Plane Universe

Chapter 1391: Melee skills

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Both parties can have fun.

Don't look like Cheng Buyun's training and inspection tool is very disadvantageous, in fact, Lei Sijing also learned a lot of new tricks from it.

Special applications, in fact, are suitable for all types of laws, just look at what he thinks and how to do it.

There is a good thing, every time after a short time, Lei Sijing came in.

Coming in and Cheng Buyun confirmed each other's cultivation feelings, this day made Leisijing happy and satisfied.

With the good friend Cheng Buyun, he temporarily forgot the toys that fell into the amethyst mountains.

Is playing with toys important to communicate with Cheng Buyun?

Do not make jokes.

Those toys have been tired of playing for countless years, but there is nothing fun here. Being tired of it is better than nothing.

But now with Cheng Buyun, this is very different.

In the communication with Cheng Buyun, I realized that my progress is not to accelerate the space of planes and stay alone. It is estimated that he will not leave and live here.

It is a pity that there are no two lives here to practice together.

In fact, he also thought about it. He had been wrong before, and it wouldn't do much good to occupy here alone. Just like at this moment, he felt like a fool.

If you listen to your mother early and divide it, there is no such thing as today.

You can't stay here and practice with Cheng Buyun.

It is a pity that now I want to divide the acceleration space, the difficulty is a bit big, and I don't want to wait for me, even if the Bauhinia Lord takes action, it will take a long time.

It is not easy to divide the space and portray the magic array.

And now Cheng Buyun's most lacking is growth time!

It's not long before the plane war.

It was time for him to contribute.

The messenger of the Lord God played well in the plane war, and the Lord God behind him also had face.

The strong man wants a face, and he cares a lot!

These, Lei Sijing, as the son of the Bauhinia, knows the difference more clearly.

His mother is also a face-saver.


In the space plane of the acceleration plane, Cheng Buyun was once again in a fight with Luis Jingdou. The two of them displayed each other's feelings from these times in this easy exchange battle.

"Look at me this 'space crack'!" Cheng Buyun holding the sword of the bright goddess, haha ​​laughed, the weapon drew a tricky angle, strangely flashed Leisjing lifted the weight of the block, straight Landed towards the latter's waist.

At the same time, a small gravitational space full of powerful tearing forces is also formed around the area, which gives Leising a huge defensive pressure, making him feel that his movements are slowing down.

It feels very bad.

This is a special application method of the earth system law, not your ability to explode with divine power or to be able to fight with your own law. It is unsolvable, and can only be defeated by tricks.

And Reis Jing was doing the same. He lifted the hammer and waved it over, but he didn't expect that Cheng Buyun's attack angle was too tricky, and he suddenly cast off his heavy hammer and cast. A full arc lined his waist.

‘Peng! ’

A blast, Leisi Jing resisted this move, but was still split open and fell to the side.

"Reis, you lost again." Cheng Buyun put away his weapon.

"Fuck, you bastard, always bully me like this." Lei Sijing's face was very unconvinced. In the power of the move, Cheng Buyun couldn't catch up with him, he was very clear.

However, in each battle, the latter's means are endless, and the route of each attack is so strange that he is in a hurry and always fooled.

"It's a wonderful game."

Romeo, who was watching the battle, also approached at this time. He smiled when he heard Anthony's annoyance.

He also saw a lot of problems from it. Reis Jing always opened wide and closed every time he shot, and his skills were very poor, almost no.

No, generally speaking for the strong, the fighting method is basically the same.

Skillful moves rarely occur.

Take Reis Crystal for example. Once the battle of life and death is serious, full of tyrannical destructive power, sweeping out in accordance with the law, the enemy has to make a hard connection if it is not connected.

Unless you are ridiculously fast, you can do dodge in advance when he moves.

But this is impossible.

Where the speed is, it can't be faster than the speed of the move.

Therefore, most of the powerful players are fighting wide open, pursuing a powerful attack power.

Your extraordinary ability is not enough, and it was defeated directly at the touch. Naturally, it is the reason for strength. There is nothing to say.

The stronger, the simpler the battle between the two sides.

Because many battles are basically encounter-style, far from being a powerful attack, it is impossible to give you a chance to get close.

Cheng Buyun is normally speaking, if he wants to suppress Lei Sijing, he must at least take out the realm of swordsmanship, and also must integrate the four divine powers, and then cooperate with the law to achieve it.

It is not as easy to suppress as it is now, just a series of simple melee battles to achieve the goal.

Among the strong, once the battle falls into close combat, it means that life is in danger and is likely to fall.

After all, it is not easy to escape if you want to escape.

"Leisi Jing." Cheng Buyun will reach out and pull him up, admonishing him: "I know that you have a strong body defense, but you can't always release super strong tricks from a long distance every time you fight. , Or when you were attacked by surprise? At that time, you can't say that we are fighting far away. "

"Or you might think that your mother is the Lord God, and everyone will worry about it and will not kill you, but this is not the reason for your complacency." Cheng Buyun looked at the strong young man in front of him and said plainly: "Even if the other party just hates you, ambushing you in the place you pass by, and attacking you fiercely, it will be enough for you to suffer, this face will not look good."

"I never thought that." It seemed that Cheng Buyun was a little embarrassed. Lei Sijing scratched his bare head. "But as an amethyst beast, I have a lot of power. It's very difficult to move skills. I have worked hard during this period of time, but I always find myself not satisfied. "

"Then you can ask me for advice. I'm happy to point out your growth in this area." Cheng Buyun nodded and looked confident.

In fact, he wanted to give pointers on this aspect earlier, and Lei Sijing also asked him to research on the Amethyst Soul Mother Stone to return this favor.

Of course, this can only be regarded as a little human relationship, and not many of them will study the huge human relationship on the Amethyst Soul Mother Stone.

I did n’t say it before, but when I said it at this time, I was also afraid that Reese ’s character was too arrogant and caused a crack on the friendly surface of both parties.

This is not worth the loss!

Therefore, during this time, the two of them through a series of ordinary exchange wars, let him know his shortcomings.

Now it seems that the results are very good, at least Leisijing was discovered.

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