Plane Universe

Chapter 1419: Severe penalty

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Did this kill someone?

The three Shura strongmen, including others, were frightened, and their hearts fainted.

"Slow!" Cheng Buyun suddenly shot, reaching out the palm of his hand and stopping the sword gas released by Romeo.


Seeing that his attack was resisted, Romeo's expression slightly condensed and turned his head, looking at Cheng Buyun with a puzzled expression, "What do you think?"

The eighteen seven-star demon strongmen who escaped from death looked at Cheng Buyun with longing and expectation, hoping that the messenger adult could really think about it and spare his life.

Cheng Buyun thought for a while and said, "It's not necessary to kill them, let them go and make a contribution!"

It's a pity to kill, these people are finally seven-star demon level, it is still a bit useful, at least when the cannon fodder is a more qualified person.

"You mean let them go to the plane war to make a contribution?" Romeo smiled. After Cheng Buyun nodded, he also nodded and recognized: "Like I thought, I originally wanted to deal with them like this, but I saw I couldn't help catching fire after them. "

Plane wars make meritorious contributions?

Eighteen people were shocked in their hearts, it was a flesh-and-blood millstone, a land of nine deaths!

However, even though it is a nine-death life, it is better than an immediate death. There is still a silver lining to go to the war in the plane.

"Where is good." Cheng Buyun nodded, engulfing the starry universe human beings, the erroneous immortal gods, the general punishment is the same, let the erroneous people go to the battlefield in the outer domain to work for the tribe, this is a very good measure.

Much better than killing wasted combat power.

"We are willing!" The eighteen patriarchs nodded again and again, as if afraid of slowing down Romeo's attention, and once again shot them to kill them.

"Since the emissaries of Buyun plead for you, so be it, you all go to the battlefield of planes and make a contribution." Romeo nodded, and then his eyes were swept to the other 18 family members. "You are the same. In the next **** and other When the God Plane started the Plane War, all went to the battlefield to perform crimes and merits. The six-star demons received at least one soldier medal, and the seven-star demons needed at least three soldier medals, and three of you ... "

Isn't it?

Are we going to the plane battlefield?

"You need to get at least three medals of domination, and you all have to deal with the matter, and you need to send the strongest **** avatar." Romeo said indifferently: "At the same time, deprive your eighteen families of the power to take care of the amethyst mist sea, and sentence your family to seven. If you become a wealth, you can't declare it, and it will be executed on the same day! "


When Romeo's punishment came out, most of the 18 family members fell to the ground and lost their souls!

Like a fool, both eyes lost their light!

"Master Yifeng, Master Buyun, please also reserve a kind of seed for our family." The sorrow strongman "Dias" of the Lili Deshixi family endured the sorrow in his heart, and he quickly calmed down and said, "Please The two of us allow our family to leave a seven-star demon to guard. In case we are all unfortunate, the family will not be torn apart. "

"Two adults, please also reserve a kindling for our family."

Although he hates Cheng Buyun's ruthlessness, he punishes his family with little fanfare. But under the eaves, they are like the piece of meat on the sticky board. There is nowhere to escape, and it is useless to hate.

Regarding the punishment conditions finally stated by Romeo, they dare not bargain. What is the identity of the former and what is their identity? Since the former spoke, there was naturally no room for bargaining. They only dared to discuss their past favors on small issues, hoping that Romeo would let their family retain a little bit of tinder in the past.

Plane warfare is a devilish grind, as they said before, in the unlikely event of all deaths in battle, I hope the family has room for relaxation.

A strong seven-star demon is enough to maintain the dignity of a senior family.

So this condition, Romeo apparently had a little hesitation on his face, but he could not immediately agree, but also need to see how to deal with Bu Yun.

If Cheng Buyun didn't agree, he would never say yes. The matter had already involved the former, and he could not ignore the former's face.

In this matter, Cheng Buyun gave him a face, and he would naturally take it.

"That's it!" Cheng Buyun finally nodded.

Murder is not overly important, and the eighteen families may also be dragged down by the following people in this matter.

But in any case, it is wrong to say it, and the punishment is inevitable, and let them have a long memory. When the family rises again in the future, you should think about what to do.

"Okay, let me get out of here, get me back to the barracks and think about the mistakes I made. Get out!" Romeo waved his hands, and he didn't want to see this group of people shaking in front of his eyes anymore.

The eighteen family members, including the three Shura strongmen, under Romeo's reprimands, respectfully thanked them, and then turned away.

This matter is over here.

The punishment of the eighteen families is proceeding in an orderly manner, and their families' wealth is checked, and whatever punishment is given, no emotion is said.

No one dared to despise the order issued by Romeo, the envoy of the Lord God, the Lord of Wuhai Prefecture!

"The matter has been resolved, and it is time for me to say goodbye." Cheng Buyun drank the last glass of wine, with an elegant smile, he gently stroked his clothes and offered his goodbye.

"What, this is about to leave?" Romeo stood up with a surprised look, and asked weirdly: "If this is not the case, wouldn't you come over to me!"

Cheng Buyun didn't want to hide, but smiled without opening.

"Okay, okay, come again next time, I will entertain you again." Romeo said with a sullen face: "This time it is indeed I am sorry for you, and it makes you encounter such uncomfortable things in my territory . "

Cheng Buyun, as the messenger of the main god, just came out of the mountain and encountered such a bad thing on his site, not to blame him for being so angry before.

"We have a long time, such opportunities will not be less in the future, then I will take a step first." Cheng Buyun did not mention the matter of the eighteen family again, so as not to smoke on Romeo's face again.

At this time, another **** avatar of Romeo flew towards here. His **** avatar exudes emerald green energy that makes people feel extremely comfortable. No need to ask, the nature of this **** avatar practice is the law of life.

"Come on, where was the Lord God before, my elder brother has no good things. Since I came here this time, please accept this gift. It's not a good thing. It's just some cultivation resources. Your relatives and friends should use it." Romeo's **** of life avatar smiled and reached out and handed over a space ring.

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