Plane Universe

Chapter 1365: Deep conversation

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"This is the normal situation." Lord Xuanguang nodded, and then explained: "You are now like a great consummate who uses the power of the main god. Under normal circumstances, if you use the power of the main god, the body will appear various. Halo, that is the power of the main **** who is slowly escaping. Only the great consummation of the strong, due to the succession of the mystery of a series of rules, plus the will power of the strong, can achieve the power of the main **** in the body without escaping When it does n’t break out, it ’s hard for others to see, just like you are now. ”

"I've heard about this before, because I haven't used the power of the Lord God before, and I haven't experimented with it. After all, the power of the Lord God is precious. I also got a drop of the power of the Lord God by chance. , But explained again: "But long ago, I knew that after the fusion of my divine power, the breath was a bit similar to the power of the main god."

As Cheng Buyun said, the Master God Xuanguang is very clear and knows the truth. How the power of the light Lord God came from the former must have been given by Beirut, and he still gave him life.

Beirut ’s identity, he also knows that 80% of Chengbuyun may be trained by Beirut as his main messenger, but ... hehe!

So, what came here, there is no reason to give in to the hand, who made Beirut's main **** avatar unable to come over to the high **** plane.

He is one of the insiders of the grievances of Beirut and Bright.

"So you know, can you tell me what is going on here?" Lord Xuanguang is really curious, how did Cheng Buyun get this out, how could such a strong special appear on his body Breath changes.

Cheng Buyun's heart tightened, his expression on his face changed slightly, but he was puzzled and said: "I don't know how this happened. Isn't the fusion of the divine power in the body of other soul mutants not like me? Is it? "

"Don't be nervous, calm down." Lord Xuanguang saw his face change, his heart beating, and immediately placated with Yan Yuese: "No one can take anything that belongs to you, even if I am the Lord God, understand? I just saw the change like you today, just curious, don't be nervous, calm down, don't be restrained, just like talking between friends. "

"Yes, Lord God." Cheng Buyun took a deep breath, but he was calm in his heart, and his strong state of mind was built into a realm. Even in front of the Lord God, he was calmly terrible, and his face change was just acting.

Even if Lord Xuanguang couldn't see anything, it was known to what extent Cheng Buyun's state of mind was terrible.

After soothing, Cheng Buyun calmed down, and Lord Xuanguang continued to smile and said, "As for your question, are the other soul mutants the same as you, I will answer you affirmatively ... the same. But the other soul mutants The breath will be relatively light, so weak that you can't notice it if you don't pay attention, "


Cheng Buyun breathed a sigh of relief, and the relaxed look was relieved, and the Master Xuanguang shook his head secretly. The genius is good at everything, even if he hides his hands in any way, fearing that others will know how his secrets can't help harming him, which makes people feel sad.

This is not a treasure, it's your own talent, can't someone take it away?

In fact, after coming here, he had already thought of the root cause of the problem. I am afraid this is because Cheng Buyun itself is a soul mutation, and then a change that appeared after being a god.

It is also the biggest difference from other soul mutants.

What he can't figure out right now is just why Cheng Buyun's body has changed so much, raising him a whole level.

This is where he is most concerned.

Physical talent can never be changed, and it is also a natural gene of every race.

Just like all kinds of talents, like him.

For example, the bodies of some mythical beasts are inherently as strong as the artifacts. Like Cheng Buyun, I am afraid that his body is estimated to be as hard as the upper artifacts.

This is a bit scary.

Such a terrible physical defense, and then put on a higher artifact, then ... It is estimated that the general attack of the ordinary seven-star demon strongman may not have an effect on him, just like wearing a material defense main artifact.

Such a terrible body, even when he did not become the Lord God.

After the four-great power mutation and fusion transformation of the median **** level, Cheng Buyun's physical strength at this time is really terrible. It is estimated that the lei of the upper **** level cannot be comparable.

The transformation of chaotic power is that there has been a transition in the level of life.

It's like fighting in the great perfection, it's hard to kill any way.

Unless there is a crushing power!

"Can you tell me something about how you practiced to this point? Didn't you suffer strong interference during the cultivation?" Lord Xuanguang's appearance of listening was determined to look into Cheng Buyun, waiting With his answer.

"Of course there is interference, and it is very strong." Cheng Buyun explained: "At the beginning, I practiced very quickly. At that time, I was involved in several laws of my current Dacheng. One day, I will be blessed to the soul and bright. The speed of light in the law has only been achieved in a few years, and I found that cultivation is slower. But ... At the beginning, when I became the light law and became a god, I was taught by Master Beirut, our guardian of the magnolia continent. , A look very disappointed with me. "


Master Xuanguang was stunned, thinking about it quickly, and then he laughed, but secretly sighed in his heart, Cheng Buyun missed a great opportunity!

His law of light became a **** with dignity. Why did Beirut get angry? The original intention should have the possibility of training him to be a master god, in order to help himself against the mind of the light master.

It ’s just that the deity has become a god, and it ’s the law of light.

So under disappointment, one did not notice, Cheng Buyun came to hell, came to the cultivation base he set up!


An accident is purely an accident!


In fact, these were deliberately revealed by Cheng Buyun, just to let Xuanguang Lord look towards this side.

The main **** of Hell is definitely the party of the insider, otherwise, the main **** of Blood Peak will not come to shelter Beirut's dark **** avatar, let his dark **** avatar be a master **** messenger and serve as the master of the blue palace under his own!

Having figured this out, Lord Xuanguang saw Cheng Buyun happily, but he kept sighing in his heart. If you let you know the basic facts of the matter, will you regret trying to hit the wall, I am really looking forward to it.

But ... he couldn't say more about it. After all, it was Beirut's own business, and he couldn't say it clearly.

I'm afraid to beat Cheng Buyun's confidence!

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