Plane Universe

Chapter 1376: Identity status

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He knew that the amethyst cub that Romeo referred to was naturally Leisijing, the son of Lord Bauhinia.

Actually speaking, the amethyst beast is also a kind of source beast. It has evolved through countless years and is formed by the combination of amethysts and amethysts at the bottom of the amethyst mountain range. After countless trillions of years, the growth of strength appears Wise.

For example, the main **** of the Bauhinia, the law realm reached the upper god, awakened the low-level spiritual wisdom, and then had good luck in the Bauhinia Mountains to get the piece of the destruction of the central main **** personality, has today's status!

So, being able to be the main **** is actually luck, not strength!

The four stood on the high mountain and chatted. Ma Yangtian, the messenger of the main god, listened quietly most of the time and rarely made a sound.

"The amethyst cub has a bad temper. When he sees him, he has to behave respectfully. Don't give him the opportunity to trouble you, haha!" Kamia Lei smiled and said with a frown: "There was a man before The main messenger act neglected him, and then he was beaten up with a bud. He was in trouble for everything, a bit miserable. "

"So miserable!" Cheng Buyun exaggerated, looking a little puzzled.

In fact, he was very clear in his heart. The heir to the **** Bauhinia, and the **** avatar who stayed here in the messenger of the God Lord was not strong. When he met the amethyst cub, the result was very miserable.

How to say, Lei Sijing's strength is also the level of purgatory commander, strong!

"If you see more in the future, you will understand." Romeo smiled.

Finally, the four people left the hill and came to a huge cave with a luxurious decoration. They sat down on the large stone chair beside the stone table in the center.

Soon, some maids came with wine and dishes and put them on the stone table, and everyone ate and drank.

This table of dishes is considered to be Cheng Buyun's breeze, congratulating him on joining Bauhinia's Lord God and becoming one of the Lord God's messengers.

Around the Bauhinia Palace, there are caves everywhere. These caves are for everyone to live in. The Bauhinia Palace is the place where the main **** lives. The servants, including the messenger of the main god, cannot live there.

"Listening to the Lord God just said, Cheng Buyun, you are practicing the law of the wind system?" Kamia-Lei, boldly drank the wine from Wanli, and looked at him enthusiastically up and down: "Only the realm of God , But can make the Lord God willing to give you a position as the messenger of the Lord God, presumably has some skills under his hands. "

"Where and where, the Lord God values ​​it." Cheng Buyun smiled modestly.

"It's not humble," Romeo answered. "It's important for the God of the Lord to win at this stage, who doesn't have the ability to believe it."

"Really." Ma Yangtian also nodded and smiled: "Generally speaking, there is no Shura level strength, the law fusion has not reached five levels, the main **** will basically not consider these people as their messengers, unless the talent is very strong. An exception, so ... I guess ... your talent must be very strong. "

"This is certainly true." Kamia Lei also smiled, his eyes flashing at Cheng Buyun, and the three blue thunder lines on his forehead were also trembling. "Let's talk and make progress together!" "

"This is natural!"

When it comes to this point, Cheng Buyun will not flinch and oppose.

The strongest in this world is respected, and you want to be respected by others. No one will not look at you without strength.

Don't look at the three people being so enthusiastic at the moment, once they understand the details of Cheng Buyun and fail to meet their expectations, they will never become friends with him in the future.

"Tell me."

The trio looked at each other with curiosity and urged.

Cheng Buyun nodded and said indifferently, "I realized eight kinds of mysteries ... element of wind ... wind space, etc."

"Yes, just one step away from the higher god." Romeo smiled lightly, not caring.

"What kind of fusion?" Ma Yangtian asked curiously.

"All integration." Cheng Buyun said.


The three were shocked. When they heard this answer, they were all shocked. The eight mysteries of the wind system all merged. This is already an understanding of the rule of the Shura level.

No wonder the main **** will let Cheng Buyun serve as the main god's messenger. This level of law has already reached the standard, and the strength is a little worse, and the problem is not big.

It is even possible that Cheng Buyun has a stronger hole card.

At least the information they found, this guy has heard that he has realized the genius of the sword field.

Suddenly, Cheng Buyun raised his hand, facing the space in front, the space collapsed directly, and a large hole of one meter square appeared, and the turbulence of the space in the hole could be seen.

‘Click! ’

A flash of lightning appeared on the edge of the chaotic space, and quickly blasted towards the outside, which made Ma Yangtian's face immediately shocked. Fortunately, the torn space crack was closed at the next moment, blocking the lightning turbulence in the chaotic space.

Even so, it scared Ma Yangtian to death.

The laws in the cracks in the space are turbulent, and the power is quite amazing.

"Yes, very powerful, the power of the rule has indeed reached the level of Shura." Romeo nodded, and he had to admit that Cheng Buyun was very fierce and reached this point in just a few days.

"And you also realized that this is the Jianyi realm. I heard that you are still a soul mutant, with a bright future." Ma Yangtian said sourly, "Ah, it seems that I have to be at the bottom again in the future. What is the head! "

"It's only one step away to reach the invincible leader level." Kamia-Lei also admired, and recognized Cheng Buyun's identity in his heart, treating him as an existence of the same level.

Although the position of the main **** messenger was personally recognized by the main god, but if you want others to recognize you, you have to come up with strength. Even if the main **** specifies, the other party is kind to you and disdainful in your heart. You glance.

And now Cheng Buyun has shown such a hand, already barely qualified.

According to his superficial strength, he has at least reached the level of Shura, the strength is the median god, and the rule of state is the level of Shura, but he has a sword field, which smooths the gap between the gods of the median **** and the upper gods. It is said that there is no way for the ordinary Shura class to win him.

The strength is probably between the Shura level and the master level.

Weak than the main level, but stronger than the Shura level.

"Hah, you are now the identity of the main **** messenger, it's time to consider a foreign title for yourself." Kamia-Lei enthusiastically photographed Cheng Buyun's shoulder, shouting with great joy.

"Yes, it should be a title." Romeo nodded. "Like me, the title is called Yifeng. People outside generally call me the Yifeng messenger. After all, there is no title. Outsiders cannot always call your name boldly. The identity of the messenger, what a price drop! "

"Well, I will consider it carefully." Cheng Buyun nodded. It is still necessary to choose one for the title.

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