Plane Universe

Chapter 1377: Amethyst cub

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The four of them drank wine, talked enthusiastically, and discussed matters of cultivation with each other.

In the collision of spark thoughts, Cheng Buyun's unique insights into practice also made the three nods from time to time.

When it comes to the cultivation of the laws of the wind system, even Romeo expressed surprise and even more recognized Cheng Buyun's status.

Cheng Buyun is not a simple person. Romeo, Kamia-Lei and Ma Yangtian all know very well that the former possesses the qualifications of the great consummate!

Among the three, except for Ma Yangtian, whether it is Romeo or Camia Ray, the potential is basically exhausted, and there is no chance of reaching the great perfect strongman.

Especially for Romeo, for a period of more than a trillion years, the last kind of mystery can not find a little chance of integration, no matter whether it is a combination of two kinds of mysteries, or a combination of three or three, it has basically not become a great consummation. Any opportunity for the strong.

It is not so easy to reach the Dzogchen Powerhouse. There are a lot of Shura-level powerhouses in the entire plane of the God, but there are only 30 or so Dachauman Powerhouses. The number is small, which is rare than the existence of the main god.

Cheng Buyun has such a qualification. Everyone hopes to get close to them, especially the three of them, near the water tower, and being their own people will naturally be more enthusiastic.

There is a great consummation strongman who stands up, especially the soul-mutated great consummation strongman. Other great consummation will also have a little concern, will not give them a dead hand, always exile them.

Exiled into the turbulent flow of space, that is the face of the god.

The Lord God must be personally sought to save, shame!

It will also make the main **** be laughed at by other main gods!

Once the frequency is increased, the face will not look good.

Especially Romeo, who was given the taste of being banished to chaotic space by the powerhouse of the Dzogchen, he did not want to bear it again.

When a few people chatted happily, the rocks on the wall next to them squirmed slowly, and then a huge face appeared. All stood up now, with a respectful expression, and whispered: "Lord God!"


The huge face opened, naturally the voice of the main **** Bauhinia, "Romeo, you will take Bu Yun to practice the Chamber of Secrets, wherever he will live in the next 10,000 years."


Romeo and others were shocked. At the next moment, Romeo blurted out and asked: "What about Reis crystal? He knows that his place is occupied and it is estimated that there will be trouble."

Speaking of the name Reis, even Romeo's face was bitter.

"I will tell him this." After the huge face said this, it disappeared without a trace, and the entire wall was restored to its original shape.

"Cultivation Chamber ..." Romeo shook his head and turned to smile bitterly: "You will be in trouble later."

Kamia-Lei and Ma Yangtian also had a weird smile on their faces, the expression that seemed to look lively and not too big, so that Chengbu Yunya Hanako blew up.

Following Romeo through the caves under the ground, Cheng Buyun, under Romeo's explanation, also knew what was going on in this practice chamber.

The cultivation chamber was built by the **** Bauhinia very early. The purpose is to accelerate the cultivation effect of Reis Crystal. For countless years, it has been used by Reis Crystal. Other people, no matter who it is, cannot use it for a quarter of an hour. .

Today, it is given to Cheng Buyun, I am afraid that something will happen!

Walking through the cave, the two quickly came to a wide hole **, and Cheng Buyun saw the blue light film standing in the center at a glance.

Needless to say, behind the light film is naturally a training chamber.


Suddenly, a huge sound of footsteps came from the surrounding caves. In this huge sound, the mountain walls were oscillating, and the mountains between the earth were shaking.

"Come!" Romeo's body shook and gave him a good look.

Cheng Buyun's expression is very plain, looking at the cave on the left a few meters wide, waiting for the visitor-Reis Jing!

"Roar! Roar!"

The person has n’t arrived yet, the voice has been heard, and a thick and powerful voice roared out of the jumping cave. ! "

The loud voice was mixed with violent momentum, a body one meter long and short, looks like a fierce lion, covered with purple halo, as if an object made of amethyst gold stone rushed to the two.

Somewhat special ...

It has three spikes on the head that seem to pierce the air, and at the same time there are more than one hundred spikes on the back that are shorter than on the head. It looks like a hedgehog!

But this monster, which looks like a fierce lion, is far more fierce than a hedgehog.

It is the most special race in the Amethyst Mountains-Amethyst Beast!

The whole body is made of amethyst gold stone, the body is as hard as a defensive artifact, and it is not too afraid of soul attacks. The whole body does not have too many weaknesses, and its strength is very amazing.

Strong strength, high defense, no fear of the soul, the only weakness is that the body is not flexible enough and moves too slowly.

This is the only weakness!

The amethyst ran rampage, and as soon as they came to the two, a pair of sharp claws stopped on the hard ground, and the crimson eyes stared at Cheng Buyun without hesitation. Where is your rotten turtle trying to rob me? I do n’t know what to do. "


The words did not even wait for Cheng Buyun to respond. A claw of the Amethyst Beast had waved at him, and the sharp claws with strong wind pressure and a horrible tearing sound approached the former's face as if Like an enemy.

Once hit by such an attack, it is estimated that the entire head will burst like a rotten watermelon.

"Reis Crystal, stop!" Romeo quickly shot, holding the amethyst's sharp claws and pushing it back gently.

The attack was framed by Romeo, and the Amethyst was directly furious, turning his head to look at the forward and shouting, "Dare you stop me?"

"Leisi Jing, stop first, talk about something well, don't fight, what Cheng Buyun said, and also the messenger of the Lord God, so come to let others know that they must not laugh to death." Romeo advised, he did not dare to take the Lord God out To suppress him, fearing to reverse things.

This little boy has a bad temper and is very irritable. It is difficult to listen to others' words.

"Huh, what kind of messenger is the main god." Lei Sijing looked disdainful and looked at Cheng Buyun and spit out directly on the ground. Mom-shame! "

This guy was very gangsterous, and it seemed that Cheng Buyun was all drunk, and he really didn't know how the Bauhinia God taught his son, but he even taught such a bastard!

"You get away, let me beat him." Reis Jing roared, and continued to rush towards Cheng Buyun's body again, the whole body stood upright, a pair of sharp claws turned into a beat, and towards Cheng Buyun strong shot under.

The huge wind pressure is like a mountain!

This time, Romeo did not stop it anymore. Some things had to be solved by Cheng Buyun himself. After all, it was still a long time in the future, and he couldn't help Cheng Buyun to block Lei Sijing at all times.

Cheng Buyun's eyes narrowed, his fist clenched in his right hand, and he snapped upward.

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