart, why did he not understand the importance of balance.

Of course, at this moment, he also understood that the facts of this situation had already been known to others.

He used to want to hide this balance in the past.

At this meeting, after the Black Cloud waiter revealed, he discovered that he had done something stupid before.

The face was slightly red, and the old face was hot.

Slaps are not.

PS: On the first day of the new year, the "Eating Mimi Bookworm" book friend gave Void such a big red envelope, very excited, very grateful, because this is the first great reward of this book, and I am very happy. However, since there is no manuscript in the Void, please give me some time, the Void will be added to the code, thank you!

At the same time, I wish you all a happy new year, and everything goes well with you!

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