Plane Universe

Chapter 1378: Beating her son in front of the Lord God

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'boom! ’

The entire large cave was shaken, and strong winds came and the smoke on the ground rolled.

Fortunately, the mountain is sturdy. Even if such a fierce confrontation does not cause the mountain to collapse, after all, it is the residence of the main god. After a fight, it will collapse and the main **** will be dull!

The two sides took a trick against each other, and received a huge impact, and they all took a few steps back.

"Mom-mom, I can't think of you as a little white-faced power, but you think that you can fight against me, but you think too much and die for me." Lei Sijing roared loudly, with a purple light, Before the change, it was even a little bit more, and his head with his hands in the ground was a flick and a bump towards Cheng Buyun.

The three sharp spikes flashed with intense colors and halos, and the momentum was amazing!

"Don't take his attack." Romeo quickly whispered.

Seeing the striking momentum of Reis Jing, Cheng Buyun's face was calm, and his footsteps twirled gently on the ground, immediately flashing to the left after the former's attack, relaxed and only.

Even in evasion, he has several ways to fight back,

It's just that Lei Sijing is the son of the Bauhinia Lord, and he still wants to give this face.

In front of the main god, the other son's son was beaten into a pig's head. That's too much!

"Jingjing, stop!" The deep voice of the Bauhinia Lord sounded in this space, and a huge face appeared in the wall on the right, and this huge face, the left eyebrow was still slightly raised at this moment. Going a little angry.

"I said, don't call me Jingjing." Leising growled, attacking Chengbuyun in his hand, and roared with a loud voice: "You do this every time, last time I finally got a toy, I was thinking There are a lot of fun ways to torture him, and you do n’t allow me to play, but also let me give him a gift. This time is even worse, even robbing my territory, I am angry! "


Hearing Lei Sijing's words, Cheng Buyun's heart moved, Lin Lei came to hell, and still stuck here in the Amethyst Mountain Range, and also got the black stone treasure.

It seems that some things are difficult to change, but it is also very good!

As for the Bauhinia Lord, he frowned at this moment, and sighed in his heart. He had to say: "Jingjing, I told you just now that Cheng Buyun's talent is very strong, and he is expected to become a great consummate. You should be very clear about what a great consummation person represents. Once he can become a great consummation, he can help me a lot in the future, can do a lot of important things for me, and can even help you. Think about it, there is a The Dzogchen strong will be friends, and it will not be so easy for others to laugh at you in the future. "

For the sake of his son, the **** Bauhinia broke his heart.

As the son of the Lord God, other strong men will naturally not kill the killer, but when fighting, they will inevitably be beaten.

Romeo and Kamia-Lei are strong, invincible leader level, but there are many strong who will not sell their two accounts!

"I don't believe it, only the median God's strength, the Great Consummation ... It's a joke." Lei Sijing shouted and turned his head to the huge face with disdain.

Such a roar immediately made the Bauhinia's face frown.

Romeo stood aside, and the expression was that he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

Cheng Buyun even wanted to cover his head, which was too straightforward, and his head was a rib, silly!

But people are simple, you think he is stupid, then you are a fool.

People simply do not mean idiots, who is good and who is bad is very clear.

"So, then you can play a fair game with Cheng Buyun to see what he really has skills." Lord Bauhinia frowned and disappeared the next moment.

However, Cheng Buyun's ear heard a voice at this time: "Jingjing's character is like this, others are not bad, relatively simple, you bear more."

"Lord God, I will." Cheng Buyun returned a message along the sound channel of Lord Bauhinia.


Reese Jing growled, "Come on, take your trick with Uncle Reese Crystal, and let Uncle teach you how to fight, kid!"

At this time he was very angry and unhappy, one or two, always coming to grab his beloved baby.

With a faint smile, Cheng Buyun raised his body to the side and reached out with a wave of his hand. His behavior was very obvious, as if to say, come on, it's useless to say more.

His action immediately aroused the anger of Reisjing. His limbs propped on the ground and slammed up. The right claw was cut horizontally and the left claw was vertically cut off, as if to cut Cheng Buyun into four. segment.

"There is more than strength, the movement is too slow, the flexibility is insufficient, and there are too many flaws." Cheng Buyun sneered again and again, sneering at Lei Sijing: "Do you want to attack the enemy like wood?"

His attack was easily flashed by Cheng Buyun, and was also mocked. Reese Jing's face was ashamed, and when he landed, he turned and cried out: "Damn, you-Mo-Mo- don't just say, There is a kind of you who hit me, always dodge is what it is! "

"Hah, this is new. Have you ever worked with others before, and you are not allowed to dodge others?" Cheng Buyun continued to laugh at: "Then you can't flash."

Speaking of it, he kicked and kicked in the past, moving slowly like an old lady playing Tai Chi, but he must be attacked and rescued. Unless Leis Jing fights both sides, he can only dodge.

But if it was both defeated and injured, it was too shameful, so in the end he had to blush, his body spun into the foot of Bu Yun's kick, and then clawed off.

"Yo, are you flashing too?" Cheng Buyun hushed for a while, and this laughter was heard in Leising's ears, and he slaps his face directly.

Standing next to Romeo watching the game, his skin cramped.

The whole scene is very clear. The battle is just a joke, and Cheng Buyun is playing Jessica.

The former has a flexible body, while the latter has stiff movements wide open and close, although the attack power is strong but it can't hit people.

This is also the weakness of Reis Crystal itself. Not only in hell, but also the strong men in the entire plane of God know that it is very easy to deal with Reis Crystal.

"There is a kind of fight between you and me, hide your uncle!" Lei Sijing was so embarrassed and shouted and cursed repeatedly, which made Cheng Buyun unhappy.

The gangster in this guy is too heavy, and this character doesn't know how it was formed.

It should be a good lesson to let him know that his strength is not what it is. Cheng Buyun looked cold, taking advantage of Reis Jing's attack, he walked lightly, moved quickly to dodge, and then in Romeo's surprise Breathe out, kicking at Lei Sijing's ass.

Just listening to the sound of ‘Ao’, Lei Sijing slammed a wicked dog, slammed his limbs on the ground, then slid for tens of meters away, and stopped until he hit the wall.

There were four traces on the ground where he was sliding, as well as the drag marks from his stomach rubbing on the ground.

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