Plane Universe

Chapter 1374: Priest messenger

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For the stranger Cheng Buyun, everyone is also very curious.

In particular, he was surprised after the **** Bauhinia.

Only three messengers of the Lord God know what is going on. This time, the Lord Bauhinia deliberately left the retreat, and went out to go back to a genius culture medium under the lord of Xuanguang Lord Cheng Chengyun!

Before this information was collected by the three main **** messengers.

The three main angel messengers looked at Cheng Buyun, the newly-increased colleague, with a smile on his face, and nodded, beckoning.

The other party is so polite, Cheng Buyun will naturally not lose his demeanor, he nodded and smiled at the other party, and looked at the other three.

The three main **** messengers, the breath of the body is not strong, probably the strength of the level of the median god, the woman is weaker, probably the level of the lower god.

Of course, Cheng Buyun would never dare to take a peek at these three people. Obviously, the three main **** messengers who stayed here must be weaker avatars.

Lord Bauhinia sat down in front of the only large seat in that palace, glanced around with a majestic look, and said in a low voice, "Get up!"

"Thank you God!"

Then the servants stood up and formally looked at Cheng Buyun, who should be the new master messenger.

None of the people who can serve Lord Bauhinia here are stupid, and all the eyes looking at Cheng Buyun are very friendly, even a little respectful.

"This is called Cheng Buyun, this is the strong man I brought back from outside this time, I am going to make him the fourth master **** messenger under my command." The **** Bauhinia's expression can't be refuted, and the noble and elegant smile is very majestic. , "Romeo, you all know it."

The two men and one woman responded respectfully. The bald male Romeo smiled and turned to look at Cheng Buyun, and extended his hand and said: "Cheng Buyun Hello, my name is Romeo, the common sense of the Lord God, the Lord God first Lord messenger, we will all be brothers in the future, and please be more tolerant and help in the future. "

After a self-introduction, the first ambassador of the **** Bauhinia was Romeo, who served as the ambassador of the **** buddha for 36 trillion years under the lord of the bauhinia, a very old strong man, with strength at the level of invincible command, the strongest **** avatar Department of God avatar, realized the super existence in the field of sword intention.

Among those who served as the messenger of the main god, it can be said to have made credit for the horse and horse. It is also the most important face of the main **** of the Bauhinia. With three main artifacts, even the great consummate strong can contend for a while!

Can't help, Cheng Buyun looked at him a few times, secretly estimated his strength, I am afraid that he could not withstand this Romeo.

He has self-knowledge. Although he will not pretend to be inferior, he will not pretend to be arrogant. One is one, the other is two.

The second main **** messenger was the woman 'Kamiya-Lei', a female of the Thunder tribe who had served as the main **** messenger under the Bauhinia Lord God for more than 18 trillion years. The law of lightning is also very powerful. Like Romeo, it has three main artifacts.

At the same time, his character is relatively irritable, but he is very enthusiastic and generous.

In the end, the main angel messenger was named "Ma Yangtian", and he served as the main angel messenger under the ruler of the Bauhinia for the shortest time. It was only 600 billion years, with little credit and the weakest strength. After all, the time to join was too short.

It can also be seen from the last plane war, how heavy the loss was under the command of the Bauhinia Lord God, even the two Lord God Messengers were lost.

After Cheng Buyun and the three main angel messengers had known each other, the servants quickly met again, saluting Cheng Buyun respectfully, and said, "Master Messenger."

Respectful attitude, there is not much surprise in the strength of his median god.

Generally speaking, the strongest gods stand face to face, and you will never know whether the other is weak or strong.

In the last moment, you may have seen the lower god. It is estimated that in the next moment, this lower **** might be as fierce as a devouring beast, revealing the strength of the great perfect man.

"Okay, everyone else go down!" The soft voice of Lord Bauhinia rang, except for Cheng Buyun and other people, the other servants quickly and respectfully retreated.

At this time, the Bauhinia Lord looked directly at Cheng Buyun and asked again with majesty: "Will you be my messenger of Lord God?"

"Lord God, Cheng Buyun is willing!" Cheng Buyun hastily bowed down. When he arrived here, he could no longer allow him to have other opinions.

After all, to refuse, you should speak earlier.

"Very good." Lord Bauhinia has no accidents. Over the years, no one can resist the will to become the messenger of the Lord God, except for the Great Consummation Strongman. Reward, who can resist this extreme temptation, "So ... what is the main artifact you choose?"

Cheng Buyun thought about it for a long time, and quickly said: "Lord God, I choose the Destruction Department, the sword category!"


Hearing his choice, even the main **** Bauhinia was a little surprised, and immediately looked at Cheng Buyun Shen Sheng and said: "You can think of it, a master artifact that is not suitable for your type has a great impact on your strength. Gap. What you are practicing is the law of the wind system. If you choose the main artifact of the wind system, it will be better and stronger for the enhancement of strength. "


Wind system?

The three main angel messengers standing on the side heard the main **** Bauhinia say, his body shook instantly, and his face felt a little incredible!

At this time, Cheng Buyun's divine power revealed on the body surface is the wind power. The median **** level is only enough to serve as the main **** messenger, don't return!

When has the Lord God Messenger become so easy, can the degree of the median **** be assumed?

The trio looked very surprised.

Since the Lord Bauhinia said so, Cheng Buyun's strongest avatar must be the wind system, which is an indisputable fact.

"I still choose to destroy the main artifact." Cheng Buyun naturally knows all the details of the main **** Bauhinia, but in fact, he is actually a fusion of four divine powers. When the divine powers are merged, they do not belong to any kind of divine power, but belong to the power of chaos. There is no difference in types, of course, choose the more aggressive destruction system.

"That's all right." Lord Bauhinia nodded and turned over to take out a simple sword with a length of about one meter and a dark surface that exudes a strong sense of destruction. Then gently push, this handle destroys the main artifact. Arrived in front of Cheng Buyun, floating still.

"Thank you God!"

Cheng Buyun bowed down and thanked him, and then took the destroying main artifact floating in front of him in his hand. His eyes looked at this destroying main artifact with a little joy.

The quaint main artifact does not have those luxurious carvings on the surface, ignoring the breath on the surface of the weapon, it looks like a very ordinary long sword, the image is not gorgeous, but Cheng Buyun is not disappointed, but appears in his heart A little excited.

Lord artifact!

With this weapon, his attack power has risen by several levels. Ordinary Shura strongmen who don't have a main artifact generally can't resist his one-and-a-half moves.

With the main artifact protection, it is too cheap.

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