Plane Universe

Chapter 1390: Latent cultivation

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The power of Amethyst Soulstone is very powerful, yes, you are right, it is very powerful.

Among ordinary **** domain powers, power is definitely no less than the main artifact.

After all, low-level cultivators, you may not be able to use a master artifact, and this amethyst soul stone is not in this list.

It can give users the power to use all mysteries of the earth system.

The effect is like those crystal **** that Cheng Buyun encountered before.

Let those who haven't practiced a certain rule of mystery, use the treasure to display it.

Of course, even if you have the power to use the rules of the earth mystery, you ca n’t say that if you can fight a superior **** strong and ca n’t integrate the mystery of the mystery, if you want to win the gods, it is extravagant hope!

However, Amethyst Soul Mother Stone not only has such a function, it also has the power to enhance the laws of the earth system, and the enhanced power is still above an attacking high-level artifact.

It has more than doubled, and it is superimposed.

Equivalent to the addition of two more pieces of soil attack upper artifact.

For example, if the attack power of your own soil law is ten, you can multiply it by ten to reach one hundred when equipped with the upper-level attack artifact of the earth system, and then after the increase of this amethyst soul mother stone, that is more than two hundred law powers.

This is a bit scary.

No wonder after lei got this stone, the power of the black stone space was so terrifying.

What a drop!

Now he understands that after a lot of increase, the power is really terrifying.

In addition to the above two functions, Amethyst Soul Mother Stone also has more powerful power, he can enhance the user's soul defense and attack power.

The soul is the most important thing in the strong domain of the Holy Land. In fighting, the divine body is often the most difficult to destroy. After all, the strong domain of the Holy Land has divine power. As long as the divine power is not exhausted, it is a difficult thing to kill.

Unless you have the power of crushing level, the enemy will be smashed in one blow, otherwise, even if you cut off his head, as long as the gods are intact, next time, a good enemy stands in front of you.

Therefore, in battle, the strongmen of the same level basically take the main means of destroying the soul inside the enemy's deity.

Finally, the Amethyst Soul Mother Stone grants ... No, it is said that the grant is wrong, and it should be said that many special applications of the mysterious mysteries of the earth system are taught.

This is the best experience for many people who ca n’t find a way to practice the laws of the soil system.

The special application is actually the application of various soil mysteries, such as the black jail of Reis Crystal. He applied the application method taught by the amethyst soul mother stone, combined with his unique body shape spike arrangement, to create the most unique Trick.

No one can feel it, unless Lei Sijing teaches it personally, or someone like LIN Lei and Cheng Buyun who has a great sense of understanding can only hope to feel it.

And you have to feel the magical power exerted by Lei Sijing, and realize the essence of it, that is, the back spines on Lei Sijing's body.

Didn't think of this possible, even if you think of death, you can't think of it.


Receiving this piece of horror information that Amethyst Soul Mother Stone passed on to himself, Cheng Buyun lost his gaze directly, and a greed that could not be stopped rose in his heart, and he wanted to take the stone as his own.

Only when this greedy idea flashed in my mind, no real idea was formed yet, and it dissipated in the next moment.

Powerful spiritual realm cultivation will not make him a tool of greed, nor will he lose his character, and become a demon who robs things that are not his own!

"Ha!" Seeing Cheng Buyun was shocked, Lei Sijing laughed wildly, "Scared!"

"A bit."

Cheng Buyun nodded and admitted that he wasn't the one who hadn't seen the precious treasure, but this time, he was still scared.

For many people, this Bauhinia Soulstone is more valuable than the main artifact.

The main artifact can only make you stronger for a while, but the strength can make you stronger for a lifetime!

How to choose, needless to say, knows how to choose.

An amethyst soul mother stone and the main **** are put together. Those who do not have the laws of the earth system to cultivate talents are likely to choose the main artifact.

And those who have the talents of the soil system to practice talents will definitely choose the former!

In particular, the number of the former is scarce, and Reisjing, as the son of the main god, attaches so much importance to it.

The main artifact hidden in the Bauhinia Lord can be wholesale, but there is nothing to do with this Amethyst Soul Mother Stone.

It is unique to heaven and earth, and is formed by itself. It is not affected by external forces, and can only be formed by time.

Amethyst mountains, this is a treasure!

The unique environment creates the most unique treasure!

"This thing is too precious, and it makes people feel stranger than the main artifact." Cheng Buyun threw the black stone in his hand and was full of praise.

It's a pity that there are too few of these things and I can't own one. It's a pity!

Yes, Cheng Buyun's expression is quite regretful at all times. He himself is qualified to practice the soil law. With such a black stone, the attack power of the soil law can definitely rise several steps.

It is a pity that these things are useless, and the treasure does not belong to you.

Subsequently, Cheng Buyun took this amethyst soul mother stone and experimented with Reis Jing again.

The maze of despair he exhibited this time was a refreshing experience, and let Reising experience what is called despair.

Cheng Buyun, who holds the Amethyst Soul Mother Stone, casts the formed maze of despair, and the power has risen several steps, whether it is gravity or repulsion inside the maze, making the other party desperate.

Breaking a blocking wall, if the speed is not fast enough, the next moment, a new wall blocking will quickly form in front of you.

Moreover, the rigidity of the walls of these blocked roads is also several levels higher, and Leis Jingguang can't be broken by his own strength.

Every time we must use the law of destruction, and even took out a high-level destruction artifact to attack.

Take out the high-level artifact and exude the power of destruction. The violent and destructive nature of the desperate maze can no longer be confronted.

The law of destruction is too destructive.

However, this is already a loss for Leising.

You should know that Cheng Buyun's strength in the law of the earth system at this time is only the median god, and even only the fusion of the three mysteries of the law of the earth system.

The realms of strength are not equal.

Losing is justifiable!

Reis Jing is a crushing class regardless of his state and strength, so he still loses. The latter is estimated to have no face to see people.

After this experimental contest, Cheng Buyun sank into cultivation again.

A good study of the amethyst soul mother stone, studying various special application methods passed out of the amethyst soul mother stone, such research is a very good opportunity for him.

His strength is improving all the time, especially in the area of ​​attack, the speed of progress is amazing.

And Lei Sijing comes over every once in a while, he will say the last abnormal, he also scared Cheng Buyun's progress speed.

Lei Sijing is a good target that can move and rebel. The various special applications of the soil system learned by Cheng Buyun take turns stretching on him to test the effect of his practice.

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