Plane Universe

Chapter 1418: Anger

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Receiving the news from Wuhai City, the 18th League families were in trouble.

I didn't know what to do for a while.

Even their ancestor Shura-level existed, frowning deeply.

How to pass this level?

It ’s hard to stay safe!

As for running away, it is even more undesirable. Where is hell?

Unless the incognito is hidden, and the family is not developing, otherwise the escape will cause the Bauhinia Army to issue a wanted order, and even if they go to other continents, the life will not be better.

"Ancestor, what shall we do now."

"The Bauhinia Army has already set off, and time is running out. I also invite the ancestors to get down quickly."

"Fuck, what else can I do now?" The middle-aged man was very angry. He wished to tear up the group of fools, and the family gave them the management. It was managed in such a way that he made such a big leak. Being mediocre, even mediocre are better than them.

This middle-aged man has fiery red hair and two long eyebrows like a burning flame. His body is magnificent, about one meter eight or five, and the robe he wears is red. It should look like a **** avatar. body of.

The middle-aged man looked at this group of uncompromising guys, and wanted to let go no matter what he left, but his fear of Romeo made him afraid to act.

He knew very well that once he fled, it would be a luxury to want to show his head in the future.

Escape, in the future must be incognito, as a strong man, who will be willing.

If you do n’t leave, you do n’t know how Romeo is going to punish.

"But it's impossible to go to the point of mortal death." The middle-aged man shook his head secretly. It was not a big deal. It was only a slight offense to the messenger of the Lord God. He could never slaughter his family as a whole. This matter kills itself.

He is relatively clear about this.

I can only wait now!

It is impossible to escape.

In silence, the time passed slowly, less than an hour, a metal life with the power of a neutral **** quickly flew to the headquarters of the Lelydshish family, more than 130 million miles away from the thorns of Wuhai City ridge.

More than 10,000 strong men flew out of the metal life that arrived this moment, suspended above the headquarters of the Lelydshish family.

"Gulu commander." The fiery red-haired middle-aged man, with a lonely expression, flew up and bowed slightly to Guro commander Gu Luo.

"Haha, Dias, you're still smart, you didn't run away." Guro commanded the middle-aged man with a glance, and said in disappointment: "Why don't you run, it's so boring!"

Nima, the middle-aged man roared in his heart, where can I go?

"Okay, since I'm so funny, I won't say much. What the **** is going on, I don't mean." Guro commanded with a serious expression and waved, "Give you some time to gather all the elders and deacons of your family. And, there is a warning to your clan that during the blockade period, you must not leave this place one step, the offender dies, and do n’t tell me when I did n’t tell you. ”

"Okay, please invite Gu Luo to stay for a while, I will go back as soon as I go." The middle-aged man felt very heavy, but at this step, there was no possibility of his resistance.

A truly elite army outside surrounded the family headquarters. The other party had more than a dozen of seven-star demons, and more than a thousand five-star, six-star, and demon. It was the elite of the entire mad lion army. How can you resist!

Take the life of the tribe to fill it?

After a while, the entire Lelydshish family was in chaos, the family's strongmen were taken away, and the family headquarters was surrounded and guarded, and everyone was not allowed to leave one step.

The Bauhinia ’s actions can be said to be very smooth. None of the eighteen families dare to take the family ’s money to escape. The Bauhinia ’s prestige is too great, even if the Shura strong are not willing to live in secret.

After all, in their minds, this matter is not a big deal, at most they will be punished and the price will be paid.


Wuhai City, the main palace.

Cheng Buyun and Romeo quietly drink and chat, bragging.

Romeo tells his brilliant story, "I think that my grandfather was also a super genius at that time. I was a fast-cultivator, and no one could compare with me at the same age, even if it is the older generation. , And few are my opponents ... "

This guy was also a ruthless man at that time, and was extremely murderous. The ruined family was like a play, and after following the **** Bauhinia, his mind had changed a lot.

Half a day later, Baya finally returned to life.

"Adult, the emissary of Buyun, all the senior members of the eighteen families have been brought back." Baya bowed softly.


Romeo snorted, "A bunch of trash, really disappointed, bring me over."

Baya ordered to go.

"Tell me, how do you want to prepare them?" Romeo Chao Chengbuyun asked.

"I have no opinion, you just deal with it. It was originally the site under your command." Cheng Buyun shook his head, in fact, he wanted to leave long ago, but this guy Romeo was too enthusiastic, he had to keep him down to drink, let him not Open your mouth.

Romeo nodded and nodded.

In a short time, Baya brought a large group of people over, approaching more than three hundred.

Most of them are six-star demons. Seven-star demons are very few, only fifty or so. Asura levels are even fewer, only three.

"I have seen Lord Yifeng."

"I have seen the messenger."

A large group of people saluted, their expressions very humble, and they did not dare to carelessly.

"Did you know that you were wrong?" Romeo asked directly.

"We know what we are wrong, and please ask Master Yifeng and Master Messenger to raise your hand." A group of people begged for mercy.

"Shut up!" Romeo drank fiercely, his anger rose sharply, and his expression became very angry, causing a group of people to be scared to death, even the three Shura strongmen were shocked.

"Do you have such a bad thing to ask for mercy?" Romeo spouted: "Do you know, this makes me embarrassed? Damn group of bastards, give you a big treasure, but don't know how to converge. Bandit, I'm blind! "

This was serious, and a group of people even came out with cold sweat.

Some people even shook their bodies.

"Your ten patriarch's current patriarch, stand up in front of me and show me who it is, who dare to ignore the rules and hit me in the face!" Romeo's expression was cold and roared.

In the crowd, the lumps slowly walked out of the 18 trembling figures.

"It's you?" Romeo stared.

"Yifeng Lord spares his life." Eighteen people knew that they were going to end, and they all asked for mercy, and even knelt down. The three Shura dare not even help to intercede. They are all mud bodhisattvas themselves. Adults don't know how to punish them.

"Rao Ming, why didn't you think about it when you disregarded the rules?" Romeo's right hand was already raised, and then immediately swept away, a huge sword light shone from the mountain of his palm.

"Master messenger, please spare us, please spare us once, we will never dare again." Under the threat of death, these 18 people immediately shouted into Cheng Buyun.

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