Plane Universe

Chapter 1373: Bauhinia Palace

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At this time, Cheng Buyun's realm is really a bit exaggerated, the two main gods were shocked on the spot.

It's not that Cheng Buyun has been strong enough to surpass the strength of the main god, but he is shocked by the time he has practiced and his achievements.

In just over ten thousand years, the strength of the rule of the Shura class, and also realized the realm of swordsmanship, is there any more exaggerated achievement than this?

"Don't dare to deceive the Lord God, I do feel the fusion of the eight kinds of mysterious mysteries of the Feng Department." Cheng Buyun's expression was humble, but he didn't know his behavior, as if he had inserted a knife on the chest of Lord Xuanguang.

Waving his hand weakly, Lord Xuanguang no longer thought about it. He looked down on the remaining large seat with a regretful face, and said in a lonely whisper: "I looked at you too little, I didn't expect you In this (accelerated mini plane), I have achieved this level of practice in just over 10,000 years, and I regret it! "

"What, more than ten thousand years?" Lord Bauhinia was surprised, his expression moved, and asked curiously, "What is the regret you said?"

Cheng Buyun was silent, he naturally knew what was going on, but he couldn't speak out, nor was it his turn to speak out.

"This ..." Lord Xuanguang is a bit difficult to tell, but if Lord Bauhinia is curious, he can ask Cheng Buyun in the future. It would be better to say it more generously, so he looks more bright and decent, so he explained quietly: "Before I sealed After learning other people ’s memories, he customized a condition for him to enter accelerated mini-plane cultivation. When one of the disciplines he practiced in Xuan Ou realized five kinds and merged them, I would Will call him and give him a reward. In fact, the reward is to sacrifice the black cloud, unload my position as the messenger of the Lord God, and let me sign a contract with him as the Lord God Messenger.

"He had already met the conditions before this, and completed it very well, but I didn't know, and he could not stand loneliness, and he didn't tell me, which caused the current error. I really regret it. "Xuanguang Lord God's mouth was trembling, and there was a murderous expression in his eyes. The gift of the face was full of anger and anger, and he couldn't wait to be strangled into Buyun immediately.

If I had known it for a long time, there would be anything about Lord Bauhinia and Lord Star, and I would have earned Cheng Buyun's **** income.

Despite being surprised by the facts, Lord Bauhinia also heard from Lord Xuanguang's words. Cheng Buyun not only cultivated a law, but he was even more surprised.

However, seeing the expression of Lord Xuanguang is not right, her lord is going to resent into Cheng Buyun, she immediately said: "Even so, Cheng Buyun is not qualified to sign a contract with the Lord God Messenger, what do you regret!"

Genius cultivation base, she, Xingyi, Kaouya, and Parker have an agreement that the genius they cultivated does not reach the Shura level strength and realm, and they must not sign the main messenger in advance!

Formulating such a treaty, of course, allows one to have a reaction time with Xing Yi.

Now, it seems necessary.

Otherwise, a genius like Cheng Buyun, who is expected to have a great consummation, will surely miss it from his own hands!

Great completion!

There are not many in hell, there are only two, and the two great consummations will not obey them. They can only command a little, except that the master can command a little bit.

Even if it is lured with interest!

"Don't say it anyway, I regret it at this moment, I can't wait to strangle him. You should take him away now, I don't want to see him again at a glance." Lord Xuanguang waved his hand forcefully.

One step wrong, every step wrong!

Look down on people!

You must remember this lesson!

"That's fine!" Lord Bauhinia also saw that Lord Xuanguang was in a bad mood at the moment, so he smiled and said goodbye, and then said to Cheng Buyun: "You have something to clean up, hurry and go Come on, I will leave here later. "

"Whatever it is, you can go at any time." Cheng Buyun shook his head, and then bowed to Lord Xuanguang: "I'm sorry, I don't know such a result, but I am very happy here, and thank God Since I have valued me, I am very grateful. "

"Go, go!" Lord Xuanguang was in a better mood.


The God Bauhinia nodded slightly, and a force enveloped Cheng Buyun. The space in front suddenly cracked, revealing the chaotic chaotic space in the crack, and then the two rushed into the chaotic space and left quickly.

Cheng Buyun couldn't resist at this time and could only watch.

In the turbulent flow of colorful space, those powerful energy storms constantly hit the layer of light film on the body wrapped in Bu Yun, and there was a wave of ripples.

The turbulent flow in the chaotic space is very powerful. I am afraid that the existence of the upper gods can enter here, and it is estimated that it cannot be resisted for one second, and the gravitational force here is also very large. With the current strength of Cheng Buyun, it is estimated that they cannot advance alone, or even get lost.

His consciousness was suppressed within a few centimeters of his side, unable to sense the front.

It's no wonder that even the great consummates are exiled and cannot escape. In such a situation, there is a ghost after escape from the chaotic space!

A few minutes later, as if reaching a certain point, the right hand of Lord Bauhinia was a little ahead, and the cracks in the space were torn, and Cheng Buyun saw the view of the huge valley inside at a glance.

Out of the chaotic space, what appeared in front of Cheng Buyun was a misty and desolate mountain range covered by white mist. The light was covered by the white mist, and his sight was greatly hindered.

The **** sunlight shone in the soft and tumbling clouds, with wonderful colors, forming a rainbow of beautiful scenery, and in the surrounding mountains, a little purple light could be seen faintly!

"Amethyst mountains?"

Cheng Buyun looked at everything in front of him and immediately blurted out the name of the place.

"Yes, this is the Amethyst Mountain Range, where I live in seclusion." Lord Bauhinia nodded, determined Cheng Buyun's guess, then the body floated forward and said, "Come with me."

The two flew at a low distance one after the other and came to a gorgeous purple palace in the deepest part of the Bauhinia Mountains. Cheng Buyun saw that two more powerful soldiers stood in front of the palace and stood at the door. When they saw the Lord Bauhinia appear, they immediately knelt down and shouted respectfully: "Lord God!"

The **** Bauhinia gave a light gratitude and walked in. In the luxurious palace, there were dozens of beautiful male and female servants kneeling on both sides, welcoming the former's return.

Among this group of people, Cheng Buyun paid special attention to the two men and a woman. They just stood and bowed without kneeling down. According to his guess, it is estimated that these three people should be the messengers of the main god.

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