Plane Universe

Chapter 1355: Conditions for getting the main artifact

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However, he did not worry about it, and what was the use of knowing the balance of divine power. As long as he did not reveal the details of the fusion of divine power, if anyone in this world wanted to break his head, they would not find the secrets hidden in the laws of each department.

They simply did not expect that the basis of the laws of each system was derived from chaotic energy.

As long as one day does not disclose, others will not think of this layer.

And even if you know, if you want to analyze the chaotic forces at the bottom of the law, you must have that kind of understanding.

Therefore, it is difficult to imagine him as a **** with his deity, and the fusion of divine power is comparable to the ability of soul mutants!

It's hard!

Super hard!

Talent understanding is indispensable.

In the final analysis, it is still too difficult to practice.

It is really difficult to surpass detachment.

The Hongmeng universe has been around for many years, but for such a long time, can there be a detached person?

The old man of Hongmeng does not have a brother yet, come to fight alongside him, and master the gold list of Hongmeng together.


Hearing the black cloud messenger revealed these things, Cheng Buyun immediately exclaimed deliberately, his face slightly changed and said: "This ... I really don't know."

"So I have to tell you that after the increase of God's avatar, you need to think carefully. After all, when there is an irrecoverable situation, no one can help you, even if it is great ... cough!" Heiyun waiter said finally alert And immediately said, "You should understand what I am saying."

"Thanks to the messenger of the black cloud, I understand." Of course Cheng Buyun knew that what he was going to say was that once that happened, even greatness like the Lord could not help himself.

"It's good to understand." The black cloud messenger nodded with satisfaction. He was really very satisfied with the young man Cheng Buyun. He was highly talented but did not have the arrogance of other geniuses. The polite and gentle temperatures in front of these powerful men are arrogant and rude to others who are not as good as themselves.

This is why he said such a result to Cheng Buyun.

Because Cheng Buyun's character made him like it very much, when he was just in the beginning, the foreign king and the inner saint were very suitable for the post of the main **** messenger!

According to the data from Cheng Buyun after he came to hell, as the messenger of the main god, he has already got it in his hands, and he knows the character of the former very well!

"Okay, these things have been finished. Now let's talk about your genius treatment." The black cloud messenger smiled and looked at Cheng Buyun's topic and said: "After my understanding, you actually get Qixing. There is no problem in the cultivation of level resources. "

Cheng Buyun's eyes lit up sharply, and the resources sent in vain don't want him to be a fool.

Even if he can't use it, everyone behind him can use it.

He is not engulfing the starry universe, there are thousands of venerable cosmos, dozens of cosmic masters are struggling, and any cultivation resources can be obtained by points, and now this world can only rely on himself.

If you go to cultivate resources by yourself, then you really have to be a busy dog ​​and do n’t want to live!

Seeing the strange expression appearing in Cheng Buyun, the black cloud messenger smiled in his heart and said, "But ..."

This made Cheng Buyun's heart sink, it seems that there are still conditions.

"Relax, the problem is not big." The black cloud messenger said with a smile: "I don't mean to embarrass you, it's just a little test. It should be easy to complete with your talents!"

"Black cloud messenger, please tell me what the conditions are!" Cheng Buyun focused on his head. In order to cultivate resources and test something, he took it.

As long as there is a supply of cultivation resources to make the people under him rise, it will be much easier in the future.

The people under his command are so powerful that they no longer need him to cultivate resources to be nanny and escort!

I also have fun.

Glancing at Cheng Buyun, the black cloud messenger said leisurely: "The condition is that ... in 1236 years, before your second assessment, all the gods avatars reached the median **** realm, and at the same time ... a series of rules Xuanao has at least five kinds of fusion, and I will promise you that the most advanced genius treatment once every 100 years in a trillion years. "

Hearing the fact that the allocation of cultivation resources was provided within one trillion years, Cheng Buyun was immediately shocked.

In the main **** messenger reserve team, when you reach the seven-star demon level, but you can't continue to receive resource allocation, you need to earn points in exchange for doing training resources. After arriving at Shura, they changed from free resource enjoyment to resource provider. They need to provide quantitative cultivation resources for the Lord God Reserve every year, which is the cost of training.

At the same time, when there is a need, you have to serve the Great Lord!

"Of course, if you can cultivate on this basis to be stronger and integrate more mysteries, the reward will be better and more." The Black Cloud Messenger said: "As for your genius treatment during this period."


Cheng Buyun thought about it for a while, and said no more, just nodded and said, "Isn't it necessary for my first assessment?"

"No, you only need to reach the conditions I gave you within this time." The Black Cloud Messenger smiled broadly: "Of course, in this millennium, no matter whether you can reach my conditions, I will Give you seven-star treatment, but ... "

"However, the most basic seven-star genius treatment ..." The Black Cloud messenger smiled: "So, your five-star treatment, if you replace it with black stone, it will be about two trillion black stone every 100 years, six stars. It is about one trillion yuan, and the seven-star is about five trillion yuan, and I give you the resource training to complete the conditions, many of which can not be measured with money, such as the main artifact! "

"Master Artifact?"

Cheng Buyun was shocked, and there was a bit of suspicion in his heart, but according to the ability of the Black Cloud Messenger, he was not too worried.

The other party has been the messenger of Xuanguang's main **** for more than a trillion years. After many plane wars, the main artifact should still have more than three or more pieces.

Give it to yourself to use it, this is not a problem.

The gift of four people can't say anything. This is not a gift from the Lord God, but it is obtained by the Black Cloud Messenger on his own. Whom he wants to use, the Lord God has nothing to say.

However, if you do n’t protect the lost master artifact, you will not come forward.

"Yes, the main artifact." The Black Cloud messenger nodded affirmatively, and said with a smile: "So you want to get the best reward, you need to make great efforts to get my approval, because only to complete these preconditions, I In order to find a master artifact for you before the crown of the great God! "

Nima, for a long time, it turned out to be this!

Cheng Buyun vomited badly.

"Don't think that it is easy to get the main artifact. All the powerful men in Hell, such as the two mentors of O'Neill and Tarut, don't have a main artifact protection at all." The Black Cloud messenger smiled disdainfully: "I want to make it When it comes to a main artifact, most people with no background are almost for life. So you can get the main artifact now because I appreciate you. In order not to waste your talents, there are regrets. As a result, when you run into **** in the future and meet the super strong, you have a little card protection, understand! "

PS: Gagan still has to wait for a while, book friends can stay and watch again tomorrow!

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