Plane Universe

Chapter 1364: Secret manifestation

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In the next moment when the four central divine powers were formally formed in the body, Cheng Buyun's face changed again. Like the fusion of the four divine powers of the lower level gods before, the formed divine power appeared a clearer in his body. Cosmic illustration.

Forming the universe map, body transformation is inevitable.

At the moment before Cheng Buyun's breath rose, in the unknown valley, next to the rockery where Xuanguang Lord God was, seeing what was happening in the room, the latter stood up and his face became shocked. "How could it be the power of the Lord God?"

After the mutation and fusion of Divine Power on Cheng Buyun, the chaotic power appears naturally. Although it is very weak, it is also the power of chaos.

Lord Xuanguang couldn't believe everything he sensed, and shouted with an extremely exaggerated expression, "What happened?"


He would really be unable to sit still, his body flashed away, disappeared by the stone table, and then directly descended into the room where Cheng Buyun practiced.

Only this time, Cheng Buyun's body is being reformed, even if someone is seen, he can't do anything.

"you are?"

Sophia was frightened and frightened by the way she came to see the arrival. She was nervous and even frightened. She was afraid that the visitor would do anything malicious to Cheng Buyun. She could not rescue her.

Moreover, the metal life family is not good at fighting, plus the particularity of this room, she can't do it even if she wants to be transformed.

"Who are you, why is it here?" Said the little girl at the same time, her body slowly moving towards the edge, thinking of protecting her master.

Lord Xuanguang gently waved his hand and did not turn around. He said gently: "Don't be nervous, I'm not malicious."

Even hearing the moving Cheng Buyun, he opened his eyes hard, and immediately saw the handsome man standing in front of him, trying to struggle to stand up, pretending to be a shocked expression, and then shouted hard : "Lord ... Lord ... Lord God ..."

Because he knows that the people who can appear here at this time, except the main **** of Xuanguang, only the messenger of the main god.

The black cloud messenger knew him, and the other main **** messenger, Doma, was a female, but the one who appeared was a male. Needless to say, he knew who it was.

Lord God?

The two little girls were also shocked on the spot!

Then he knelt down immediately and shivered: "Lord God!"

"Okay, okay, I didn't blame you anymore, don't be afraid, get up!" Lord Xuanguang turned around and gently looked at the two girls who were kneeling on the ground and laughed. , Naturally, he will be a bit like Yan Yue to the people around him.

Then he turned around and looked at Cheng Buyun, who was struggling to stand up, and said with a concerned face: "No need to do this, you need to adapt to your body first, we will talk slowly."

With his strength, how can't he see the changes in Cheng Buyun at this time.

"Lord God Crown ..." Cheng Buyun wanted to say more, lest he seemed to have no rules, but Lord Xuanguang directly interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and raised his palm in vain, sent Cheng Buyun to the stone behind him, let him lie Okay, he gently smiled and said: "Don't say anything first, take a good rest, get used to your body and then talk."

Then, no matter how he moved, a chair in the front hall flew over and gently dropped under the buttocks behind him.

Lord Xuanguang sat down, slowly observing the changes in Cheng Buyun's body, and he saw a pair of eyes with divine light flashing in a row.

Cheng Buyun was not shocked by the appearance of Xuanguang Lord God. In fact, he practiced here, and he would have known for a long time that he would receive the attention of the other party.

After all, if Master Xuanguang is not a fool, he will observe himself secretly.

And he didn't treat the other party as a fool, he had already expected it, and he had expected this scene before he decided to merge the divine power mutation.

Generally hidden under the eyes of the Lord God, the difficulty is extremely great.

As he grows stronger, it will be discovered sooner or later!

As long as it does not reach the level of the main god, being rounded and flattened, it is an absolute result.

It ’s really not necessary to hide and hide!

As long as you are talented, many things are not yours.

It is difficult for outsiders to distinguish between true and false!

Soon, the transformation of Cheng Buyun's body was completed, and only the eyes of Lord Xuanguang were splendid, and he had to sigh with praise. The top beasts are not much different. "

"Lord God."

Cheng Buyun stood up and said respectfully, "I was rude just now, please forgive me!"

"Small things." Xuan Guang waved his hands gently and smiled, "Sit, why do you stand?"

For Cheng Buyun's wisdom, he can guess that he is the Lord God when he sees himself here, and he is a little satisfied.

If someone outside sees that Xuanguang's main **** is so pleasant to Cheng Buyun, I'm afraid his eyes will be stared out, and he will be very jealous.

Those who can be valued so much under the crown of the Lord are all super-powerful. Why is Cheng Buyun not strong in talent?

Of course, it also depends on the main god.

In fact, many of the main gods are not so easy to get along with. Most of the main gods are in front of him. Most of the time, they are like a tall person. If you want to have a place in the other person's heart, it is basically impossible.

It is even more impossible to ask the other party to sit down.

"Thank Lord God." Cheng Buyun bowed respectfully, and then took a step back. He sat on the stone bed and looked down slightly at the appearance of Lord Xuanguang.

The overall height of Lord Xuanguang is about 1.82 meters. His hair is dark and his cheeks are slightly thin. He is wearing a black robe. His appearance is quite handsome and handsome. The subtle pressure on his body calmly makes people feel heart trembling.

But at this time, the person's face with a smile makes people feel very close.

The typical human dressing, as for the race belongs to that race, but I don't know!

"Lord God, I don't know if you come to me, there is something to be told." Cheng Buyun finally broke the silence and asked softly and respectfully.

"It doesn't matter." Xuanguang said: "I just saw a super genius, so I couldn't help coming over to find out."

Cheng Buyun didn't speak, and couldn't say anything. After all, the main **** Xuanguang seemed to come to the door now, how can he interface!

After all, this is the Lord God!

The most pinnacle group of people in Panlong universe!

"Have you used the power of the Lord God before?" Lord Xuanguang tilted his right leg and lay on the chair underneath easily, as if pulling homely, "You are now taking the power of Lord God The success of the strong man surprised me, but I know very well that you are not. "

"No." Cheng Buyun told the truth and shook his head directly, "The power of the main **** is too precious, and there is not much dangerous fighting at ordinary times, and it is reluctant to use it."

In fact, he knew exactly what was going on, but there were many things that could not be said.

After all, as a person who has not been in **** for many years, some things are still pretended to be unknown, so as not to cause unreasonable speculation.

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